View Full Version : Forgotten Highway

18th January 2009, 21:55
Anyone have any experiences riding the forgotten highway from Taumarunui to Stratford? Also, as I am thinking of doing the loop from Wanganui, where and how much of the route is unsealed?

18th January 2009, 22:00
fantastic road. lots and lots of twisty roads.

Garvel is hard packed and easy to ride over. goes for about 14k but easy to do 60-70k across it and each end is worth the trip.

ynot slow
18th January 2009, 22:11
Suss out the chateau-plateau ride this weekend 25th Jan,leaving chateau Tongariro,ending at Stratford.

18th January 2009, 22:20
Great road with 13 km's of VERY GOOD unsealed road, see http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=89800 .

It's an easy ride, no probs at all. Just when you approach the one way tunnel, I suggest you stop and remove your sunglasses, - trust me - you don't want to go flying in there with shades on!


Greg Murphy late last year, while (ironically) on a staged 'Economy Run' said "WOW, thats the best road in the North Island!"

Funnily enough, he came last (or close to) on the economy stakes!

Pop in to the Matiere Cosi Club for a beer on the way thru.

Matiere: "Worth Finding"

18th January 2009, 22:23
yeah, what they said. I should have said before that make sure you are fueled at either end cause its 150k with no gas.

19th January 2009, 07:13
Anyone have any experiences riding the forgotten highway from Taumarunui to Stratford? Also, as I am thinking of doing the loop from Wanganui, where and how much of the route is unsealed?

Rode it two weeks ago ... the unsealed road is generally hard packed where they patch it with loose gravel. Respect the road ... be aware that yes it is fine and twisty but also a well used road. This time of year .. lots of holiday campers .. stock trucks and other riders.

About 50kms in is the cross that we put up for Grub ... have a toot to indicate hi from me. :)

Look forward to your ride report!!

ynot slow
19th January 2009, 08:01
Also it is a COUNRTY road(highway is a joke from pub to Stratford lol)so be very aware of animals,we came round a right hander and met a lady on a horse,no probs as only doing 30km.
Some of the bends say 25km and don't take them at 50km.

It can be really fun finding a cockie on the road with tractor and trailer aimlessly pulling out of a side road or drive and not looking.

Fill up at start and enjoy the pub food.

If ya notice fresh cow shit on the road slow down,strays or droving maybe ahead.Keep an eye for shiny tar in the arvo if a hot day,the odd logging truck and road repair crews are about as well.:Punk:

19th January 2009, 09:05
Also it is a COUNRTY road(highway is a joke from pub to Stratford lol)so be very aware of animals,we came round a right hander and met a lady on a horse,no probs as only doing 30km.
Some of the bends say 25km and don't take them at 50km.

It can be really fun finding a cockie on the road with tractor and trailer aimlessly pulling out of a side road or drive and not looking.

Fill up at start and enjoy the pub food.

If ya notice fresh cow shit on the road slow down,strays or droving maybe ahead.Keep an eye for shiny tar in the arvo if a hot day,the odd logging truck and road repair crews are about as well.:Punk:

You forgot to mention turkeys! There were a few of them getting in the way last time I went through.

Great road though but keep ya wits about you as mentioned above.

19th January 2009, 10:34
You forgot to mention turkeys!

Always a risk on this sort of road. And there'll be a few of the feathered variety, too.

19th January 2009, 11:07
Opps forgot to mention the bull that was wandering around the roads when we went over ... see anything like that tell the farmer at the next house along the road.

19th January 2009, 11:29
Just watch out for oncomming bikers on your side of the centreline, especially Whanga to Stratford which is busy(ish) this time of year. Saddle after saddle - you'll get sick of corners (a strange feeling - like getting sick of crayfish)
Have fun.

19th January 2009, 13:59
Don't worry about the metal in the gorge, Ive seen Goldwings and full dresser Harleys in there two up with luggage. The surface is no trouble - unless the grader just went through...

Last year for the Chateau to Plateau the Council obligingly filled all the holes with metal. I would have preferred the holes, but they didn't ask me.
Be interesting to see what they have for us this year.

The earlier comment about the tunnel was good. Travelling to Stratford it is just a little tricky, it's slightly downhill so the "horizon" isn't quite where it should be and this affects your balance a bit. The next guy to drop a bike in there won't be the first. There is help at the Kaeto cafe on top of the next saddle, the cafe is owned by bikers.

19th January 2009, 14:38
Suss out the chateau-plateau ride this weekend 25th Jan,leaving chateau Tongariro,ending at Stratford.

Anymore info on this?,sounds kind of interesting


There is a thread about it under events if anyone is interested


19th January 2009, 14:40
Anymore info on this?,sounds kind of interesting


19th January 2009, 14:46
It's an awesome ride. Absolutely ruthless road. Twisties pretty much the whole way with a big stretch of dirt road in the middle. Some nice scenery around as well and some good photo taking opportunities if you are into that kind of thing.

19th January 2009, 14:52
Funny enough, I've never been on the road, Which is mental as its right next door. Anyone care to show the route on a map? I might go for a nosy.

19th January 2009, 15:25

19th January 2009, 15:41
Only been as far as whanga' from the stratford side,but i absolutely love that road.:2thumbsup
A whanga' burger is worth holding out for,if you can wait till you reach the pub.:cool:

A great place to met/chat with other bikers too.

Boob Johnson
19th January 2009, 17:51
My fav ride :Punk:

The above comments have summed it up pretty nicely. As Shafty said def take off the sunnies in the tunnel, jeez that gives ya the shits lol. And DEFINITELY watch out for the "runny honey" (soft tar). Its all over the place & pretty shocking at this time of year.

As for others on the road, I get guests turning up here everyday that have just traveled SH43 & so many remark on how few other road users they come across, one the other day was blown away that in the 151km's from Taumaranui to Stratford they passed NOT A SINGLE other vehicle :laugh:

20th January 2009, 08:49
Hi there,
I've just done this ride over the weekend (17-18 Jan). The comments already here summed it up pretty well. The gravel section north of Whanga was in reasonable nick when we went through, but there was LOTS of livestock on the road. Also, we encountered quite a few farm vehicles cutting corners across the centreline which gave the lead rider a few scares.

20th January 2009, 18:57
It's one of the worlds must do roads. On the right day it's delicious but there are so many enjoyable bends, it's easy to get blase or lost in the moment and a couple of the really tight bastards may well catch you out.

All the above posts are good advice re what to be wary of, I'll just add one more which is the family of wild Goats on speed that live and fornicate right in the middle of the road atop one of the saddles, midweek especially, due to the lack of traffic they will often be licking each others genitals across the centre line and why not their merely mimicking the goings on in Matiere.Sorry Shafty :laugh:

It's all good, proceed with caution and you'll have a brilliant ride out. :sunny: