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Thread: Painted over old road markings.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th May 2006 - 19:35
    lower hutt

    Painted over old road markings.

    Wellington city council are continueing their march to put in cycle lanes over many many kilometers of road in the city and suburbs. That gets under many peoples foreskins, a subject maybe for a different thread but what gets under my foreskin is them painting over the old markings.
    I really thought we'd moved on from those days, aside form the adhesion problems at night and particularly in the wet many times a lot of the markings, new and old, all look the same.
    I contacted the Motorcycle Safety Action Council, they took about six weeks to reply and said to take it up with the Wellington City Council. they had no interest at all, shame about the $30 my and your rego donates to them each year.....
    How do we stop them doing stuff that is blatantly dangerous to 2 wheeled road users??
    Pretty much every where else sandblasts the old ones off, there is still an differnece in appearance in road surface colours, and some confuction as to which are new and old, but at least the traction is better than paint

  2. #2
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    You need to organise a ride with lots of expensive Harley or Ducati bikes on a rainy day (errr might problem there) so the resulting insurance claims means someone with power will be complaining.
    The same stuff does happen elsewhere you prob just see it more often in Wellington where change for sake of it happens more.
    Actually how about swallow you pride and join forces with the Lycra brigade as they always seem to get there way and it’s prob a danger for them. Even the road transport lobby got in bed with them a few years back to get a shoulder widening project on SH5 tipped over the line. NZTA didn’t care about a truck rolling over into oncoming traffic but they were not going to tolerate cyclists getting the squeeze!!!
    I think the true blame lies with all this climate change nonsense. Like grassy berms not being mowed as often (visibility and fire hazard) to save on $$ and emissions it’s a game of how much of not doing their core job can they get away with when it comes to councils.
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  3. #3
    Join Date
    28th May 2006 - 19:35
    lower hutt
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Actually how about swallow you pride and join forces with the Lycra brigade as they always seem to get there way and it’s prob a danger for them.
    no pride to be swallowed here, i clearly said two wheeled, didn't mention the existence of a power plant, cyclist is more of a trigger word than motor cyclist will ever be nowadays

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    no pride to be swallowed here, i clearly said two wheeled, didn't mention the existence of a power plant, cyclist is more of a trigger word than motor cyclist will ever be nowadays
    I'm no longer up to date with the thoughts of the Whale Oil blogger but he used to refer to cyclists as road maggots. That could be all it took for the more pscychotic among us (and there are more than there should be) to not bother too much about how close their vehicle gets to cyclists.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    It was on the good
    ship Venus, by Chri
    Just got to keep plugging away at the Council. Eventually someone will share your concern and do something about it. If they don't then I would bypass NZTA and the MoT because you will be lucky to find someone there willing to help.

    In the end a letter to the Minister of Transport, Minister of ACC if there is such a thing or your local MP demands a formal response.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    4th October 2008 - 16:35
    Yes redlections at night esp with rain can make the road markings impossible to differentiate between old and new. intersections can become an absolute maze of road markings. My foreskinn irritation is all the speed humps appearing!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    How do we stop them doing stuff that is blatantly dangerous to 2 wheeled road users??
    Possibly approach the council from the view point of a cyclist since they don't give a shit about us motorcyclists. "I might crash my bicycle in the rain on the painted over lines and little timmy trapped in the bicycle approved child seat might get his head squashed by a passing council bus".
    The council would hate to waste money due to health and safety fines that they themselves could better waste on other projects.
    Money and optics is all they care about.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    I contacted the Motorcycle Safety Action Council, they took about six weeks to reply and said to take it up with the Wellington City Council. they had no interest at all, shame about the $30 my and your rego donates to them each year.....
    MSAC is the Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council.

    They make recommendations as to how your $25 Motorcycle Safety Levy is spent.

    Those things include the Ride Forever coaching programme, MotoCAP membership, high risk motorcycle route infrastructure treatments (e.g. armco under run rails, helicopter pad on the Coromandel Loop), advertising to stop car drivers from turning across our path (Look Again)(which, admittedly, is like putting your finger in the hole in a dike), various other things.

    They don't have a mandate to engage directly with Councils. Inundate WDC with Snap Send Solve requests. It'll mean more if it comes from a range of users, rather than lots of complaints from one individual.

    You're welcome.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    Pretty much every where else sandblasts the old ones off, there is still an differnece in appearance in road surface colours, and some confuction as to which are new and old, but at least the traction is better than paint
    Can confirm that AT have painted over the old lines for the new 'bus interchange' at Mt Eden/Balmoral Rd intersection in Auckland. Given how long they've taken so far and how gold plated the rest of it is, not sure why they wouldn't do it properly.
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  10. #10
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    Hmm this looks like local interface.
    Can you take some pics and upload?
    Don't you look at my accountant.
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