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Thread: Free speech.

  1. #916
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
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    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    Well that's just the problem with deleting the offending pictures when you're called out on your hypocrisy... could have been anything. Why would you need to edit your historic posts if it wasn't something you weren't now ashamed of?
    As i have said you cant edit historic posts so what you are saying is crap.
    Hint you are making shit up.

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  2. #917
    Join Date
    2nd November 2008 - 11:39
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    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    As i have said you cant edit historic posts so what you are saying is crap.
    Hint you are making shit up.
    Well the pictures were there when i first called you out on it and then they disappeared... I don't believe that you weren't involved with their removal for a fucking second. Cui Bono.

  3. #918
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    Quote Originally Posted by pete376403 View Post
    Why would people want the best from you (item 3) unless it was gain advantage for themselves? Human nature is like that. The others 1-10 are ok, 11 and 12, not so much
    11 is about not interrupting children when they are trying to attain a level of competence in an area that both requires skill and has a degree of danger in it.

    Skateboarding is something that has a risk of injury, but also has an element of Skill (Tony Hawk) - You want your children to be brave enough to face situations that have an element of Danger and have developed the necessary skillsets to be successful.

    12 is something in the vein of 'remember to sniff the roses' - namely that life is difficult and hard, and if you don't take the time to enjoy the things that are good about life, then the difficulty and hardship might overwhelm you.
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  4. #919
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    20th January 2010 - 14:41
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    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    Well the pictures were there when i first called you out on it and then they disappeared... I don't believe that you weren't involved with their removal for a fucking second. Cui Bono.
    You are talking out of a hole in your posterior
    Fact is you cant edit posts that were made years ago unless you are a mod or administrator, even if you are a mod, i am not sure if you can edit posts that old either.
    This is the fact that makes a lie of what you are saying.

    Here you go edit this post then
    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    I thought Winston was going to be first in there? Maybe they're arm wrestling for the honour?
    change it to say Donald duck says so. and add the video and add a picture then.
    Go on if you are telling the truth it will be easy if you are not simply making it up.

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  5. #920
    Join Date
    2nd November 2008 - 11:39
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    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    You are talking out of a hole in your posterior
    Fact is you cant edit posts that were made years ago unless you are a mod or administrator, even if you are a mod, i am not sure if you can edit posts that old either.
    This is the fact that makes a lie of what you are saying.
    Yeah Yeah. It's a fucking strange thread without all the shit you deleted. Completely insane.

    Call your buddy to get me banned.

  6. #921
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    Yeah Yeah. It's a fucking strange thread without all the shit you deleted. Completely insane.
    Call your buddy to get me banned.
    Go on edit the post i gave you, you have the same user rights as i do.
    I cant edit posts that are over whatever the rule is 1 week 10 days or a month, whatever the rule is, no more than you can.
    thus what you are saying is total crap.
    You seem to be flat out avoiding this fact.

    edit this post then
    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    I thought Winston was going to be first in there? Maybe they're arm wrestling for the honour?
    change it to say Donald duck says so. and add the video and add a picture as well then.
    Go on if you are telling the truth it will be easy....... if you are not simply making it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    You know your Flirty Friday thread that you removed all the incriminting pics of taut teen pussy from.... because you were so fucking proud of it presumably... I actually posted on that thread once... I said Creepy... you shòuld have listened. Thats how fucking great I am
    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    Well that's what you claim now... after you've deleted them... damn suspicious. Bordering on creepy... which brings me back to my original point.
    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    Well that's just the problem with deleting the offending pictures when you're called out on your hypocrisy... could have been anything. Why would you need to edit your historic posts if it wasn't something you weren't now ashamed of?
    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    Well the pictures were there when i first called you out on it and then they disappeared... I don't believe that you weren't involved with their removal for a fucking second. Cui Bono.

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  7. #922
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    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    Go on edit the post i gave you, you have the same user rights as i do.

    I cant edit posts that are over whatever the rule is 1 week 10 days or a month, whatever the rule is, no more than you can.
    I can edit the posts I made in 2008. Perhaps then you should not tell others what their abilities are ... judging theirs ... by your own inabilities.
    When life throws you a curve ... Lean into it ...

  8. #923
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    Quote Originally Posted by FJRider View Post
    I can edit the posts I made in 2008. Perhaps then you should not tell others what their abilities are ... judging theirs ... by your own inabilities.
    Go on then edit this post then
    Quote Originally Posted by FJRider View Post
    Fur lined is not politically correct ... go for that ...
    Change it to say, I are a lying egg

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  9. #924
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by carbonhed View Post
    Call your buddy to get me banned.
    Get in line.

  10. #925
    Join Date
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    I just had a look at my own #6 thread. i only have the option to edit posts that are from March 2019. Older posts do not have the edit option.

  11. #926
    Join Date
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    Finally, they admit that Free Speech is more scary than climate change
    The WEF, being the billionaire’s ski club — are of course, talking about the worlds greatest threat to them, not to you.

    In the WEF Global Risks Report they asked 1,490 experts and leaders and their the list of biggest risks in the next two years was misinformation and disinformation. Forget bioweapons, nuclear bombs, wars, corruption, asteroids, inflation and global boiling — the thing that keeps the favored “experts” awake at night is whether people will point out their flaws and expose the rorts* that put them at the top of the pile.

    The “Misinformation and Disinformation” line is dressed up as a concern that AI generated or false information is the problem, but note the giveaway — those in authority are most worried about public opinion shifting to distrust those in authority — as if “authority” could never be wrong.

    Blind trust is how you build nations right?

    Persistent false information (deliberate or otherwise) widely spread through media networks, shifting public opinion in a significant way towards distrust in facts and authority. Includes, but is not limited to: false, imposter, manipulated and fabricated content.

    Fake news has been around since the StoneAge, and the only way to deal with it is to correct it with better information, not with gatekeepers of truth or government rules. Free speech works because anyone caught spreading lies got a bad reputation, and everyone else was free to repeat that.

    How is it that those who control the research grants, the media licenses, and one third of the whole economy could be unable to defend themselves? Do they lack a thousand paid agents with supercomputers, guns and security passes to find out the truth? Nay, these are the poor poppets who only have whole institutions, ministries, and public broadcasters with budgets of billions to tell their side of the story. The problem is they have everything on their side except the truth.

    Their greatest fear is that you might hear the other side
    Imagine the billionaires have puppets and allies among politics and bureaucrats, and have set up a system of grift and graft where they creamed off nice profits for fixing the weather, say, while they flew on their jets and cruised on their yachts. Imagine the plumbers and truckies found out that the medicines they were forced to take were contaminated, the climate was controlled by sun, not their car, and their children were being taught to hate the country the plumbers and truckies had built.

    The WEF want to stop the workers getting angry, not by fixing the problem but by keeping the workers in the dark:
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  12. #927
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post

    Finally, they admit that Free Speech is more scary than climate change
    The WEF, being the billionaire’s ski club — are of course, talking about the worlds greatest threat to them, not to you.

    In the WEF Global Risks Report they asked 1,490 experts and leaders and their the list of biggest risks in the next two years was misinformation and disinformation. Forget bioweapons, nuclear bombs, wars, corruption, asteroids, inflation and global boiling — the thing that keeps the favored “experts” awake at night is whether people will point out their flaws and expose the rorts* that put them at the top of the pile.

    The “Misinformation and Disinformation” line is dressed up as a concern that AI generated or false information is the problem, but note the giveaway — those in authority are most worried about public opinion shifting to distrust those in authority — as if “authority” could never be wrong.

    Blind trust is how you build nations right?

    Persistent false information (deliberate or otherwise) widely spread through media networks, shifting public opinion in a significant way towards distrust in facts and authority. Includes, but is not limited to: false, imposter, manipulated and fabricated content.

    Fake news has been around since the StoneAge, and the only way to deal with it is to correct it with better information, not with gatekeepers of truth or government rules. Free speech works because anyone caught spreading lies got a bad reputation, and everyone else was free to repeat that.

    How is it that those who control the research grants, the media licenses, and one third of the whole economy could be unable to defend themselves? Do they lack a thousand paid agents with supercomputers, guns and security passes to find out the truth? Nay, these are the poor poppets who only have whole institutions, ministries, and public broadcasters with budgets of billions to tell their side of the story. The problem is they have everything on their side except the truth.

    Their greatest fear is that you might hear the other side
    Imagine the billionaires have puppets and allies among politics and bureaucrats, and have set up a system of grift and graft where they creamed off nice profits for fixing the weather, say, while they flew on their jets and cruised on their yachts. Imagine the plumbers and truckies found out that the medicines they were forced to take were contaminated, the climate was controlled by sun, not their car, and their children were being taught to hate the country the plumbers and truckies had built.

    The WEF want to stop the workers getting angry, not by fixing the problem but by keeping the workers in the dark:
    2/15 troll...

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  13. #928
    Join Date
    14th June 2007 - 22:39
    Obsolete ones.
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    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    2/15 troll...
    If you only inhabit a bit of the internet which consistently feeds a narrative, not facts, and consequently you have faith in the conjecture which you then share, much like JW's, are you still a troll, or guided by a (supposed) greater good?

    A bit of original, considered and realistic thought would be refreshing to see.

  14. #929
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
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    Quote Originally Posted by george formby View Post
    If you only inhabit a bit of the internet which consistently feeds a narrative, not facts, and consequently you have faith in the conjecture which you then share, much like JW's, are you still a troll, or guided by a (supposed) greater good?

    A bit of original, considered and realistic thought would be refreshing to see.
    i am not sure i get your point ,but considering the post i replied to what about the danger of misinformation being spread. it was rather surprising to see it was posted by one of the most prolific posters of misinformation on this forum. I suggest he knows he's posting misinformation as quite frankly its not possible to be as stupid to believe what he posts.
    A relgious nutter is esentusally the same as a conspiracy theorist to me

    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    The media are tripping over themselves trying to solve the mystery of why Africans aren't dying from covid as badly as the west.
    Africans routinely take a cheap safe anti malaria drug invented in n 1960's called hydroxychloroquine....
    Scooby Doo would solve that puzzle faster
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Your odds of dying from Covid in NZ is about the same as winning Powerball....
    People dream of winning powerball, actively visit known powerball superspreader hot zones twice a week in hope of winning...

    Meanwhile about 6 times as many people die in drink drive car crashes.
    We even have mass random surveillance testing for that too, typically about 1.5-2% are ‘ infected’ with the influence of alcohol.....
    Would we tolerate say a 24hr lockdown every time you bought a beer at bar?
    Or after your night at the bar you don’t leave through the front door, a govt agent escorts you to a ‘quarantine ‘ facility which you can’t leave for 24 hrs.
    Just imagine that, we would ABSOLUTELY save 150 lives a year
    The govt will NEVER do that so why all this crap with the virus where the potential victim has a 93% chance of not even needing hospital treatment...
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    An interesting angle on why the west is so reluctant to properly step up to the mark with real assistance, articulated on another website....

    Apparentky with Russia’s new superior air defence weapons they are petrified of their flagship f35 “ stealth” fighters being shot down among other technical issues.
    It seems a lot of the modern gear mightn’t do what’s says on the sides of the pretty packaging box.....
    This kind of meshes well with words of the Tornado pilot whose book I mentioned elsewhere. When they went to gulf war they knew Saddam had heaps of half decent gear but whete horrified at just how much of a fight the air defence systems put up...,

    Also it’s kinda ironic that modern nations are in effect virtue signalling by listing the specific amounts of what they are sending. Do politicians realise it’s a war and not just a Facebook status update for nation
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Well well well, our journey into communist hell continues.

    There has only been 1650 alleged cases (out of 700,000 tests!!!!) of the virus, but what has spread faster has been submission to communist control.
    Nearly 2 million have downloaded the Covid app so you can be sent to a govt “ health” camp to catch the virus if you didnt already have it.

    But yay 3 million kiwis have said no to turning their phone into govt spy device.

    Tommorow is D-day, public transport will be the barometer of how many of us have rolled belly up to mask wearing.
    Hopefully most will say screw this shit and drive their cars to work.

    You don’t have to wear a mask if it affects your physical or mental health and you do NOT need to present documents to prove this.

    Out and about it’s refreshing to see nearly No one scanning the qr code thingy.

    It’s quite clear now as the mountain of contradictions grow that it’s not about stopping the “virus”..

    Masks are for destroying social interaction and communication with strangers. You know those moments in life when some shitbag is bashing his missus and enough of you make visual contact to know you’ve got each other back and intervene.
    But with masks there will never be any Flight 93 “lets roll” moments of bravery, you’ll never know if your fellow citizen is a Karen or Stasi as you reluctantly board the blacked out train carriage...
    A cop will never see your friendly smile, never know you like them and not let you off that minor stop sign indescretion...
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    There’s two ways this pans out... the virus magically mostly disappears and we return to some form of normal rampant consumerism after being tattooed/implanted with bill gates digital ID2020 social/vaccine passport


    Or this virus turns out to be as nasty as they say it is. Then we have at least three years living under full blown communism to control spread til it naturally mutates itself out of existence as all virus strains do. This will be a major worldwide depression and everyone will be off to workcamps in exchange for food as all western economies will be crippled by the early welfare dolled out to “keep the economy going”

    One thing Is for sure either way, given the chance of a crisis govt will pass new laws and taxes to “save us”.... next election will be very interesting
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    The Covid tracer app stops the spread of the virus just as effectively as mandatory carrying of drivers licence stops unlicensed drivers from driving cars.

    It’s kinda pointless though really, Jacinda has just demonstrated how willing the govt is to plunge the country into draconian lockdowns again for a few cases...
    Now if EVERYONE in the current outbreak had scanned the SAME amount of people would be infected, the virus doesn’t care if your Bluetooth is on or not.
    The resulting lockdown would prob be worse as with two deg of separation in modern society it would prob show even more people at risk of infection spreading...

    But I guess we’ll all find that out soon enough when they decree it mandatory to scan everywhere
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Too many scientists are coming out now and saying this virus is not natural. Its a bio warfare weapon and probably a race specific one too.
    China was set to become the worlds new super power by 2050 as per there goal, an economic and military powerhouse that wouldnt be threatened by sanctions anymore.
    USA knows they cant win a hot war so resorted to this. But they stuffed up by outsourcing the final component to a chinese lab to provide plausible deniability if they got caught. They got bit in the arse by poor chinese quality control and ended up witha weak version of what they wanted.
    It was released at the world military games in wuhan just like a similar story on tom clancy novel about "terrorists". One of their own bought it home accidently and caused a mini outbreak in USA which was the vaping deaths which didnt stay in news long....
    The Chinese are smart and know they getting done over so they playing 4D chess and milking it to murder political dissidents and havea good sweep out of their society. They know by playing it up they could cripple us economically with lockdowns as they knew our leaders would panic.
    Thats why Trump was so quick in closing borders because he knew what was at play.
    The virus is a minor nuisance though, its a acheived their goal though, a world wide communist police state lockdown that they never got with 911 as that wasnt scary enough for the masses to give away freedom.
    As per usual with an "unprecedented " event they held an exercise simulating the same months earlier called Event 201...
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    But he did visit the Wuhan lab several years ago with Obama and gave them 1.5$M of taxpayer money....Too many scientists are coming out now and saying this virus is not natural. Its a bio warfare weapon and probably a race specific one too.
    China was set to become the worlds new super power by 2050 as per there goal, an economic and military powerhouse that wouldnt be threatened by sanctions anymore.
    USA knows they cant win a hot war so resorted to this. But they stuffed up by outsourcing the final component to a chinese lab to provide plausible deniability if they got caught. They got bit in the arse by poor chinese quality control and ended up witha weak version of what they wanted.
    It was released at the world military games in wuhan just like a similar story on tom clancy novel about "terrorists". One of their own bought it home accidently and caused a mini outbreak in USA which was the vaping deaths which didnt stay in news long....
    The Chinese are smart and know they getting done over so they playing 4D chess and milking it to murder political dissidents and havea good sweep out of their society. They know by playing it up they could cripple us economically with lockdowns as they knew our leaders would panic.
    Thats why Trump was so quick in closing borders because he knew what was at play.
    The virus is a minor nuisance though, its a acheived their goal though, a world wide communist police state lockdown that they never got with 911 as that wasnt scary enough for the masses to give away freedom.
    As per usual with an "unprecedented " event they held an exercise simulating the same months earlier called Event 201...

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

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