View Full Version : Meet little Kiki

29th April 2009, 09:08
Well I've done it. Gone retro that is.

My white princess got sold yesterday and to reduce my grieving I desided to go bike shopping again...

After a very early awakening (7am) mr. TOTO was on his way to see a new prospective member of the fambily - Kiki.

Went saw her, and there she was begging to be rescued from that dark garage that she had been sitting for the past few months and noone wanting to ride her.

She wouldnt want to turn over on the electric start. Kick started was then tried but even tho the motor was just about to turn over, the new owner (mr. TOTO) got tired way too fast. Would have kept kicking till it started, but the fact that the two tyres were completely deflated ment that even with the engine running there wouldnt be any high speeds achieved while endureing mr. TOTO's safety. So the first ride was going to be a quiet one :)

The place where Kiki was living till today is two streets away so me being a proactive chap proceeded to pushing Kiki.

it is funny how 1 km goes so fats uphil when the engine is running on a bike...and consequently how slow it passes when you are pushing a 140kg or so up that same 1 km. I think I can really relate to Einsteins theory of relativety now. Forget kissing the hot woman and the hot stove thing - Einstein should have pushed a bike ... :killingme

Lucky my street itself is mostly downhill so with the back tyre having Some air in it I jumped on Kiki and we had a good ol ride down my street at the lightening speed of 3km/h. Actually I thing we were speeding at one stage coz we may have hit 5km/h. Got passed by an old lady with a cane tho so we couldn't have been very illegal.

So there she is - my little Kiki. She needs some work but I recon it will look nice in kawaka green. those of you who know me know i'm like a crackhead seeing a boat of crack when I'm around anything green. So done up she will be, probly get some air in the tyres first, get the engine going and see how we go about getting a rego and a new wof :)

The guy I got Kiki off said she was 'too loud" for some testing station. I figure she cant be louder than my mighty Hooligan tho - coz thats about the loudest thing on earth :rolleyes:

So Kiki says "Hi' guys. Hope we can see her on some of the rides soon. maybe I'll join those blast from the past guys - now that I have a legitimate contender :D

29th April 2009, 09:20
Probably was in "Mad Max". That spotlight looks familiar...

29th April 2009, 09:22
:slap: Aah my guess was way off lol

Nice choice of a bike! Really! I bet Yui will be now jealouse of you :msn-wink:

P.S. At a first glance, I thought it was a GN250 :lol:

Btw, what is the real name of your "Kiki"? Kawasaki what model?

29th April 2009, 09:24
It is a Kwasaki Z200 :love:

29th April 2009, 09:26
Nice!! Welcome to the Club 80's :)

29th April 2009, 09:28
hey thats a great step up from the hornet! ;)


The Pastor
29th April 2009, 09:30
you dick! we were going to buy that bike for a mate who wants to get into biking!

29th April 2009, 09:31
you dick! we were going to buy that bike for a mate who wants to get into biking!well he can still have it - the price has gone up a bit though.. :killingme


29th April 2009, 09:42
Twice the powa of my little Pippi! :gob: Heheh, will be interesting to see the adventures you two get up to in future! :yes:

I guess the early bird gets the worm in this case! First in, first served :lol:

29th April 2009, 09:56
Ha,ha also thought it was a GN250 when I saw the thumbnail. AS for pushing a bike it is amazing how many uphills on what appears relatively flat roads when the engine is going. Good luck getting it going.

29th April 2009, 12:21
I just hope the Hooligan dosnt get jealous!
Awesome buy mate, hope you can get her on the road soon

29th April 2009, 12:26
Currently charging the battery. It should be able to put back on the road.

the exhaust may need some work tho , as it is very rusty and possibly too loud for a normal car testing station.

Edit: Oh and the tyres need inflating...need to find a pump .

29th April 2009, 12:57
Currently charging the battery. It should be able to put back on the road.

the exhaust may need some work tho , as it is very rusty and possibly too loud for a normal car testing station.

Edit: Oh and the tyres need inflating...need to find a pump .

And petrol! Often petrol is needed. That is if rolling down hills and pushing up hills is not your style.

29th April 2009, 14:18
And petrol! Often petrol is needed. That is if rolling down hills and pushing up hills is not your style.

oh really. where do I get that "Petrol" thingy ?

29th April 2009, 14:37
no one's asked the $64,000 question yet .. ..

29th April 2009, 14:41
no one's asked the $64,000 question yet .. ..

Is he gonna stroke it?

29th April 2009, 15:18
Edit: Oh and the tyres need inflating...need to find a pump .

You'll probably need more than a pump, sooner or later. New tubes i say

Gizz a yell if you need a hand tinkering ;)

29th April 2009, 17:27
You'll probably need more than a pump, sooner or later. New tubes i say

Gizz a yell if you need a hand tinkering ;)

I sure will Thanks Squigs :)

29th April 2009, 17:55
Well I've done it. Gone retro that is.

My white princess got sold yesterday and to reduce my grieving I desided to go bike shopping again...

After a very early awakening (7am) mr. TOTO was on his way to see a new prospective member of the fambily - Kiki.

Went saw her, and there she was begging to be rescued from that dark garage that she had been sitting for the past few months and noone wanting to ride her.

She wouldnt want to turn over on the electric start. Kick started was then tried but even tho the motor was just about to turn over, the new owner (mr. TOTO) got tired way too fast. Would have kept kicking till it started, but the fact that the two tyres were completely deflated ment that even with the engine running there wouldnt be any high speeds achieved while endureing mr. TOTO's safety. So the first ride was going to be a quiet one :)

The place where Kiki was living till today is two streets away so me being a proactive chap proceeded to pushing Kiki.

it is funny how 1 km goes so fats uphil when the engine is running on a bike...and consequently how slow it passes when you are pushing a 140kg or so up that same 1 km. I think I can really relate to Einsteins theory of relativety now. Forget kissing the hot woman and the hot stove thing - Einstein should have pushed a bike ... :killingme

Lucky my street itself is mostly downhill so with the back tyre having Some air in it I jumped on Kiki and we had a good ol ride down my street at the lightening speed of 3km/h. Actually I thing we were speeding at one stage coz we may have hit 5km/h. Got passed by an old lady with a cane tho so we couldn't have been very illegal.

So there she is - my little Kiki. She needs some work but I recon it will look nice in kawaka green. those of you who know me know i'm like a crackhead seeing a boat of crack when I'm around anything green. So done up she will be, probly get some air in the tyres first, get the engine going and see how we go about getting a rego and a new wof :)

The guy I got Kiki off said she was 'too loud" for some testing station. I figure she cant be louder than my mighty Hooligan tho - coz thats about the loudest thing on earth :rolleyes:

So Kiki says "Hi' guys. Hope we can see her on some of the rides soon. maybe I'll join those blast from the past guys - now that I have a legitimate contender :D

Creepy coincidence i guess, but my cats name is kiki. So far, since buying your bike, half of auckland has ridden it and i have yet to have a go :D

29th April 2009, 23:17

You know I got the tools that you'll eventually need.

29th April 2009, 23:30
Hello Kiki :msn-wink:
A little bit of care :doctor: and she will be so perty.

29th April 2009, 23:40
Creepy coincidence i guess, but my cats name is kiki. So far, since buying your bike, half of auckland has ridden it and i have yet to have a go :D

She is a princess. Not a slut. You will get your turn. Just treat her like a princess and she will reward you :yes:


You know I got the tools that you'll eventually need.

I will most definately take you up on the offer too. Many thanks :D

29th April 2009, 23:47
Hello Kiki :msn-wink:
A little bit of care :doctor: and she will be so perty.

She IS pretty. You gotta look deeper than just outside. this bike has History :yes:

29th April 2009, 23:53
She IS pretty. You gotta look deeper than just outside. this bike has History :yes:

Ayup, I realised that Pippi is the oldest of all my bikes ... but yet shes the youngest sister! :rofl:

29th April 2009, 23:56
Oh and the tyres need inflating...need to find a pump .

it can usually be found at the same shop as the

"Petrol" thingy

29th April 2009, 23:59
it can usually be found at the same shop as the

thanks. got the pump thingy sorted. :niceone:

Wiki Drifter
29th April 2009, 23:59
Awesome!! Love to see the electrical setup for the rally light...

30th April 2009, 00:05
thanks. got the pump thingy sorted. :niceone:

haha well then i shall forgive you then :hug: when r you gunna organise a single cyl bike ride? if you do can my v-twin join ??? :) :woohoo:

30th April 2009, 00:07
Awesome!! Love to see the electrical setup for the rally light...

I'm not very electrically oriented person but it looks simple enough to me. Justa few wires running to a seperate switch behind the light that can be flicked on as an addition to the standart light.

I will take a few pics for you tomorrow

if you are talking about a diagram of electrics - I believe it is an addition to the bike so it is probably not in the service manual

30th April 2009, 00:09
haha well then i shall forgive you then :hug: when r you gunna organise a single cyl bike ride? if you do can my v-twin join ??? :) :woohoo:

If you invite me to some of your secret society rides some time I may return the favour...

30th April 2009, 00:13
hmmm i wish i was involved in these seceret society rides of mine. .. . . i know nothing!!!

30th April 2009, 00:15
Nice one Toto,

Used to have a pretty blue '81 Z200.:niceone:

30th April 2009, 00:31
If you invite me to some of your secret society rides some time I may return the favour...

oh and what year is Kikki?

30th April 2009, 00:46
oh and what year is Kikki?

Kiki is year 81 - which makes her 28 years old.

I've always been into older chick you know ;)

Also just pumped the tyres tonightso lets see how they last till tomorrow. Cant hear any Hiss-ing noises so that should be good :)

30th April 2009, 00:52
Kiki is year 81 - which makes her 28 years old.

I've always been into older chick you know ;)

Also just pumped the tyres tonightso lets see how they last till tomorrow. Cant hear any Hiss-ing noises so that should be good :)

if you put some sort of thick liquid over the tyres like dishwashing liquid (wash it off before you ride of course) then any leaks will appear really fast

good luck for your first proper ride, whenever that may be

23rd November 2009, 22:23
She is alive, she is alive - :woohoo:

Well it has taken a few months to actually get around to it. After sourcing new brushes for the starter motor and giving it a clean, some air in tyres, some juice in the battery, and a proper sprak plug, she fired up. Oh boy did she fire up. Some nice black smoke came out at first and then she just purred like a kitten. Rode her 3 - 4 kms round the neighbourhood. God, what a ball small bikes are :D

Every time the throttle is twisted though the little kitten purr turns into a growl from an angry lioness thanks to the rusted trough exhaust :). Body of a kitty, heart of a lion - muahahaha :devil2:

So a new battery, a spark plug, oil and filter change, vin, wof, rego and this little Kiki shall be soon "rapapapapapappapapapa-ing" non stop under the long white cloud :ride:

23rd November 2009, 22:41
hoho, can't wait to see her. :rockon:

24th November 2009, 08:44
This is creepy. I'm on the lookout for a new bike and thought it'll be nice to own something like that. And I found this thread. Do Hornet owners think alike? :blink: There's a fantastic-looking CB400SS on TM sold by an importer in ChCh - too rich for my blood but it looks gorgeous.

24th November 2009, 19:39
Yey! little Kiki lives! thats cool Toto, nice little bike from what I remember of the one I had, was my first 'learners' bike many years ago. :2thumbsup

24th November 2009, 21:39
yea, who knows, might become a nice cafe racer :rolleyes:

25th November 2009, 18:41
Hmmm I need to hurry up and get Pipi back on the road ... Pippi and Kiki ride together again! :lol:

25th November 2009, 20:57
Hmmm I need to hurry up and get Pipi back on the road ... Pippi and Kiki ride together again! :lol:

Speaking of your bikes wot are in gargres and need to be made going... *cough*

26th November 2009, 08:02
You always exclude Poppi :(:(