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Thread: Waving,Worked it out,Maybe!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th September 2003 - 12:00
    ZR750 Kawasaki

    Waving,Worked it out,Maybe!

    Boxing day,Time for a ride.
    Think I might pop out an vist Lee & Gail out west Auckland way,Hate the motoway but time to bite the bullet an do it.Waiuku to Hobsonville,not qaultiy
    Kms but we do these things Aye!.Heading out of Waiuku an a Triumph Thunder bird coming the other way,Give him a wave,Nothing,Give him the finger...Oh yeah he saw that.The double take almost had him in the ditch,he,he,he.Bikes running like a clock,Pipes crackling away,Sun shineing,Carving up the cages all the way to the motoway,Bliss just bike an me
    Up the southern,Traffic like rush hour,Humming along an see a head light coming up behind,Move over to give em, room but he tucks in,Cool.
    Looks like an R1-R6,He won,t stay long.Sure enough five minites an he drifts to the next lane an pulls away,Quick look an a big wave,wave back.Happy guy
    Very nice bike.New market fly over an catch guy on new Triumph America.Give him the nod,He stares straight ahead don,t talk to jappers,Brand
    new bike,brand new Jacket, boots,helmet,Brand new middle age crisis.
    Come round bend before the westy turn off,Nissan Maxima doing 60Km,Flick around em, an watch Mr Triumph just about run up his bum,Yep got that right.Half way up the western an spot Mr plod,Aggggh Shet,Drop throttle check speed Only doing 100Km anyway,Guilty or what!.Oh well get to mates place,Yarn Yarn Yarn Beer Yarn.Off home more motoway :disapint: .
    Get passed by FJ1100-1200,Give him a wave nothing,Don,t talk to commoners huh,All the best gear with girl in cotton blouse an open face,Say no more.Pass old XJ650 wave,nothing again.
    Off the motoway at last,Carving up the cages again,Flash bike coming the other way FAST,Get the big wave,wave back.
    So there ya, go Iv,e worked this wave thing out.
    The verdict,Buggered if I know.
    Happy travels folks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    25th October 2002 - 17:30
    Hmmm, I've got to say its been six years since I've been back on a 'proper' bike, so I kind of forgot about the old wave issue. But since I've been back on bikes, god damn if no-one other than sportbike riders will wave. I laugh at all the mid-age crisis wanna-bes trying to reclaim their lost youth, or whatever their excuse/reason is.

    It seems to me that if you're on a sportsbike, you're considered lower on the food chain than if you are on a Triumph (what an ironic name), Hardly Workingson, or for that matter, any Italian bike. Doesn't bother me though, after my accident I've learnt to laugh at the small stuff, and its ALL small stuff.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    29th September 2003 - 12:00
    ZR750 Kawasaki
    LOL, Yeah got to agree about Triumph,How they could put the name Bonniville
    on that wanabe a harley thing is beyond me
    I was out of the NZ bike scene for about seven years while over sea,s.
    A heck of a lot has changed in that short time,Like where have all the bikes gone? There are nowhere near the amount of young people on bikes anymore,Thanks to Jap import cars I guess.
    A few of my old riding mates here have given it up due to The more rigid and expensive laws. It seems once they could finaly afford a flash Italian bike they couldn,t afford the speeding tickets
    Iv,e noticed a lot of the bikers today are very isolated from one another,IE sport bike riders,cruisers,Italian riders, and of course a lot of Harley and BMW riders have always been prats.The born again dudes are always eazy to spot,Ya only have to watch em, in traffic for five minites to pick em,But at lest their out there and thats what counts I suppose.
    As for me,,Never met a bike I didn,t like.
    Big sport bikes interest me but I sure don,t ever want one.
    That would be a dead Rat fer, sure .How many HP did you say
    Anyway I never thought of a bike as a status symbol.
    Thats kind,a strange really

  4. #4
    Yep,that's my take on it too - a ramdom event that requires a random response.It actualy seems to more of a sports bike riders thing,and waving to dirt bikes is not done either.A few weeks ago I took my XT400 up the Awhitu peninsular,the same day some riders from this site went up,I think I saw them coming back,times and number of bikes matched....only one gave a halfarsed flutter of the hand,the rest didn't even blink.I posted a few pics of my ride (I went to both heads of the harbour that day) but no one said - hey,was that you?

    Oh,in case this might offend someone,let me make it clear....I don't care!
    In and out of jobs, running free
    Waging war with society

  5. #5
    Join Date
    25th June 2003 - 20:28
    2001 Yamaha FZ1 2009 Yamaha FZ1-N
    Raumati Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by Motu
    Oh,in case this might offend someone,let me make it clear....I don't care!

    Received this in an email yesterday

    ...Why is it that anyone thinks they're entitled to go through life without ever being offended? (c) by Randy Cassingham

    Sort of makes you think.

    I have a different conclusion from reading JackRats story. First wave, if no reponse, then the finger, that way I will know if they saw me and won't feel :disapint:


  6. #6
    Join Date
    22nd August 2003 - 22:33
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    what's wrong with italian bikes? i always wave - even to hardleys, or when i'm hanging off the side going up or down the kaimais

  7. #7
    Join Date
    29th September 2003 - 12:00
    ZR750 Kawasaki
    Quote Originally Posted by marty
    what's wrong with italian bikes? i always wave - even to hardleys, or when i'm hanging off the side going up or down the kaimais
    Nothing wrong with em,what makes ya, think that?
    I know most folks are friendly enough an would wave,give a nod or what ever,
    These are just some more of my odd reflections on life.
    It does strike me that folks are bit to concerned about just which group they belong to but
    If you think it,s hard to wave when riding your bike hard,try it on an old XS Mate ya, need both hands.
    BTW,The best response I ever got to a casual wave was when I owned my first HD,I had just left home for work when a girl on a scooter came up the hill outside my place,I gave her a wave as she went past an the smile I got in return set the tone of the whole day.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by mangell6

    Received this in an email yesterday

    ...Why is it that anyone thinks they're entitled to go through life without ever being offended? (c) by Randy Cassingham

    Sort of makes you think.

    I have a different conclusion from reading JackRats story. First wave, if no reponse, then the finger, that way I will know if they saw me and won't feel :disapint:

    I think you got me wrong there mate - I'm not saying I don't care if I offend anyone...just I don't care one way or the other about they shouldn't be upset if I didn't wave to them - or them to me.

    It's a non...but all the same,very interesting issue to me
    In and out of jobs, running free
    Waging war with society

  9. #9
    Join Date
    25th June 2003 - 20:28
    2001 Yamaha FZ1 2009 Yamaha FZ1-N
    Raumati Beach

    so they shouldn't be upset if I didn't wave to them

    I understood what you meant, but so many people do take offense when none was intended.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    29th September 2003 - 12:00
    ZR750 Kawasaki
    Quote Originally Posted by mangell6

    so they shouldn't be upset if I didn't wave to them

    I understood what you meant, but so many people do take offense when none was intended.

    Yep some blokes now days are starting to act like women
    Time I shut the Ferk up huh

  11. #11
    Join Date
    25th October 2002 - 12:00
    Old Blue, Little blue
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackrat
    Yep some blokes now days are starting to act like women
    Hey, I resemble that remark!
    “- He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.”

  12. #12
    Join Date
    5th December 2002 - 13:00
    Went for a ride to Bethells today at 17.30, the actual ride was great as there were practicaly no cars on the road. On the way back met a girl on a naked/retro bike who had a small kid sitting just in front of her, gave her a nod, nothing in return, next there was a green TL S, gave that guy a nod too, nothing in return, and, finally in Titirangi Village saw another guy riding an old retro bike, wearing an open face helmet and sunglasses, nodded to him, in reply he just stared at me .
    Cras ingens iterabimus aequor.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    21st October 2002 - 11:00
    Blog Entries
    The problem with sportbikes waving to each other as they pass going in opposite directions is that by the time you’ve realised you have been waved at, the dudes already passed you.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    29th September 2003 - 12:00
    ZR750 Kawasaki
    Quote Originally Posted by angle
    Went for a ride to Bethells today at 17.30, the actual ride was great as there were practicaly no cars on the road. On the way back met a girl on a naked/retro bike who had a small kid sitting just in front of her, gave her a nod, nothing in return, next there was a green TL S, gave that guy a nod too, nothing in return, and, finally in Titirangi Village saw another guy riding an old retro bike, wearing an open face helmet and sunglasses, nodded to him, in reply he just stared at me .
    Hey I know the guy on the Retro,He,s so buzy being pissed off he bought the thing he has no time for waving.
    Aye Keith..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    25th June 2003 - 20:28
    2001 Yamaha FZ1 2009 Yamaha FZ1-N
    Raumati Beach
    If at first they don't wave, use the finger!

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