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Thread: Yamaha NXC125 20,000km

  1. #151
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    It's gone really quiet in Scooter land.

    Thankfully my scooter is doing it's bit to wake up the neighbourhood. I got a new belt which is slightly overlength. It sits very slightly out of the rear pully at rest and i suppose when I get round to thrashing it the belt will sit just out of the front pulley as well. I had to skim just a little bit off the inside of the case to provide a bit of clearance for the belt. I have been for a ride since doing it and then inspected it afterwards and there were no marks from the belt so it seems good. Supposedly, the belt being overlength is to give it a bit more top speed. I don't need it as I already have "up-gears" with the scooter geared for about 170k at 10,500rpm. It doesn't seem to be hurting anything. I've already ended up doing a wheelie away from lights without even intending to.

    It's a perfect day in Auckland for a ride so I shot out to get lunch and went the long way home. Now I'm procrastinating instead of getting back to sanding and painting windowsills

  2. #152
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    The scooter ticked over 45,000K yesterday. It was time for an oil change and I checked the valve clearances as well. All the valves are a little bit loose, probably about .001". Given the difficulty of adjusting them I haven't bothered. With the old engine I could get a spanner onto the tappet locknuts but this engine is even taller and there isn't quite room to get a spanner on without the frame getting in the way. Getting the engine free is a bit of a mission with the radiator under the seat and a few other things. The transmission is working sweet so I haven't bothered to look at it. It's still doing wheelies away from the lights. Some guy on a flash adventure bike joined me at the front of the queue. He got left behind initially but zoomed past when I backed off at about 80k. Next lights we were off side by side with the front wheel about 50mm off the ground. I backed off at about 80K like previously but he carried on quite a bit faster. Good fun.

    The weather in Auckland lately has been ideal scootering weather. I took it up Old North Road heading to Helensville in the weekend. So friggin glad I wasn't in a car. There was long slow queues at the roundabout by Soljans Winery which I just slid past and then weaved my way around the cars blocking the roundabout. Apart from the cars, not a bad ride. They've cleared a lot of the forest up the road. If you want to see an example of the "slash" that has been wrecking bridges head on up Old North Road.

  3. #153
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    Had a good ride down and around Point Chev then back down the NW m'way. Gave it a good handfull before turning off at Te Atatu and got a couple of good bangs from inside the pipe. That's not common but also not uncommon. Waiting at the lights and I could hear a ticking noise which was still evident at home. My suspicion was that in my effort to get a spanner on a tappet locknut I might have loosened one off which finally came loose. I pulled the intake rocker cover off and managed to alter the clearance using a different spanner than before. Once finished I was cleaning prior to refitting the tappet cover and found the sparkplug cap had come loose. The ticking I could hear was the spark jumping over. Those Ignitech DC CDIs are mean

  4. #154
    Join Date
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    Wellington. . ok the hutt
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    What's a Tap It? Some Milf?
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    He's the only one I've got.

  5. #155
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    Only criminals ride scooters.

  6. #156
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    The scooter has a bit of competition in the garage. My son has left me his bike to look after while he's in Oz. Rowdy DRZ400sm, slide valve carb from trailbike version and fmf muffler(?) which doesn't do much muffling. Lots of fun.

  7. #157
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    There may be competition but the scooter still gets used. It's always been difficult to start after a long period when it has not been used. I now have a kart starter which is very useful for the FZR bucket which I've modified to allow me to turn the motor over with the kart starter. On the scooter there's a nut on the end of the crankshaft to hold the fan on. Turns out I can use the kart starter to spin the motor without shagging the starter clutch on the scooter. The first time I tried it the kart starter let out a big puff of smoke but then spun the scooter motor fine after an initial big hesitate. Today I tried it again and all that happened was that the wires on the kart started got nice and warm. The scooter must have been just coming up on compression and the kart starter wasn't up to it on it's own. I gave it a helping hand with the scooter starter to get it started turning and it was away.

    The scooter is still rowdy. I can hold the front a small distance off the road leaving the lights right across an intersection and a distance down the road, up to about 80kmh or so. Coasting down a hill like Waikumete Hill it pops and bangs and burbles away in a manner that would please a Volkswagon Golf owner. You might need to be in Auckland to understand that reference.

    It's over 45,000K now. It's been through a few motor bits but the rest of the chassis etc seems just fine and it's still fun to ride

  8. #158
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    Consideration is being given to moving the scooter on. If the hoped-for new toy becomes available it'll mean a bit of pressure to rationalize bikes. The spectrum of hoon bikes will be fully covered but rego costs will mean something has to go. Kinda sad to think of it.

  9. #159
    Join Date
    25th March 2004 - 17:22
    RZ496/Street 765RS/GasGas/ etc etc
    Wellington. . ok the hutt
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    Trials bikes don't need rego. Just sayin.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  10. #160
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    Cruising down Rosebank Road at about 10:00 today and was pinged for 67k in a 50. The truck directly in front of me pulled over as well. Obviously thought the lights and siren were for him. Line of cars directly behind had to get around as I stopped at a bus stop on Rosebank rather than going a bit further and turning off. Had no interest in anything else apart from my speeding. Supposedly I'm supposed to do 50k irrespective of any tradies zipping about doing tradie stuff. It was a typical mid morning on Rosebank Rd. Those familiar will know what I mean by that

  11. #161
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    20 points and $120. The ticket received in the mail this morning has the road incorrect and the suburb. Simple things you'd expect to be correct when issuing a notice.

  12. #162
    Join Date
    12th February 2004 - 10:29
    bucket FZR/MB100
    Henderson, Waitakere
    FREE engine bits.

    On a different note, I've been rearranging boxes of bits and have decided to clear out bits I'm never going to use.

    Parts to go(free) are:
    +3.5mm stroker crank
    65mm cylinder with forged piston.

    Combined these give an engine capacity of 203cc. A new cylinder head will be required. The stock head simply does not flow enough to work.

    There are also Taida rockers to suit a big head where the valves are spaced further apart, and a Taida T6 camshaft. I did have a Taida head which from memory had a 25/22 valve size combination but unfortunately that head was destroyed in a later engine dissasembly.

    There are also a small stack of gaskets, clips, and other random bits.

    The engine bits are all good. There was a problem where the scooter more or less died which in the past had been due to crank problems. New bits were ordered before disassembly. The problem turned out to be a broken needle in the carb. By the time I discovered that, the new parts were already on the way. Cylinder heads are available from a few suppliers, commonly from Taiwan. The quality is at least as good as OEM. The only thing to watch for is that sometimes metal is left in the ports and combustion chamber for the tuner to remove as they prefer.

    Link to Taida heads -

    Parts are located in Glendene Auckland

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