View Full Version : Motorcycle TV show? People wanted

20th January 2009, 19:16
Ok, who is interested in making a TV show, all about everything to do with motorcyclists and their bikes.

I have had around 12 years experience in the television industry, and have had a idea to do this for about 12years......

I have talked with a broadcaster, who is willing to help out as much as possible, and to broadcast the show on Freeview,

all it will take is a number of motivated people who want to be involved,

This isnt going to be easy, so be warned,
if you feel you could help make it happen, in front or behind of the camera, then lets talk,

I will be calling a meeting in the next 2 weeks, if there is enough people interested.

It doesnt matter if you ride a scooter,a classic or the mighty Zx12,
or your a pillion,
all that is need is a passion to get this on air.,

I have a camera a Panasonic DVX102B en,

"lights action camera"

if you have any question, pm me,

20th January 2009, 19:29
Count me in mate - a good friend of mine has some excellent post-production gear (full mac suite / final cut pro and other goodies).
Me? I'm a writer and reviewer for a couple of magazines, and have recently been a gadget man on Newstalk 1ZB.
Would be keen to help out in any way!



20th January 2009, 19:45
I'd be keen to help or pose or ride or whatever you need, depending on times ofcourse.

20th January 2009, 19:48
I have been working in Audio Post Production for the last couple of years, and this kinda material would be a blast for me to work on... I have an audio suite at my disposal (workload depending).

I am in Welly though...

20th January 2009, 19:49
yeah would be keen to help...

20th January 2009, 19:53
yea keen to help out too... no television experience except home made amateur work :blink:

20th January 2009, 20:02
yea.. good luck with that man..had Greenstone pix interested last year but by the time the producer got done stepping on it.. it had very damn little to do with bikes and more about jerking off to playstations and MP3 players

apparently .. the market isnt big enough for a show about motorcycles.. theres less than a million of us in NZ

http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=29307&highlight=show - been done here before

apparently.. 3 million Top Models though...

happy to help if ya need voiceover stuff.. i do it professionally on the side (Discovery Networks, local TV and radio, etc)

yea keen to help out too... no television experience except home made amateur work :blink:

i dont think "those" count..

20th January 2009, 20:16
Have a chat with Maha. He was starting to work on a project like this.

20th January 2009, 20:58
You will be looking for someone of star quality...leader of the pack sort of guy.Give me a PM when you have it all set up and I'll come along to be the face of the New Zealand biker.

20th January 2009, 21:04
I promise to watch it.

20th January 2009, 21:17
Wheres Carver? He enjoys attention im sure he'd be great infront of a camera!

20th January 2009, 21:19
Wheres Carver? He enjoys attention im sure he'd be great infront of a camera!

NZ tv already has enough douchbags

20th January 2009, 21:24
Id be very keen to help out, my sponsors likewise.... Im pretty handy on dirt and road bikes and know just about everyone in both sides of the racing scenes.

My sponsors have a marketing company that deals with lots of these things, good guy to talk to would be Eddie (gixser)

20th January 2009, 21:25
Ok, who is interested in making a TV show, all about everything to do with motorcyclists and their bikes.

damn if I was in Auckland I would be in, help with editing, camera man fook even a key grip :blink: and if you had mentioned this last year I would have offered another camera (or two) editing gear and mic's, cables, lighting, computer power... and all but alas I sold it all :(

20th January 2009, 21:27
Mate I'm keen as to help get something like this off the ground.

I don't have any specific experience in broadcasting but I'm a jack of all trades with anything techo, motivated and passionate enough to learn whatever.

20th January 2009, 21:28
i think thats a good idea . will be watching for the arrival of it ...

20th January 2009, 21:32
yea.. good luck with that man..had Greenstone pix interested last year but by the time the producer got done stepping on it.. it had very damn little to do with bikes and more about jerking off to playstations and MP3 players

apparently .. the market isnt big enough for a show about motorcycles.. theres less than a million of us in NZ

apparently.. 3 million Top Models though...

happy to help if ya need voiceover stuff.. i do it professionally on the side (Discovery Networks, local TV and radio, etc)

i dont think "those" count..

The money people never see the big "Picture"so to speak,

Iv heard this before, about a few other projects i have worked on, i didn't listen then, because its not about the money, sure bills have to be paid, but if its done right the end product will be a program for US, and this can be achieved without trying to make it a money spinner.

This can work, just takes people who have a passion for all things motorcycles .

and yes Im sure you would be very helpful .

Ill pm you my contact details.

Duke girl
20th January 2009, 21:43
CBR97 What a bloody legend you are with coming up with such an awesome idea which I truely hope kicks off Big Time, cos its about time there was something desent on TV worth turning it on for to watch. Lets hope you get enough support to really make this happen.:2thumbsup

20th January 2009, 21:53
CBR97 What a bloody legend you are with coming up with such an awesome idea which I truely hope kicks off Big Time, cos its about time there was something desent on TV worth turning it on for to watch. Lets hope you get enough support to really make this happen.:2thumbsup
Thats the magic word, "SUPPORT"

20th January 2009, 21:55
i can do stills.
is me.
i can also do the lighting, regardless of what type you want to use or what you want to shoot with.

i would like to be a presenter most of all. i feel confident that im worth considering in this capacity.

my contact details should be on my profile page.

20th January 2009, 22:03
I'm keen to help out.

20th January 2009, 22:08
i think Mikey Havoc (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikey_Havoc) would be primo for the host..

Big Dave would have to be in front of the lens too

Big Dave
20th January 2009, 22:15
Big Dave would have to be in front of the lens too

I have a great look for radio.

20th January 2009, 22:16
I have a great look for radio.

me too.. but its never stopped us before has it?

Big Dave
20th January 2009, 22:21
me too.. but its never stopped us before has it?

Have your people call my people.

20th January 2009, 22:27
Ok, who is interested in making a TV show, all about everything to do with motorcyclists and their bikes.

I have had around 12 years experience in the television industry, and have had a idea to do this for about 12years......

I have talked with a broadcaster, who is willing to help out as much as possible, and to broadcast the show on Freeview,

all it will take is a number of motivated people who want to be involved,

This isnt going to be easy, so be warned,
if you feel you could help make it happen, in front or behind of the camera, then lets talk,

I will be calling a meeting in the next 2 weeks, if there is enough people interested.

It doesnt matter if you ride a scooter,a classic or the mighty Zx12,
or your a pillion,
all that is need is a passion to get this on air.,

I have a camera a Panasonic DVX102B en,

"lights action camera"

if you have any question, pm me,

PM "Carver" He is really good infront of the camera, he just needs a more serious setting rather than the muck around videos he does now.

He would make a bloodey good presenter.

search "mormon few" on you tube, i think given the right circumstances he would do very well.

20th January 2009, 22:27
Have your people call my people.

i dont like people ..

20th January 2009, 22:47
i dont like people ..

Thats cus ppl dnt lyk u.

In non teenager...

That is because people don't like you.

My good sir.

20th January 2009, 23:12
Thats cus ppl dnt lyk u.

In non teenager...

That is because people don't like you.

My good sir.

first off ...

i have shoes older than you sprog..

second ....

I have developed this short guide to allow you to gauge what your opinion of me personally matters to me.. This is not a scientific test and all scores are relative. This is to be used as a guide only.

Let’s begin, shall we?

1) you are a member of my immediate family (parents, wife, kids) – 1000 points
2) you are a member of my extended family (uncles, aunts, cousins, in-laws, etc) – 500 points
3) People I consider “friends”( you know who you are ) – 500 points
4) we served together in the US Marine Corps – 500 points (add 250 points if we served in Beirut, Grenada, or any other hi risk situation together.. add 200 if we ever got kicked out a bar, tattoo parlour, buffet or church)
5) you have ever helped me with my bike ( loan tools, workshop space, advice, parts, etc) – 250 points
6) you have bought a motorcycle from me or have recommended someone who has– 250 points ( add 100 points if the bike was worth over $20,000, 200 if over $30,000)
7) you have ever bailed me out of jail or taken me to the hospital – 150 points
8) Yank – 100 points ( +10 if you are from the Midwest, +20 from Ohio, +30 if from my hometown , +5 if we were at Uni together)
9) riding buddies – 50 points per ride out to a maximum of 400 (+10 per if you have shown me a great road, pub, lookout or point of interest)
10) you ride an FJ1200 or a ThunderAce – 50 points

now add up your score..

1000+ points – I would do anything for you without question
500 – 1000 – place to crash, bail money, ride home from the bar, we are brothers
250 – 499 - I’d help you move on my day off and not break your shit in the process
150 – 249 – isn’t it a bit late to be calling?
100 – 149 - “ I’m sorry..i was watching tv and missed what you were saying..
1 – 100 – "hey... ummm... what was your name again?
0 – who is this person and how did he get passed security?

Isn’t there a japanese chick in a Pikachu cosplay outfit you should be molesting yourself to…?

that Manga isnt gonna download itself .. off ya go...

20th January 2009, 23:31
Have your people call my people.

i dont like people ..

So get your people to call his people something they don't like... and everyone's happy.

Re a TV show - fuck it - just do it. I'm willing to bet Clarkson and co had trouble starting theirs and getting it off the ground - and as SARGE so nicely pointed out ... those in power at Greenstone don't really relate.

And on the flip side - carver's doing a bloody good job of promoting himself and his interests... a few organised bods, someone of suitable personality in front of the lens, a few regular segments and laughs and the format's all there.

SARGE - redo the "What if God was one of us" jingo for bikers and you'be onto a winner I reckon!

20th January 2009, 23:33
Thats cus ppl dnt lyk u.

au contraire... Those that know him respect him. Those of us that actually know him respect him more. Big difference.

20th January 2009, 23:37
au contraire... Those that know him respect him. Those of us that actually know him respect him more. Big difference.

thanks bro.. im feeling a group hug coming on ..

its the douchebag / hippy / dole-blogger / cumstains that dont care for me

so.. 3 out of 4 mark.. not bad..

20th January 2009, 23:38
SARGE - redo the "What if God was one of us" jingo for bikers and you'be onto a winner I reckon!

ive got a re-dun version for another segment of the underground already...:whistle:

20th January 2009, 23:39
thanks bro.. im feeling a group hug coming on .. Wash this time - shave too - and not so much tongue..

its the douchebag / hippy / dole-blogger / cumstains that dont care for me

Which reminds me - I'll keep an eye out for Monica at the inauguration... Little blue dress anyone?

20th January 2009, 23:46
wash this time - shave too - and not so much tongue..


20th January 2009, 23:52

You heard me... and your face as well... you been hanging around with that haircut bereft hippie too long man.

20th January 2009, 23:55
You heard me... and your face as well... you been hanging around with that haircut bereft hippie too long man.

hoping reverse baldness is contagious

21st January 2009, 06:40
Well if you need footage of a few bins then ur welcome to follow me around for a day with a camera.... im sure to bin it at least once!!!:Pokey:

21st January 2009, 06:51
If you need extra hands, count me in - I can do copywriting! :innocent: Sounds like a fanflabbertastic venture to me!

21st January 2009, 07:59
Get behind this idea, you Auckland peoples. Otherwise the producers may just take it to the provinces.
What a fantastic opportunity to get us in front of a wider audience. Think how the cheesecutter message could get some momentum.
Depending on the format and long lived-ness, there could be 'exposees' of certain well-known individuals and/or unusual bikes. Like that old guy in Taranaki and his cat (except they were killed) - that sort of thing.

21st January 2009, 08:10
i thought there already was a NZ motorcycle TV show? Bike Rider TV, on sky?

21st January 2009, 08:15
i thought there already was a NZ motorcycle TV show? Bike Rider TV, on sky?

yeah there is mate, they seem to be doing a good job its a good watch

Mr Merde
21st January 2009, 08:24
Just call if you need help with any computing probs.
Work in Papakura, live in Franklin.


21st January 2009, 08:30
I can do stuff. Like, carry things or hold people down. I can be taught how to ride or fall off perhaps?

21st January 2009, 08:44
I can do stuff. Like, carry things or hold people down. I can be taught how to ride or fall off perhaps?

Thought you had the falling off part sussed already brother :D :dodge:

21st January 2009, 09:01
I have seventeen years experience working for BBC Television in London. I now continue to run my own freelance business successfully here in NZ creating graphics, titles, bumpers, stings and animation for both broadcast and corporate television.

My work has been aired on TVNZ.
One particular project with which I was involved was a DVD on motorcycle
awareness and rider safety called "Great Rides, Great Roads" which was produced for the Highways Agency in the UK.

If this is a genuine project to be professionally produced to broadcasting standards and using professional contributors and facilities, then I'm happy to talk further and get involved - maybe to create a title sequence for this intended programme.

I would say at this point that I'm not offering a pro-bono service (a freebie). I am however happy to discuss producing all graphic elements at a rate that would be particularly cost-effective compared to the larger facilities companies found in Auckland or Wellington.

(Based Wellington)

21st January 2009, 09:06
Thought you had the falling off part sussed already brother :D :dodge:
I'm never too knowledgable to learn smartarse!!

21st January 2009, 09:21
I'm never too knowledgable to learn smartarse!!

Well then...when are you finally doing a trackday then? :innocent:

As said earlier on in the piece, Maha Man made some similar advances last year in regards to a bike TV show in Kiwiland...the guy's got awesome ideas!

As far as people to talk to, I'd love personally to see chicks involved as well such as Flame and Keystone 19 and other young racing beauties.

No disrespect to the blokes (gawd knows they do us proud out there), but it'd be nice to see some girls doing it as well :shifty:

21st January 2009, 09:27
Here's our Kiwi-powered motorcycle TV show:

<embed src="http://blip.tv/play/+33K9nGJk2E" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="405" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

More videos and more to come on Garage Night (http://www.garagenight.tv).

(Saw this discussion going on and started a new thread when I replied - shoulda posted under this thread, newbie error sorry.)

Waz (Aussie but outnumbered 3-1 by Kiwis in the garage)

21st January 2009, 09:34
Like Ceebee13 I have had several years experience doing Televison GFX and the last 5 compositing Hobbits and Giant apes for Peter Jackson. Happy to offer some knowledge from a Graphics , VFX point of view, I'm in Wellington though.

21st January 2009, 09:55
Tony Veitch said he'd be more than happy to host the show :2thumbsup

21st January 2009, 11:17
i thought there already was a NZ motorcycle TV show? Bike Rider TV, on sky?

This will be free to air,
it wont be going up against any other show,

and it will be a not for profit,

The Sky Show , will have nothing to do with what I have planned,

the last time i worked for Sky Tv, they had around 6 hundred thousand viewer,s /subscriber,s and this was changing at a steady rate, "people leaving , new people joining,
but you need to pay so the Idea i have will be to stay on the free to air platform , as a not for profit production, this means it can be watched buy anyone.
just needs the support to make happen.

21st January 2009, 11:23
Well then...when are you finally doing a trackday then? :innocent:

As said earlier on in the piece, Maha Man made some similar advances last year in regards to a bike TV show in Kiwiland...the guy's got awesome ideas!

As far as people to talk to, I'd love personally to see chicks involved as well such as Flame and Keystone 19 and other young racing beauties.

No disrespect to the blokes (gawd knows they do us proud out there), but it'd be nice to see some girls doing it as well :shifty:

if you know of anyone, male or female, who want to get involved in front or behind the camera, then id like to hear from them.

as ive said, there needs to be the support out there to make it work.

21st January 2009, 11:38
I'd be glad to help, but I'm a bit too far away to be much use. (In fact, some say I'm not much use anywhere!)

Good luck with the project, I hope it takes off.

21st January 2009, 11:48
Problem if you get to many KB'ers involved:

Show 1 - "Choosing a bike"
Show 2 - "Why the bike you chose is wrong"
Show 3 - "Hondas are gay"
Shows 4 - 16 "Waving"

21st January 2009, 11:51
this project sounds awesome.... be great to ahve a good show.. i cried when i watched bikerider TV and saw a "review" of the GSXR only to find out the important stuff like "the headlight works good"....
there's a crew of crazy cats that like to film stunts etc up this way that will have some cool footage for ya... and dont forget the racing fraternity.. some of us chicks wont mind hosting some girly riding/racing stuff either to go with Chhoppa's man side of racing!

21st January 2009, 12:06
this project sounds awesome.... be great to ahve a good show.. i cried when i watched bikerider TV and saw a "review" of the GSXR only to find out the important stuff like "the headlight works good"....
there's a crew of crazy cats that like to film stunts etc up this way that will have some cool footage for ya... and dont forget the racing fraternity.. some of us chicks wont mind hosting some girly riding/racing stuff either to go with Chhoppa's man side of racing!

Yeah i shed a tear at the new hornet 600 review a couple of weeks back.

"it has a really upright riding position....PAUSE.............. ..... ..... which is good."

"being an inline 4 it has smooth power........ ....also good for the most sports touring riders this bike will attract"

It was a bad moment in television.

Hence i think carver would do well, the guy on that show is useless.

21st January 2009, 12:11
Will be good if you can get a few things straight off the bat because then you can then rule things out without wasting peoples time, efforts and blowing things out of proportions.

I am sure you're still in the process of planning so generating interests will be all good now, and getting people who might be keen be get onboard.

Think, Plan and Work. Chur!

21st January 2009, 12:13
Keen to get involved in brainstorming for the show - what segments to run, etc.

Off the top of my head:

Reviews/tests (inc. second hand bikes; "This particular one is fucked, but if you get a maintainance history, you should be sweet" sort of thing)
Basic repairing and maintaining (adjusting chains, etc)
Riding Tips (maybe get an actual racer involved)
BRONZ viewpoint (Acc levies, Cheesecutters, etc)

It would need to be pretty varied to maintain an audience. I presume it's a 30 minute segment you are looking at?

I've noticed that Bikerider TV tends to have mostly Motocross on there - don't know if maybe they can't get rights to road-racing.

21st January 2009, 12:28
if you know of anyone, male or female, who want to get involved in front or behind the camera, then id like to hear from them.

as ive said, there needs to be the support out there to make it work.

Give me a holler, willing to help where I can. On location etc...

21st January 2009, 12:29
Carver should be your host.

at least he funny. just no "gay" stuff

21st January 2009, 16:27
Will be good if you can get a few things straight off the bat because then you can then rule things out without wasting peoples time, efforts and blowing things out of proportions.

I am sure you're still in the process of planning so generating interests will be all good now, and getting people who might be keen be get onboard.

Think, Plan and Work. Chur!


ive already spoken to the broadcaster, and had a commitment that they will help as much as possible.

regarding the day of the week, and time, this will depend on a number of things, but thats my job, to sort out.

There is only so much time, in a 30 min show, eg after sponsorship,and advertising, so the format needs to be right ,

and having the right people , is the key...

Anyway yes your right,

think,Plan,and work..

21st January 2009, 18:16
trust me, i can do this.

i have done acting before (not alot)

i will send ya a pm, and i would like to meet you to discuss this.

21st January 2009, 18:30

There is only so much time, in a 30 min show, eg after sponsorship,and advertising, so the format needs to be right ,

think,Plan,and work..

Aarrrgh the horrors of having a small population. Where reality shows end up looking like infomercials because Frigidaire or whoever has paid for it.

If only we could be more like Britain where they can do a whole house makeover show without once mentioning Mitre 10.

Anyway, I digress...if it's for Freeview, is there not a chance you could make it such a kick arse bike show that the sponsors are falling over themselves to be a part of it? Mikey and Newsboy started on MTV and made such a funny show it got put on TV2, and by then it was too late for the bean counters to really wreck it and it stayed good for ages.

Just my two cents worth.

21st January 2009, 20:27
Aarrrgh the horrors of having a small population. Where reality shows end up looking like infomercials because Frigidaire or whoever has paid for it.

If only we could be more like Britain where they can do a whole house makeover show without once mentioning Mitre 10.

Anyway, I digress...if it's for Freeview, is there not a chance you could make it such a kick arse bike show that the sponsors are falling over themselves to be a part of it? Mikey and Newsboy started on MTV and made such a funny show it got put on TV2, and by then it was too late for the bean counters to really wreck it and it stayed good for ages.

Just my two cents worth.

Your right,
to make it work, it needs to be a non commercial production,
but as there is cost involved there will need to be some sort of sponsorship/advertising.

It has to be something that is made for the motorcyclist, first,
then if its done right the sponsorship /advertising will follow .

I have been down this road before, with a TV station that i helped build and get to air, so i know how to do it right,,,,

So if enough people can get involved , then things start to happen.

21st January 2009, 20:52
All the best with this eh,if theres anything that can be done to help downunder (where the good roads are) sing out.

21st January 2009, 21:42
I have been down this road before, with a TV station that i helped build and get to air, so i know how to do it right,,,,

So if enough people can get involved , then things start to happen.

Me too! Do I know you? Which was yours? Mine was Prime.

21st January 2009, 21:47
Carver should be your host.

at least he funny. just no "gay" stuff

I second this. Mind you I've been told I look like Daniel Craig, if you squint, turn the light off and see me from the back.

21st January 2009, 21:48
I second this. Mind you I've been told I look like Daniel Craig, if you squint, turn the light off and see me from the back.

yea.. i look like Tom Cruise (after a 3 week bender)

21st January 2009, 21:51
yea.. i look like Tom Cruise (after a 3 week bender) FFS ive been enjoying playing with your tools,now youve gone and ruined it.:doh:

21st January 2009, 21:54
I second this. Mind you I've been told I look like Daniel Craig, if you squint, turn the light off and see me from the back.

thank you sir.
i have spoken to the said man, and have expressed my interest

21st January 2009, 21:58
thank you sir.
i have spoken to the said man, and have expressed my interest :niceone:Lets face it mate it wont be the first time youve heard "err thanks but no thanks".:rolleyes:J/K have fun.

21st January 2009, 21:58
FFS ive been enjoying playing with your tools,now youve gone and ruined it.:doh:

gonna need some new ones (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=90784)huh?

21st January 2009, 22:03
:niceone:Lets face it mate it wont be the first time youve heard "err thanks but no thanks".:rolleyes:J/K have fun.

haha, so far so good.

im surprised that so many of you recommend me for this

21st January 2009, 22:05
gonna need some new ones (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=90784)huh? :blank:Very happy with my last purchase.When i need whatever (im a tool fanatic) ive got ya number and will use it.Over Xmas i ended up hiding that socket set as to many bludging bastards were drooling over it.:Oi:

21st January 2009, 22:06
haha, so far so good.

im surprised that so many of you recommend me for this

Why? You already get off your arse and make lots of vids, and edit them. That's more than most people do.

Plus, look how popular Marc Ellis is, and he is a dick. At least you ride bikes!

21st January 2009, 22:08
:blank:Very happy with my last purchase.When i need whatever (im a tool fanatic) ive got ya number and will use it.Over Xmas i ended up hiding that socket set as to many bludging bastards were drooling over it.:Oi:

glad ya like it bro..

21st January 2009, 22:17
Me too! Do I know you? Which was yours? Mine was Prime.
I liked working at Prime, nice set up,
i mostly like the PAy per view room, (now sky owns it)

My one was Triangle Tv, I was on the Board of Directors, and worked as Project manager, then Technical Director.aaaaaaannnnnddd loved every minute of it,.

21st January 2009, 22:18
Why? You already get off your arse and make lots of vids, and edit them. That's more than most people do.

Plus, look how popular Marc Ellis is, and he is a dick. At least you ride bikes!

what you trying to say?

haha, i like making them, and i always wanted to.

21st January 2009, 22:20
I liked working at Prime, nice set up,
i mostly like the PAy per view room, (now sky owns it)

My one was Triangle Tv, I was on the Board of Directors, and worked as Project manager, then Technical Director.aaaaaaannnnnddd loved every minute of it,.

Yer most of the boys like that room.....:msn-wink:

It was so great when Triangle started, I would have loved to be involved in that. Good on ya.

21st January 2009, 22:46
Yer most of the boys like that room.....:msn-wink:

It was so great when Triangle started, I would have loved to be involved in that. Good on ya.

Are you still working in this area?

22nd January 2009, 00:18
Are you still working in this area?

Nope, living the good life down in the Central Plateau now. There are some on here though. Crynsie and Twig are two that I know who are still up there working at Prime.

22nd January 2009, 07:51
haha, so far so good.

im surprised that so many of you recommend me for this

What can you say.. besides the constant gay mess arounds you do on camera your entertaining.

Hope you get it you remind me of the guy from the ITM Fishing show and that guy is great entertainment,

To be honest I just hope this goes ahead and not another "im going to do something awesome " lead's to nothing thread

22nd January 2009, 08:24
Hey TK (errr...cbr97)

I am in if you need some tech help etc, I also have contacts for camera and post (at a veeery competitive rate)

Also have some surplus gear lying around work that will be pretty invaluable.

Lets get out on a ride and have a chat...how is monday for you (anniversary day) maybe a quick loud blat through the new tunnels up north and a :drinknsin


22nd January 2009, 08:34
I'm real keen to be involved - have a decent camera and some post production gear - I'm trying to develop this as a full time career - so any chance to assist I'd be delighted

Have assisted with production and post production short film production (all amateur - but at least I know that almost 95% of the television and film production process is fantastically boring - but you do for the end result...)

Please feel free to PM me - happy to do anything from direct, film, assist, gaffe, carry, drive, make coffee - and best of all I'll tell the truth if it's out of my depth...


22nd January 2009, 18:18
What can you say.. besides the constant gay mess arounds you do on camera your entertaining.

Hope you get it you remind me of the guy from the ITM Fishing show and that guy is great entertainment,

To be honest I just hope this goes ahead and not another "im going to do something awesome " lead's to nothing thread

I didn't start the thread so there is hope for it yet.

22nd January 2009, 21:23
Hey TK (errr...cbr97)

I am in if you need some tech help etc, I also have contacts for camera and post (at a veeery competitive rate)

Also have some surplus gear lying around work that will be pretty invaluable.

Lets get out on a ride and have a chat...how is monday for you (anniversary day) maybe a quick loud blat through the new tunnels up north and a :drinknsin


Ive sent you a pm, and Monday sounds good,

give me a call when your free ,

TK, eerrrrrr cbr97

23rd January 2009, 01:40
thanks bro.. im feeling a group hug coming on ..

its the douchebag / hippy / dole-blogger / cumstains that dont care for me

so.. 3 out of 4 mark.. not bad..

Dole blogger?

Do you mean dole bludger?

I don't blog... blogs are shit... i post though

does that make me a dole poster?

23rd January 2009, 04:59
Ok, who is interested in making a TV show, all about everything to do with motorcyclists and their bikes. When I lived in Brissie they had a progame just like that, it was basic but great.

23rd January 2009, 05:44
Dole blogger?

Do you mean dole bludger?

I don't blog... blogs are shit... i post though

does that make me a dole poster?

dude, its sarge.
he'll just call you a soft douchbag back

23rd January 2009, 21:35
- "Biker of the week" -Not the well known that already get news space. Take the odd ones. The interesting ones.
- A speciality bike shop/service/one off. Someone who is so dedicated to top result that making money is not on the agenda. (It just happens)
- I say forget the new bike reviews. You can read them in any magazine.
- Go for a fix of a very common problem on a common bike. (a minute or two is all it would take, example the starter on a XV)
- Needs to be up to date. So coming happenings can be included. Meetings, shows, races etc.
- Add a web page where the info can be seen. Also where you get feedback.
- A segment on what "our" NZ boys and girl racers are doing. Sort of a "news from the world" snippet...

Shit, I could go on here. But I am sure you guys have already considered all this.

Good Luck!

24th January 2009, 20:39
- "Biker of the week" -Not the well known that already get news space. Take the odd ones. The interesting ones.
- A speciality bike shop/service/one off. Someone who is so dedicated to top result that making money is not on the agenda. (It just happens)
- I say forget the new bike reviews. You can read them in any magazine.
- Go for a fix of a very common problem on a common bike. (a minute or two is all it would take, example the starter on a XV)
- Needs to be up to date. So coming happenings can be included. Meetings, shows, races etc.
- Add a web page where the info can be seen. Also where you get feedback.
- A segment on what "our" NZ boys and girl racers are doing. Sort of a "news from the world" snippet...

Shit, I could go on here. But I am sure you guys have already considered all this.

Good Luck!

Very good idea,s,, keep them comming

I had a meeting yesterday with the broadcaster, just to let them know of the good response that I have had on KB,

In the next week, i will be talking to the folks who have expressed an interest to work on this,

There is still a need to find a female presenter, so if anyone would like to put there hand up, then please do.

The format is still do be decided, so all of your idea,s are very much welcomed.

27th January 2009, 18:48
U want more ideas?:
- Stolen bikes
- And one I always wanted done but nobody has big cahunas enuf to do it: Convicted bike thiefs. (The ones that have been in that week convicted )
- A comparison snippet. "This week we compared the insurances you can get on your pride and joy. What we found is...". "You remember last week we looked at insurance? Well this week we took a look at security locks you can get for the bike. There is some real waste of $$'s out there. We looked at the ten most common ones and we rated them as follows...." And so on.
- Places bikers are welcome. Do one a week (here I am still basing this on that you would manage to get this show on weekly...). Pub, restaurant, camping ground, any place where the owners are welcoming us.
- And lets also include the politicians here. If someone has said/done something good that could affect us, then lets give him/her the deserved "Cheers dude/dudette!". But also when some of them have stuck their head soo deep in to the smelly and dark region and want to make our life worse lets also make clear that they won't get away with it!

But above all be current, AND focus on NZ and NZ issues. And make it fun. There is so much that puts us to sleep on the box. Let's try to make this something that we WANT to watch, not something we feel we have to watch because we should...

I have no idea what I could do to help this along, but if you get stuck or need some new ideas, contact me!

Good Luck!

27th January 2009, 19:25
"lights action camera"

I know I'm a pedant but shouldn't that be, "Lights, Camera, Action."?

27th January 2009, 20:11
I know I'm a pedant but shouldn't that be, "Lights, Camera, Action."?
very good ,

but WE need some action before we can get to the camera part,

so " action lights camera':doh:

27th January 2009, 20:18
ooh me me me.im on ma learners and ive got the legendary gn250.and im a young passionate rider wohoooo

29th January 2009, 14:05
ooh me me me.im on ma learners and ive got the legendary gn250.and im a young passionate rider wohoooo

Yur sl0w br4h :wari:

29th January 2009, 14:10
Yur sl0w br4h :wari:Not all of us can pull 6G's on a bike:oi-grr:

29th January 2009, 14:36
Hope you get it you remind me of the guy from the ITM Fishing show and that guy is great entertainment,
Matt Watson.

The format that is used on the three fishing shows, would be a great style to emulate for a bike show.
A primary host, chatty "mates having a beer" interviews and a bit of tounge-in-cheek humour.

Please feel free to PM me - happy to do anything from direct, film, assist, gaffe, carry, drive, make coffee - and best of all I'll tell the truth if it's out of my depth...
OK. What the fuck is a "Gaffer"???
This has puzzled me more than a "Grip" or a "Key grip"!

The Pastor
29th January 2009, 15:55
you NEED to have a track where you can get comparitve lap times done. Puke would be the best bet for this :) - or hampton downs when it gets open!

also get the mormon few on bord :D

29th January 2009, 16:45
Matt Watson.

The format that is used on the three fishing shows, would be a great style to emulate for a bike show.
A primary host, chatty "mates having a beer" interviews and a bit of tounge-in-cheek humour.

matt watson thats it. even looks kinda like carver lol

he a legend awesome show as well

The Stranger
29th January 2009, 17:39
matt watson thats it. even looks kinda like carver lol

he a legend awesome show as well

Carver, tongue in cheek. Not sure I want to see this.

29th January 2009, 19:22
so CBR97 who's going to be the host

29th January 2009, 19:31
i think Mikey Havoc (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikey_Havoc) would be primo for the host..

Big Dave would have to be in front of the lens too

They don't make a lens with enough fisheye to fit dave in. :2thumbsup

29th January 2009, 20:16
Another possible subject could be "Interesting rides around the country."

Like the Coro Loop, Buller Gorge, Wet Coast, Southern Scenic Route, Passes, etc.

29th January 2009, 20:45
so CBR97 who's going to be the host

there will be , if all things go to plan, 3 hosts, or 2 partime and 1 full time host,

There will be a female host, if we can find one, and two males,,

I have one in mind already, just need to put him in front of a production camera, and see what comes out he other end,

So there is still 2 more spots to fill,

Anyone want to give it a go?////

29th January 2009, 20:47
haha, so far so good.

im surprised that so many of you recommend me for this

I'd recommend you for gay porn!! <_<

29th January 2009, 20:49
there will be , if all things go to plan, 3 hosts, or 2 partime and 1 full time host,

There will be a female host, if we can find one, and two males,,

I have one in mind already, just need to put him in front of a production camera, and see what comes out he other end,

So there is still 2 more spots to fill,

Anyone want to give it a go?////

I wouldn't be good in front of the camera! but i can do some good dumb shit on bikes!! :blink:

29th January 2009, 21:52
I'd recommend you for gay porn!! <_<

im not that into stunting dude...

im keen to get behind this

2nd February 2009, 13:04
Matt Watson.

OK. What the fuck is a "Gaffer"???
This has puzzled me more than a "Grip" or a "Key grip"!

The Gaffer usually works with the DOP to execute the lighting plan - he's often (but not always) an electrician... sometimes he's more of a mad professor. He needs to be electrically literate.

Basically he rigs up the lights (and reflectors and anything else) to get the texture and amount of light the DOP wants (or tells his peons to if it's a big set)

Grips are pretty much the peons - they push dollys, hold things in place, lift, carry stuff back and forward

The Key Grip is the Master Peon... he is the one eyed man in the land of the blind... he assigns grips to different parts of the set to get things done

You could call him a foreman - but I think Master Peon is way cooler...


2nd February 2009, 13:32
The Gaffer ...

Cheers for that!
I has been edjamacated.:2thumbsup

2nd February 2009, 14:03
Actually to be fair I made it sound a little mean - grips also control the cranes and these days other special weird rigs that cameras are attached to and can even be involved in special effects - so it's more than I made it sound... apologies to any grip bikers...

love yer work...

Mr Merde
2nd February 2009, 14:56
...... apologies to any grip bikers...

love yer work...

Are you impying that some bikers are "grippers"?

2nd February 2009, 17:46
Are you impying that some bikers are "grippers"?

I nearly said "Bike Grips" but I wasn't sure that was better... :laugh:

The Pastor
7th February 2009, 09:12
I'd love to help out in anyway I can.

Big Dave
7th February 2009, 09:28
I'd love to help out in anyway I can.

Emigrate. :laugh:

The Pastor
7th February 2009, 09:40
Emigrate. :laugh:
oh har har har.....

Big Dave
7th February 2009, 09:59
oh har har har.....

Payback for the joke red. :done:

The Pastor
7th February 2009, 10:03
Payback for the joke red. :done:
i bet it keeps you up at night aye

Big Dave
7th February 2009, 10:04
I can give the show some space on kiwirider.co.nz perhaps.

Someone involved could blog it - use it to promote the show maybe.

Big Dave
7th February 2009, 10:05
i bet it keeps you up at night aye

Not since the counseling.

12th February 2009, 09:58
Not since the counseling.

I thought for counseing you need to really be at eye height to make an effect...

Does he wear stilts? :woohoo:

12th February 2009, 10:38
Hell i'd love to be part of this :yes:
The only downside....I live at the other end of the North Island.
Send a PM if you need anything from down here?
I'm going to keep an eye on this thread and the progress of the show. I'd definetly be a number 1 fan :first:

Edit - Forgot to add, I live 5 minutes from Manfeild Race track ;)