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Thread: 2 weeks to live

  1. #31
    Join Date
    8th October 2006 - 16:33
    big shiney pommy thing
    In the middle
    God bless mate
    Political Correctness........The language of cowards.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    4th October 2008 - 16:35
    Quote Originally Posted by Stylo View Post
    Thank you guys.

    She was the best mate i've ever had. What am I going to do now ?

    No idea. I never though about putting a plan B together.
    All you can do is lean on the friends and family you have. Use the clubs and interests you have to keep in touch with the people in your life. I support a mate who has lost his wife in circumstances not disimilar to yours,over a much longer period though. I just do stuff with him whenever he asks and we always meet up with another mate at weekends.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    25th October 2002 - 12:00
    Old Blue, Little blue
    Just saw this thread .. brought back memories ...
    It's shit, mate, and it'll be shit for quite a while. 11 months since my wife and best friend went, and, while I'm starting to pull it together, there are still times it all falls apart. All you can do is ride the waves wherever they take you and hold on to the memories. Apparently it gets better with time, but never goes away....
    Riding kept me hang in there and lean on family if they're there...
    “- He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.”

  4. #34
    Join Date
    24th January 2005 - 15:45
    2022 Suzuki GSX250R
    Just came back on after a long absence and saw this. My heartfelt condolences, Stylo.
    Motorbike Camping for the win!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    9th April 2015 - 16:03
    Black 2024 GSX-S 1000 GX
    So sorry to hear this.

    I've been away for a long while.

    I went through this 11 years this Dcember. Nothing to be said to help how you are feeling, but..........I discovered some things about myself over the last decade of dealing with losing my wife of 20 years to cancer also passing at 57.

    Try to find the gratitude within for the great friend and partner you shared life with. Many go through life without having that experience.

    Try to honour her life, and in your own time begin looking to your future. There never is a "plan B". It is for you to make your best judgements.

    Be kind to yourself and take no guilt onboard for being a survivor.

    Find the time to do what makes you happy; however small, every day.

    Don't fall for the trap of throwing yourself wholesale into work to fill a gap. You work to make a living, you do not live to work.

    Yes the evenings are the hardest times to bear. Find people to surround yourself with that can provide a distraction periodically, they will understand.

    Time doesn't change your feelings of hurt and loss, but it does allow perspective and hope to creep back into your outlook. Hope is the human superpower.

    Accept a virtual hug from me.


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