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The Famous James

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When I was about 10 my Mum and Dad dragged me around a local classic car & steam engine show. I wasn't really interested in much, but then my Dad says look at this...
Yes, and...?
Look closer...
Ah! Its a James!

So for the last 30 years I have secretly wanted to own a "James".

Not too long ago I was riding around the block. And spied some really old motorbike tyres in a garage, being a self respecting biker I take a second look and wander over to say hello. It turns out to be a chappie called Alton, ex owner of the Levin MC museum.

Amoungst the bits are a few BSA's in various states of repare some bicycles and an old black bike with the logo "The James" on the tank. It was going to be sold at the swap meet unless I wanted it for $200. Needless to say, I wanted it!

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