View Full Version : Whats going on

13th February 2005, 15:24
Went for a ride up to PioPio this morning even put my safety gear on :yeah: Whats with all the Harleys ?? some road trip on or what .
Stopped at Mokau for a OJ & check out the 25 odd Harleys there . What a excellent bunch of people these Harley riders are not one of the said anything to me . Not even a Hi , hello , nice day, come far , you a local rider.
Fuck what a bike it must be to change you so much that you cann't even talk to anyone that doesn't own a one . The funny thing is that all these people were in their mid fifty's go figger .

13th February 2005, 15:28
Went for a ride up to PioPio this morning even put my safety gear on :yeah: Whats with all the Harleys ?? some road trip on or what .
Stopped at Mokau for a OJ & check out the 25 odd Harleys there . What a excellent bunch of people these Harley riders are not one of the said anything to me . Not even a Hi , hello , nice day, come far , you a local rider.
Fuck what a bike it must be to change you so much that you cann't even talk to anyone that doesn't own a one . The funny thing is that all these people were in their mid fifty's go figger .
It's the hog rally here in Hamilton alot of them are probably doing other rides aswell for the fun of it. Have a friend of mine who is looking at buying herself another harley and i made her promise not to become like all the other guys on their HDs. Told her she needs to wave when passing no matter what they ride and talk to them if she sees another biker at a bar/club/anywhere so thats one less dick on the road.:2thumbsup

13th February 2005, 15:33
Went for a ride up to PioPio this morning even put my safety gear on :yeah: Whats with all the Harleys ?? some road trip on or what .
Stopped at Mokau for a OJ & check out the 25 odd Harleys there . What a excellent bunch of people these Harley riders are not one of the said anything to me . Not even a Hi , hello , nice day, come far , you a local rider.
Fuck what a bike it must be to change you so much that you cann't even talk to anyone that doesn't own a one . The funny thing is that all these people were in their mid fifty's go figger .

Yeah but when you ride one and "know" everybody thinks you're stuck/wanker or whatever you're sure as hell not going to give them a chance to have a go at you eh?

Did YOU go up to THEM and say "gidday, have a good ride?" or did you look at them and think "pricks, they won't even say gidday"?

A self fulfilling prophecy I fear.
p.s. The first time I meet a rider of ANY type of bike that I consider "up themselves" I'll be sure and report it on this site.

White trash
13th February 2005, 15:46
Yeah. Just like the bloke on the CBR the other night at the carpark that rode straight past a group of 30 bikers, who were all nodding or waving to him. Then parked up at the other end and sat all by himself.

Shit! Even if I was waiting for my dealer I'd still be inclined to make time to introduce myself to a bunch of other bikers.

White trash
13th February 2005, 15:56
Here's a laugh.

I'm on the Harley Owners Group, Wellington chapter committee. If I hadn't had the kids I'd be in Hamilton right now, not waving at anybody.

Anyway, I go to the monthly meetings on a (shock, horror) shiny silver Gixxer 1K. And you know what, after every meeting, there's a shitload mor HOGsters standing around my bike asking questions, asking to sit on it, find out more about it than any other bike in the carpark.

The current director also rides a 999 and a Sped III.

The chapter is putting on a HUGE poker run in 2 weeks time for ALL motorcyclists, regardless of what you ride. Theres $2500 worth of prizes available to everyone and a massive BBQ at the end.

People can turn up on their Nifty Fifty if that's your bag!

I can't imagine the Suzuki owners club or the Litre Crew extending an open invite to the HOG club any time soon. Can you?

13th February 2005, 16:30
I'd agree with going up to them/getting in first. Just like 'us', there are some complete tossers and some really nice guys/girls. I met 3 in Mokau (they were going back to Hamilton after Wanganui races) between Xmas/NewYear and had a good old chinwag with them. One guy said he had a Haynes manual covering my Gixxer at home & I could have it. Yeah right, I thought. I gave him my business card - what the hell, right?? Well about 3 weeks later I get a phone call from him. He is in Havelock North, he's got the manual with him, gets my address & brings it to me in person. The book was in as-new condition too. Big thumbs up :2thumbsup to Grant of Hamilton. So don't paint anybody according to what they ride - you will likely be wrong.

13th February 2005, 16:37
I filled up at a local petrol station recently while 2 Harleys were there. As I know the attendant (a young lady) is keen on Harleys, I commented to her in a loud voice that Harleys aren't real bikes. Well that broke the ice, and those two harley owners were soon chatting away good as anything, and commented that "two wheels is two wheels irrespective of brand".

I do believe that they were just a bit shy. Perhaps the same applies to some other Harley owners? :cool:

13th February 2005, 16:52
Yeah but when you ride one and "know" everybody thinks you're stuck/wanker or whatever you're sure as hell not going to give them a chance to have a go at you eh?

Did YOU go up to THEM and say "gidday, have a good ride?" or did you look at them and think "pricks, they won't even say gidday"?

1st Yea said hi as I do to all bike rider's as I'v owned just about everything on the road myself & they just got looked at me ?? Parked my bike right in front of all their Harley's so they could see what a real bike looked like :banana: 2nd
People think HD rider's are different as they do just what I have posted . Road a mates FXR round for a week on holiday & I can tell you what a eye opening thing it was . Got told by a guy that seen me talking to a rider of Z900 you "Don't talk to Japper's " I just laughed at him .
Funny thing is that these people drive Jap cars watch Jap TV's , cook on Jap stoves talk on Jap phones . It must be so hard to call yourslef a true biker with such a CLOSED MIND :angry2:
SENSEI :done:

13th February 2005, 17:00
I spent the morning in Hamilhole pottering around on the bike. Couldnt tell ya hows many Harleys were about (lost count)

On the road, most took the time to return my wave, and at the cafe had a good chin-wag with a group of 6 Harley riders - pleasant, happy people enjoying the chance to meet with like minded riders... sounds a lot like the Kiwi-biker rides i've been on :yeah:

13th February 2005, 17:19
I can't imagine the Suzuki owners club or the Litre Crew extending an open invite to the HOG club any time soon. Can you?Are there clubs like these? I have not come across a No-BEAR or No-HD Club as yet. I do however know of BEAR only clubs. Have been on some of their Poker Runs riding a Japper. Not all of these clubs are bad (but there are those I would not risk my Japper with). I have met the odd sport biker with a bad atitude towards HD/Cruisers. Greatfully, these riders with a bad atitudes towards other bikes seem to be in the minority. My advise to those who come across them, is to remember that this their problem and not to make it yours. So what, if they don't talk to you. Big deal. Does every Chirstian of every sect talk to others for differient sects? Do all "cage" owners talk or wave to each other when passing? We should count it a privilege that so many other riders take time to acknowledge us as we are riding (often when it would be better if we had both hands on the bars). Try to remember that, and take joy in it, rather than getting snotty with the few who don't.

13th February 2005, 20:40
My wife came home last night after being down Hamilton way - ''I want a Harley'' she said.She saw some bikes when she was filling her car up,she said she almost asked the guy if she could sit on his Sportster.Maybe I won't get a DT230,I could get a nice 883 Sporty and we can swap riding duties....I can be lazy and sit on the back doing nothing sometimes.

13th February 2005, 20:42
My wife came home last night after being down Hamilton way - ''I want a Harley'' she said.She saw some bikes when she was filling her car up,she said she almost asked the guy if she could sit on his Sportster.Maybe I won't get a DT230,I could get a nice 883 Sporty and we can swap riding duties....I can be lazy and sit on the back doing nothing sometimes.
Hmm never seen that combo before, chick riding and the guy sitting bitch (no offense ladies thats just what I call it) could be interesting to see.:niceone:

14th February 2005, 01:15
1st Yea said hi as I do to all bike rider's as I'v owned just about everything on the road myself & they just got looked at me ?? Parked my bike right in front of all their Harley's so they could see what a real bike looked like :banana: 2nd
People think HD rider's are different as they do just what I have posted . Road a mates FXR round for a week on holiday & I can tell you what a eye opening thing it was . Got told by a guy that seen me talking to a rider of Z900 you "Don't talk to Japper's " I just laughed at him .
Funny thing is that these people drive Jap cars watch Jap TV's , cook on Jap stoves talk on Jap phones . It must be so hard to call yourslef a true biker with such a CLOSED MIND :angry2:
SENSEI :done:

Sorry to hear of your neg. experience, personally I have NEVER been 'snubbed' by a rider of another brand of motorbike but I sure as hell had a shitload of Harley slagging flung at me over the years "yeah well most of you bike was made in Japan anyway" kind of stuff, I guess I wasn't as mature as them 'cause their point was lost on me. :spudwhat:

14th February 2005, 06:49
Hmm never seen that combo before, chick riding and the guy sitting bitch (no offense ladies thats just what I call it) could be interesting to see.:niceone:

I've spent a lot of time on the back of my wife's bikes - she took me to Cold Kiwi and back one year,I've also pillioned with other women too...not not a problem....they're human y'know.

14th February 2005, 08:19
Hmm never seen that combo before, chick riding and the guy sitting bitch (no offense ladies thats just what I call it) could be interesting to see.:niceone:

I remember I let my wife ride the Bandit for about 5 km from home years ago. She had only ridden trail/farm bikes. She tryed turning into corners, I had to hang off the bike which ever way we were supposed to be turning. :angry2: Freakiest 5 km of my life!

But look at her now! :2thumbsup : I'll never do it again tho :baby:

14th February 2005, 14:07
I've spent a lot of time on the back of my wife's bikes - she took me to Cold Kiwi and back one year,I've also pillioned with other women too...not not a problem....they're human y'know.
Never said it couldn't be done mate, just said I've never seen it before. Each is own I guess:spudwhat:

(pt btw)

14th February 2005, 14:18
Hey, if someone else wants to do all the hard work, I've got no problems with that! :wari:
Unless of course the pillion seat is one of those bricks-covered-with-a-thin-layer-of-vinyl types, in which case, I would feel obliged to assert my manly authority, and sit on the comfy seat :done:

Yay for my 500th post-halfway to whoredom