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Thread: Wellington it is a glorious day to get out there

  1. #1
    Join Date
    25th March 2004 - 17:22
    RZ496/Street 765RS/GasGas/ etc etc
    Wellington. . ok the hutt
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    Wellington it is a glorious day to get out there

    Sorry in advance to those experiencing inclimactic weather.

    But Dogam! It is the perfect day to paint or trim trees or wash the car.

    Don't do any of those things. Don't even call a friend.

    Just get out there and ride while you can. You don't work all week to mow the lawn.

    I'm not quite ready to ride (tried last weekend on low risk trials bike in garden) so please go enjoy yourself. You only live once and trust me it can be over before you plan.

    Those other things can wait for a windy overcast day.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    25th March 2004 - 17:22
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    Well I washed the bike as a compromise. It wasn't dirty but wasn't clean when I put it away 3 and 1/2 months ago. I staggered it to the yard and also slung a cautious leg over.

    Then I drove the van for first time since then to get a pie from Janus bakery and sat by the river.

    Favorite 4 wheeler as taken me with race or dirt bikes to many fun events.

    Hope you guys did get out.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    3rd February 2004 - 08:11
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    Apparently the 'Tukas were thick with cops today according to son.
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
    (PostalDave on ADVrider)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    24th April 2016 - 19:07
    2001 zx9
    A Bitterly cold southerly here - so a quick scoot on the rm to check the farm then back to a nice warm workshop to machine many crankcase mouths

  5. #5
    Join Date
    25th March 2004 - 17:22
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    I actually loved riding the RM that day. Pretty gutless compared with the 300 unsurprisingly. But endearing nonetheless.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    15th January 2011 - 20:51
    1999 Yamaha R1
    It was stunning in South Waikato this morning. Rode from Rotorua to Whakamaru on SH30, then north on Waipapa Road to Kihikihi and back to Auckland.

    Sent from my SM-S906E using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
    4th November 2003 - 13:00
    BSA A10
    Rangiora, Amberley, Lewis pass to Blackball for lunch, then back through Stillwater to Jackson and back through Arthurs pass, 550 ish km, dodgy Italian electrics meant the bike stopped charging somewhere west of Porters pass but I got to within 16km of home before it died and then rang a friend 2 km from where it stopped to get picked up.

    It's my brothers ST2 which I'd just got on Friday from the shop where he was having work done so I guess it's going back there.

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    "If you can make black marks on a straight from the time you turn out of a corner until the braking point of the next turn, then you have enough power."

    Quote Originally Posted by scracha View Post
    Even BP would shy away from cleaning up a sidecar oil spill.
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    Send Lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan

  8. #8
    Join Date
    13th June 2010 - 17:47
    Out in the cold
    In the 70's if you went over the passes on a fine weekend you's almost always meet the Honda Four Club. Around 20 with 750's when they were still fairly rare.
    They'd regularly go over and back in one day using both passes.
    Bunch of mad bastards going for it in the days when traffic was a lot lighter.

    If you were recognised and going the same way as them it became very noisy - most had big loud aftermarket horns fitted.

    As well as the obligatory clubmans bars.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    25th March 2004 - 17:22
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    Just revisiting an old thread.

    Took me well over a year to ride a motorcycle again.

    Fuck im loving it.

    Jesuz, just don't waste your life. Go ride a bike. Dont do any of those must do things.

    Fucking ride. Do what you can.

    You only die once.

    Trust me on that.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    2nd March 2018 - 15:32
    1998 Yamaha R1
    Quote Originally Posted by F5 Dave View Post
    Just revisiting an old thread.

    Took me well over a year to ride a motorcycle again.

    Fuck im loving it.

    Jesuz, just don't waste your life. Go ride a bike. Dont do any of those must do things.

    Fucking ride. Do what you can.

    You only die once.

    Trust me on that.

    Sent from my SM-S906E using Tapatalk

  11. #11
    Join Date
    25th March 2004 - 17:22
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    I'm typing this, while having a Steak and Cheese pie in Greytown, most of the way through a 3-400km loop mostly in farmland or backwater roads, on a day off. It is a mercifully cool maybe 25* unlike yesterday so perfect riding conditions.

    I oiled the deck in the blazing yesterday. Time to ride. Don't do multi day projects when the weather is finally behaving.

    No photos sorry, didn't stop save for gas.

    Mauriceville, back of Ekatahuna then inland.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    2nd March 2018 - 15:32
    1998 Yamaha R1
    It's a great part of the country to ride. Three of us did a trip from Auckland to Cape Palliser during Queens Birthday a few years ago. It was a great ride, must do it again at a time of year when the days are longer. Napier to Taupo at night in winter was not fun!

    Sent from my SM-S906E using Tapatalk

  13. #13
    Join Date
    12th September 2004 - 17:40
    09 GSX1400.
    Horowhenua NZ
    Had planned to go for a fang on my fav road yesterday ! Well fuck me , I was looking after a neighbours cat and the thing attacked me !! Latched onto my right hand deep fang wounds.
    Within hours it swelled and was pissing blood.
    Emergency app with Doc on sunday ,70 bucks thanks !!

    Couldn't and still can't hold a handlebar. Oh well another day, retirement is tuff !!

    You'd never go hungry with Nigella Gaz.
    If it weren't for flashbacks...I'd have no memory at all..

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Ouch that's no fun, hope better soon.

    Still waiting for Adventure bike to come in. Got my new Costume (every hobby needs a Costume) dropped back to me after being altered to fit a human being which was 2-3 fittings and a bunch of work. Then, he didn't want to be paid, and he's retired. Same old story which we are familiar with. We sorted something out of course.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    25th March 2004 - 17:22
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    Well sorry boss but I have to be responsible and reducing the liability of excessive leave is utmost.
    And it's a glorious day.

    And the bike needs to be run in.

    Program the Beeline with interesting looking stops in Sth Wairarapa and as many gravel roads I can find. Even if they don't lead anywhere. Especially if they. . Etc...

    Boggy pond. Other side of the lakes road that I never knew access, but here it is complete with black swans. (By mirrors).

    Who knew? Well apart from the swans and I guess some farmers. Looks like would be a good place to catch Crawdaddys.
    Um. Guess that is probably Cocky for swans.
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    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

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