• Most Active Threads


    ESE's works engine tuner

    Thread Starter: TZ350

    . This is Thomas a Vietnamese race mechanic, you know that place where they have all those hot 50's and 125's are big bikes. Thomas, ESE's Race Team's Tuner is fettling number 9. adjusting the port timing for Taupo. Its hard to see but he has taped a degree wheel to the magneto flywheel...

    Last Post By: wobbly Yesterday, 09:44 Go to last post

    MotoGP 2024

    Thread Starter: onearmedbandit

    With only 2 days until the new year, and just over 2 months until the season starts it's time for a new thread. Who's your money on? Will Bagnia do the triple? Will Marc return to former glory and bring us a season in which he dominates? Will Martin secure his dream to win a championship?...

    Last Post By: F5 Dave Yesterday, 18:23 Go to last post

    northland power outage sabotage opportunity....

    Thread Starter: jellywrestler

    It's almost funny that a crew of people did such a thing as took out three sets of bolts at once from a tower and left much of northland in a bit of strife. The service providers have publicly said that was the reason But in all this how many arseholes out there have twigged to the fact that these...

    Last Post By: husaberg Yesterday, 21:54 Go to last post
  • New Zealand motorcycle wiki

    New Zealand motorcycle wiki

    We have created a new space for Kiwi bikers to place their knowledge of motorcycling in New Zealand. Ever made/seen a post in the forums that was really informative, only to be lost in the deluge of drivel. Now you can place that info in the wiki where it can be easily found and referenced.

    The wiki uses KB logins, so it will log you in automatically. Any member can add or update pages.

    Remember, just like Kiwi Biker, we have created the wiki space.
    It's up to you to provide the content.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: New Zealand motorcycle wiki started by SpankMe View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Dobbin's Avatar
      Dobbin -
      I saw the wiki a couple of years ago, and it was pretty inactive, but I thought it had potential. So I was chatting to a mate yesterday about the benefits of wikis, and pointed out that there was this wiki which might benefit from a bit of publicity and a few keen editors adding content on ride routes and the like. I got home and found the wiki had disappeared!

      Is this a temporary situation, or has someone decided to pull the plug on this resource? If the latter, are there any other NZ motorcycle wikis which allow the public to edit?
    1. Eddieb's Avatar
      Eddieb -
      It's not a wiki as such but http://www.adventureridingnz.co.nz/ has many adventure routes and tracks and members can submit new tracks to the site.
    1. Dobbin's Avatar
      Dobbin -
      Quote Originally Posted by Eddieb View Post
      It's not a wiki as such but http://www.adventureridingnz.co.nz/ has many adventure routes and tracks and members can submit new tracks to the site.
      Thanks for that link. It's not what I had in mind, but I'll certainly use it to plan adventure rides. I do like a bit of roughage!