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Thread: Video games, speed and the clash of thinking styles

  1. #31
    Join Date
    9th March 2012 - 08:46
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoon View Post
    Yes thats what the gaming marketing types would have you believe but the reality is that those soldiers/pilots/racers that do play these games are no better off than those that don't. They might know a little more on Day zero but this advantage is quickly lost. As a gamer with no experience of the real life role you'd probably disagree but as a gamer, racer and soldier I can clearly state that I have seen no evidence that those that do excel in these professions have any strong links to gaming, nor do they attribute any of their success to prior gaming experience.

    Don't get me wrong - I love gaming but believing that it provides any relevant real world skills is pure fantasy. One exception is MS Flight Sim - like all others that have played it I reckon I could land a Passenger jet if needed but then again a trained pilot would probably disagree with me as well.
    As I said in the part of my post you didn't quote, video games are no substitute for real world experience.

    But they do have some value, I would have a far higher chance of landing a plane now than I would have before playing MS Flight Sim just knowing what a VSI is or how flaps effect a plane among other things the game taught me, I wouldn't want to do it but there is some value in it.

    Sony did a bit of an experiment with Gran Turismo, they ran a competition to find the best drivers on the game and dropped them in a real life race with no prior real world experience, and they were able to be competitive. Also the game is so accurate if you get an actual driver to set a time on a track and do the same in the game the times match up very closely, they seem to be very slightly faster on the game but that can be accounted for by the lack of consequences when you crash.

    Edit: google Lucas Ordoñez. Now a professional race driver after winning a spot in the all gamer car at Dubai 24hrs (which scored a podium finish)

    Of course not all games have any real world value at all (in fact very few), like the call of duty series that is so popular, I doubt there is anything at all to be learned there. But there can be something learned by a lot of simulator type games, try playing Lock On: Modern Air Combat you need an actual flight manual for each plane to get anywhere in a combat situation (great fun getting fucked up in an A10 and seeing if you can make it back to base they can take a shit load of damage and keep flying)

  2. #32
    Join Date
    24th September 2008 - 01:32
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    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post
    What is the difference between video gaming, watching TV, and faffing about on the intertubes?
    the difference between those three isnt much, but probably this:
    Quote Originally Posted by HenryDorsetCase View Post
    level of interaction. TV is passive, so are the interwebs (except when fapping) and games require your active participation.
    a better question though, is the difference between those three things, and self-made entertainment.
    Im bot yet 30, so I'm not quite a geriatric old fart just yet, but my youth was spent learning martial arts, and playing soccer - that took up four nights of the week.

    whe I wasnt doing that, I was outside fucking around with dads toolbox, pulling BMX bikes apart and spray painting them a different colour and changing the cranks and the wheels and replacing bearings and shit, before going out to find the biggest shit I could find to jump. a favourite was a big, steep section of stop-bank not far from home.

    When not doing that, It was building a tree house (with some supervision) which was constantly getting improvements.
    I didnt play call of duty, we ran around with toy guns pretending to shoot each other, and getting into fist fights when the "I shot you you're dead" "you you missed, BANG youre dead" arguments started up.

    I remember my brother and I used to do action replays of WWF wrestling on the trampoline, untill he suplexed me headfirst into what was a 3cm hol, which became a 2 foot hole and ended up with me headfirst into the dirt from quite a height . . .
    another favourite was puttig the trampoline between the double garage and the house, climbing onto the garage roof, and jumping from garage to tramp to house roof.
    Mum wasnt so keen on that one for some reason.

    On a shitty day we had lego, or meccano, or those plastic models of cool muscle cars and shit we would make. when that got boring we found something that looked potentially dismantle-able, pinched things from dads toolbox and attempted to dissasemble, learn, and reassemble an item.
    Most items didnt work anymore after that, but we learnt heaps.

    My little brother-in-law is 12. all he does is fuck around on game consoles, and I think, fuck your life sucks kid.

    I earned a black belt growing up, and have scars on my knee from Tee Ball, and cuts to my hands from getting into mischeif I shouldnt have. I learned practical skills at a young age, but he would have no idea what to do if I gave him a cassete tape and a pencil and asked hi what he would do with both of those things.

    And I wonder, how the fuck will this kid ever talk his way into some bird's panties when he hasnt learbed to interact with other people and find ways to entertain himself and his mates?
    He'd be boring as fuck to hang around.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    9th March 2012 - 08:46
    Even though I seem to be the biggest advocate for games in this thread, Id like to point out that I also did every thing in tigertims post above (except karate, Mum wouldn't allow it, I got in enough fights as it was)

    Anything is bad if it consumes your whole life, there were kids at soccer and Cricket who I wouldn't associate with outside practice and games because the sport consumed their whole life and they were boring.

    To be honest any decent day was mostly spent at the BMX track across the road from where I lived or out doing stupid shit in the paddocks out the back. And I was also the type to pull everything apart, I had my own tools when I was a kid, I would ask for tools for my birthday (Dad wasn't around growing up), I even remember taking apart my Sega and my Playstation.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    I grew up without a tellything and without any video game things. Never really got stuck in to them either
    I'd much rather read something interesting (knowledge is powah) or work on a project (when I was younger it was model cars/bikes, now they're just POS bikes/cars). And I never seem to find the spare time to sit down and play bip bips and bang bangs on the expensive gaming consoles I will never bother buying when I could buy bike parts.
    I spent a lot of time racing/riding push bikes, running and training up 'till my late teens too, did me a lot more good than a TV and video games (IMHO), exercise keeps the mind and body healthy. A healthy body and mind is good for all the bike crashes

    I've gone and talked about bikes on this non motorbicycle site, I am sorry.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul in NZ View Post
    Ha...Thats true but life is full horrible choices sometimes Merv. Then sometimes just plain stuff happens... and then some more stuff happens.....

    Alloy, stainless and Ti polishing.
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  5. #35
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    9th March 2012 - 08:46
    Quote Originally Posted by ducatilover View Post
    I grew up without a tellything and without any video game things. Never really got stuck in to them either
    I'd much rather read something interesting (knowledge is powah) or work on a project (when I was younger it was model cars/bikes, now they're just POS bikes/cars). And I never seem to find the spare time to sit down and play bip bips and bang bangs on the expensive gaming consoles I will never bother buying when I could buy bike parts.
    I spent a lot of time racing/riding push bikes, running and training up 'till my late teens too, did me a lot more good than a TV and video games (IMHO), exercise keeps the mind and body healthy. A healthy body and mind is good for all the bike crashes

    I've gone and talked about bikes on this non motorbicycle site, I am sorry.
    Funny, I have a friend who used to say all that, then my cousin talked him into getting wasted and playing call of duty, he bought a x box the next day.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mushu View Post
    Funny, I have a friend who used to say all that, then my cousin talked him into getting wasted and playing call of duty, he bought a x box the next day.
    I'm no good at those shooter game things, my eyes aren't too fab andf I'm not interested in pretending to do something for America and kill some big bad people to satisfy my animilistic urges and/or reinforce that I'm not inferioir . And having faffed around with vid games on occasion and pot, I still prefer stimuli from the real world, like motorcycles (fuck I know, mentioning them again on KB!) and excercise. And, well attempting to cram my head with info.

    I'd much rather spend my time researching and buiding my shit heap bikes than being away in a virtual reality, but that's just me. Scissorhands likes to massage his colon, that sounds pretty choice too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul in NZ View Post
    Ha...Thats true but life is full horrible choices sometimes Merv. Then sometimes just plain stuff happens... and then some more stuff happens.....

    Alloy, stainless and Ti polishing.
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  7. #37
    Join Date
    9th March 2012 - 08:46
    Quote Originally Posted by ducatilover View Post
    I'm no good at those shooter game things, my eyes aren't too fab andf I'm not interested in pretending to do something for America and kill some big bad people to satisfy my animilistic urges and/or reinforce that I'm not inferioir . And having faffed around with vid games on occasion and pot, I still prefer stimuli from the real world, like motorcycles (fuck I know, mentioning them again on KB!) and excercise. And, well attempting to cram my head with info.

    I'd much rather spend my time researching and buiding my shit heap bikes than being away in a virtual reality, but that's just me. Scissorhands likes to massage his colon, that sounds pretty choice too.
    I understand, I'm not a fan of shooter games either I prefer my games to either be simulators (seems to me the only way I'll ever get to drive a lot of cars that I wish I could own or fly a F18 or whatever, pity there's no decent bike games) or to be a story of some kind like RPGs or the metal gear games and things like that.

    Surely it's no worse a use of my time than posting all manner of crap here and other forums.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by gnjackal View Post
    Here’s the clash, some brains love it and others don’t. For a brain that likes to digest and process information slowly, speed is clutter which they can’t process properly.
    The chips can come out quite fast at Maccas sometimes. There will always be a job for the PS generation.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    The chips can come out quite fast at Maccas sometimes. There will always be a job for the PS generation.
    but whos going to buy that shit?

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mushu View Post
    pity there's no decent bike games)
    You never played Tourist Trophy on the PS2 then??? Not hugely successful but that's probably down to the fact it was made by the Gran Turismo team & non-bikers had trouble controlling the bikes. It was pretty bloody good as far as virtual rides go

    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    The chips can come out quite fast at Maccas sometimes. There will always be a job for the PS generation.
    Yea & the big boys of this corporate Gen like Google like to hire the PS gen too
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  11. #41
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    9th March 2012 - 08:46
    Quote Originally Posted by Scuba_Steve View Post
    You never played Tourist Trophy on the PS2 then??? Not hugely successful but that's probably down to the fact it was made by the Gran Turismo team & non-bikers had trouble controlling the bikes. It was pretty bloody good as far as virtual rides go
    I remember Tourist Trophy, and thoroughly enjoyed it but compared to GT4 it was tiny, and lacked a lot of what they could have done, I actually hired it out again about 6 months ago and had pretty much won everything in 2 days so I put my PS2 away and went back to GT5, although I would be happy if they made a GT5 or GT6 version, I'd buy it straight away.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mushu View Post
    I remember Tourist Trophy, and thoroughly enjoyed it but compared to GT4 it was tiny, and lacked a lot of what they could have done, I actually hired it out again about 6 months ago and had pretty much won everything in 2 days so I put my PS2 away and went back to GT5, although I would be happy if they made a GT5 or GT6 version, I'd buy it straight away.
    Yea my understanding is it was released as a fishing exercise to gauge interest in bikes.
    Would have been nice if polyphony digital obtained the MotoGP rights especially given how bad that game is
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  13. #43
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    9th March 2012 - 08:46
    Quote Originally Posted by Scuba_Steve View Post
    Yea my understanding is it was released as a fishing exercise to gauge interest in bikes.
    Would have been nice if polyphony digital obtained the MotoGP rights especially given how bad that game is
    I'd be happy if they just bought out a Tourist Trophy that incorporated everything from a Gran Turismo or added bikes to the main GT series, they don't seem interested in making other games, I can only remember one other game they ever released, Omega Boost and that was back in the PS1 days but it was pretty good though.

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigertim20 View Post
    the difference between those three isnt much, but probably this:

    a better question though, is the difference between those three things, and self-made entertainment.
    Im bot yet 30, so I'm not quite a geriatric old fart just yet, but my youth was spent learning martial arts, and playing soccer - that took up four nights of the week.

    whe I wasnt doing that, I was outside fucking around with dads toolbox, pulling BMX bikes apart and spray painting them a different colour and changing the cranks and the wheels and replacing bearings and shit, before going out to find the biggest shit I could find to jump. a favourite was a big, steep section of stop-bank not far from home.

    When not doing that, It was building a tree house (with some supervision) which was constantly getting improvements.
    I didnt play call of duty, we ran around with toy guns pretending to shoot each other, and getting into fist fights when the "I shot you you're dead" "you you missed, BANG youre dead" arguments started up.

    I remember my brother and I used to do action replays of WWF wrestling on the trampoline, untill he suplexed me headfirst into what was a 3cm hol, which became a 2 foot hole and ended up with me headfirst into the dirt from quite a height . . .
    another favourite was puttig the trampoline between the double garage and the house, climbing onto the garage roof, and jumping from garage to tramp to house roof.
    Mum wasnt so keen on that one for some reason.

    On a shitty day we had lego, or meccano, or those plastic models of cool muscle cars and shit we would make. when that got boring we found something that looked potentially dismantle-able, pinched things from dads toolbox and attempted to dissasemble, learn, and reassemble an item.
    Most items didnt work anymore after that, but we learnt heaps.

    My little brother-in-law is 12. all he does is fuck around on game consoles, and I think, fuck your life sucks kid.

    I earned a black belt growing up, and have scars on my knee from Tee Ball, and cuts to my hands from getting into mischeif I shouldnt have. I learned practical skills at a young age, but he would have no idea what to do if I gave him a cassete tape and a pencil and asked hi what he would do with both of those things.

    And I wonder, how the fuck will this kid ever talk his way into some bird's panties when he hasnt learbed to interact with other people and find ways to entertain himself and his mates?
    He'd be boring as fuck to hang around.
    Well, yeh, everything in moderation. My point was games seem to get a bad rep while the other stuff (which is arguably worse anyway) is considered the norm. Games are actually fairly social these days too, with most MMOs having in built voice comms, and many players using third party VOIP programs as well.
    "A shark on whiskey is mighty risky, but a shark on beer is a beer engineer" - Tad Ghostal

  15. #45
    Join Date
    2nd December 2009 - 13:51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mushu View Post
    I'd be happy if they just bought out a Tourist Trophy that incorporated everything from a Gran Turismo or added bikes to the main GT series, they don't seem interested in making other games, I can only remember one other game they ever released, Omega Boost and that was back in the PS1 days but it was pretty good though.
    They also did Motor Toon Grand Prix on PS1 but they were still SCEJ at that stage, there was once plans to add the bikes to GT, maybee it just hasn't happened yet due to the excessive time it took to get GT5 out the door? They haven't ruled out a sequel or possibility of adding bikes to the GT universe
    Polyphonic Digital are after all game devs, gamers & auto lovers.
    Science Is But An Organized System Of Ignorance
    "Pornography: The thing with billions of views that nobody watches" - WhiteManBehindADesk

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