View Full Version : How would you react to this?

15th November 2007, 21:05
So we've sold our house:woohoo: But thats not what this is about.

Purchaser asks if they can bring Mum and Dad from out of town to have a look at the new house they love so much. Cool, so we tidy up yet again, make ourselves scarce, and they go through. No worries.

Purchasers Real Estate Agent leaves a message telling us that new owner intends to rent the house out for a bit. Could we please contact them directly to discuss. We haven't managed to contact them yet.

Today, the Purchasers rang and left a message say that our house, which we still own, are living in, and will not be handing over the keys for until December 7, is now advertised on TradeMe as a rental. There are some extra photo's in there that they could only have taken when they bought their parents through.

We are now going to have to keep the place tidy while trying to pack to leave, so that prospective renters can look through the house.

How would you feel?

15th November 2007, 21:09
Come 7th Dec who cares.. They are getting some free advertising from you cause you still have your stuff in it. But what the heck, I'd let it go. But they can take a hike if they want to show prospective renters through :)

James Deuce
15th November 2007, 21:09
Well settlement isn't until the 7th, so they can't actually make it available to anyone until the 8th.

Pretty typical property speculation tactics, try not to take it personally.

Just remember, all people are scum, all people are scum, all people are scum - until proven otherwise.

15th November 2007, 21:10
I would be a bit pissed off, but what the hell-its sold now so as long as they dont try and show tenants around the place.Other wise would tell purchaser to p-off till December.

15th November 2007, 21:12
Talk to your lawyer about this issue.

YOU still own the house....... so therefore it ain't up for rent until the money and keys are handed over.

The way I see it is that they can advertise it for rental once they have handed over the money to you and only then.

If anyone comes a knocking on your door to check it out. Politely tell them to p*ss off.
Do NOT let any potential renters inside your home.....

Oh and you dont have to keep it tidy....... because of this either.

You got a link to the TradeMe advert?

15th November 2007, 21:13
Come 7th Dec who cares.. They are getting some free advertising from you cause you still have your stuff in it. But what the heck, I'd let it go. But they can take a hike if they want to show prospective renters through :)

100% agree, it aint theirs till the 7th so no more views cos' they will have so many relations to show thru you know that aye?...:rolleyes:

15th November 2007, 21:19
100% agree, it aint theirs till the 7th so no more views cos' they will have so many relations to show thru you know that aye?...:rolleyes:

Until the money is in your bank you still own it therefore its your call and no one else's

15th November 2007, 21:23
There is also the issue that they have exposed yoru house and your positions to potential theives and violated your personal space and property,

I'd be pretty pissed actually, the very fact taht they didnt ask, they are way overstepping any usual social and ownership boundarys and you need to stick up for yourself.

I wouldnt go as far as calling a lawyer but I would ask them to remove the photographs off trade me, simply say that you consider it a theft hazzard.


15th November 2007, 21:26
I wouldnt be doing anything you wouldnt do if it wasnt listed. ie dont keep it tidier than you would and dont show anyone through. Im guessing you have an unconditional contract and theres no clause in there that they can show people through.

Id be very skeptical about allowing the listing on there too

15th November 2007, 21:32
I don't want to talk about house buyers. That's ANOTHER story for another day.

you've given and inch and they've taken a mile. No need to keep your house tidier than usual though coz they have no right to show anyone else through the property until handover.

Alternatively you could charge them $50 for every group that comes to view.......

15th November 2007, 21:33
Repeat after me.....FUCK OFF!

15th November 2007, 21:36
We are now going to have to keep the place tidy while trying to pack to leave, so that prospective renters can look through the house.

No, you most certainly do not have to keep the house tidy! I am assuming that this deal is now unconditional? You own the house, if there is no clause in the sale and purchase agreement to say you agree to the house being available for prospective tenants to view, tell them, the purchaser and the agent if they push to get stuffed! This is a complete invasion of your privacy! I used to be in the property management game, all my tenants had to agree for me to take pictures as part of my regular inspection regime or they were not my tenant. Taking pics of someones possessions and putting them up on tard me is not on!

If this agreement is unconditional, ring the real estate salesperson that put the deal together, or their boss, and clearly state that your house is not available for viewing by future prospective tenants of the the people wanting to buy the place.

This is still your HOME! Perhaps had they asked permission to advertise it and bring people through before actually doing it the case could be considered differently, tell them to bugger off!

15th November 2007, 21:37
Got home today after agent showing someone through our place. My chairs footpad extended....Who's been sitting in my chair? :mad:

Little things don't piss me off...:baby:


James Deuce
15th November 2007, 21:41
real estate salesperson

KB Lexicon entry, #4329

real estate salesperson = thieving white-collar anal tick, T.W.A.T for short.

15th November 2007, 21:46
KB Lexicon entry, #4329

real estate salesperson = thieving white-collar anal tick, T.W.A.T for short.


Sorry, you sprung me.......I should have said.....tell that TWAT to bugger off!

15th November 2007, 21:57
Just a few things mate:

Has the deal been finalised and contract signed?

Have you received the money in full?

If the answer is yes and yes and the date is set for 7th of Dec then do as posted by people above.

The house is your's till the 7th of Dec and they have not sought permission from you to place an ad on TradeMe. Especially if you would potentially have people coming around your house.

However if things haven't been finalised then you might wanna be a bit more diplomatic with your dealings as you would not want the deal to fall.

Having said that, who would advertise for rent until they are 100% sure to buy so I'd give them the hard word. Some people's ethics have gone down the drain these days.

Good luck!

16th November 2007, 06:24
All of the above man. It is not unreasonable to tell them to Fuck Off until Dec 7th. Checky little fuckers.

16th November 2007, 06:39
Give me the real estate agents number and I'll tell them to go fuck themselves free of charge. Please?

I sold a house once and the buyers (2 adults & 3 kids) arrived from overseas 1 day early and had nowhere to stay. I guess they could have gone to a hotel but they seemed nice so they stayed with us for the last night. Gave me a chance to show them the house.

16th November 2007, 06:47
The new owners are being total pratts .. they can not legally have it advertised for sale as they do not own it. They are legally obliged to buy, it is hard to back out once unconditional. I would complain to trademe and get it withdrawn and ask them politely to bug off until the sale is complete. This behaviour gives landlords a bad name ... :(

16th November 2007, 06:55
Could you send me a pic of your bike TonyB - I want to buy it and have another buyer who could be keen on getting it off me who wants to know what it looks like...:whistle:

Seeing as how you're so nice and cooperative an' all:innocent:

16th November 2007, 07:11
Today, the Purchasers rang and left a message say that our house, which we still own, are living in, and will not be handing over the keys for until December 7, is now advertised on TradeMe as a rental. There are some extra photo's in there that they could only have taken when they bought their parents through.

We are now going to have to keep the place tidy while trying to pack to leave, so that prospective renters can look through the house.

How would you feel?

I'd tell them to stick it up their arses. Your house still, you'll keep it as you want to - tidy, untidy, clean, dirty - your house, your choice.

As for prospective renters looking through your house - they can stick it up their arses sideways! No way are a bunch of strangers traipsing through a house not yet owned by the people advertising it. Not only do these people then know the hours you keep, but they get to have a jolly good look at all your stuff in the process.......

The new owners can have renters look through as of 7th Dec and no sooner. If they've got any issues with that, they can speak to your lawyer.....

My 2c worth.

16th November 2007, 07:19
Let anyone who wants have a look through. Promise it to the roughest looking one, and take his $$ deposit. Tell him you will leave the keys under the mat on the 7th, and do it.

16th November 2007, 07:20
give me the trade me listing.. i'll learn 'em

16th November 2007, 09:05
Thanks for your comments guys.
We had the chance to sleep on it, and have chilled out a fair bit. Realistically, with MrsB and I being pretty easy going people, if they had asked we would have said yes. So I rang them this morning and talked it through with the wife. I made it clear that we weren't happy that they had listed our house without asking, and she was very apologetic. Quite frankly, she sounded too damn cute for me to stay angry with any way:rolleyes: Given the time of year etc I can see why she panicked a bit and put it on the net before confirming with us. They are going to meet any prospective renter and approve them before brining them through. At least one of us will be here to let them in, because there is no way we're leaving keys out or anything.

So its all sorted. Kids, the moral of the story is 'ASK FIRST'
No I won't be putting up the link- why draw more attention to it? Plus as far as I'm concerned its sorted, and I don't want anyone pissing them off on 'my behalf'.

16th November 2007, 11:52
Start a P lab.

You'll make some extra cash in the mean-time.

16th November 2007, 13:41
Let people view it - get them interested, then tell 'em you are moving because the land was an old dump and there are dangerous levels of arsenic in the soil.

Make sure all neighbours / friends etc etc hear about it so house values there plummet.

Go back 6 months time and buy the house back for 1/2 what they paid.

16th November 2007, 19:01
They are going to meet any prospective renter and approve them before brining them through. At least one of us will be here to let them in, because there is no way we're leaving keys out or anything.

You are being rather helpful. Wish I could find a vendor like you :)

If I were you I'd be asking a fee for any viewing prior to settlement. Remember that this is an investment property to them and they are making money by not having to wait to advertise and allow people though. I'd take a week's rent off them (which they should be happy to give you) if I was in your shoes regardless of whether I actually minded or not.

Unless otherwise specified in the contract the only obligation you have is to allow a pre-settlement inspection to confirm the house is in the condition you agreed to i.e. chattels etc are still there.

Everyone is cheeky when it comes to property (buyers and vendors alike) and my advice is generally don't give an inch more than you have to unless it gets you something in return. Early access like this should demand a higher purchase price or other compensation for the vendor. Conversely as a buyer I expect a quick cash settlement with no fucking around should earn me a lower purchase price. Etc, etc etc.

16th November 2007, 21:40
I would ...
- let the lawns grow, don't weed the garden
- leave plenty of rubbish all over the lawn and paths
- leave one of the kid's dirty nappies on the bathroom floor
- fry chips and burn them, then leave the fat in the pot on the stove
- get one of the kids pencils and dot the wallpaper so it looks like mould
- borrow a neighbourhood old car, take the wheels off and put it on blocks on the front lawn
Then allow renters to view

17th November 2007, 11:57
I would suggest that the ad on Tardme is against Tardme's rules - you may not advertise something that you do not possess.

17th November 2007, 12:05

You got a link to the TradeMe advert?

Yeah, show us your stuff so I can see if you have anything worth robbing!!

17th November 2007, 12:40
I would ...
- let the lawns grow, don't weed the garden
- leave plenty of rubbish all over the lawn and paths
- leave one of the kid's dirty nappies on the bathroom floor
- fry chips and burn them, then leave the fat in the pot on the stove
- get one of the kids pencils and dot the wallpaper so it looks like mould
- borrow a neighbourhood old car, take the wheels off and put it on blocks on the front lawn
Then allow renters to view

So that's why your house and gardens are the way they are. Nasty told me it was because you had fallen off the bike and couldn't do the washing and ironing due to the sore arm....:bleh:

17th November 2007, 15:44
So that's why your house and gardens are the way they are. ....:bleh:

You'll keep. One day when you're riding along in the zone with not a care in the world ....... MWAAAHAHAHAHA

17th November 2007, 18:44
You are being rather helpful. Wish I could find a vendor like you :) Whats done is done. She is very appologetic, and I believe that it was a genuine mistake. And she sounds cute ;)
Its not an investment property for them, they've had to make a fair stretch to afford our house and as a result they need to rent it out for a year. They are staying with parents at the moment and will have to endure it for a bit longer. I actually feel sorry for them- imagine buying your first house and not being able to move in:(

17th November 2007, 19:02
Whats done is done. She is very appologetic, and I believe that it was a genuine mistake. And she sounds cute ;)
Its not an investment property for them, they've had to make a fair stretch to afford our house and as a result they need to rent it out for a year. They are staying with parents at the moment and will have to endure it for a bit longer. I actually feel sorry for them- imagine buying your first house and not being able to move in:(

Well if she sounds :love: all bets are off......

Sounds like they've come up with a good plan to get into a house though. Renting it out would suck but if they can only afford to top-up the mortgage and have rent-free accommodation it is the way to go.

Glad to hear you've sorted it and feel pretty happy about it. :yes:

17th November 2007, 19:18
Sounds like they have over extended themselves to buy the property in the first place, I would not like to be them when it comes to repaying the mortgage if /when the interest rates rise or the new tenants decide that they don't have to pay the rent for a month or two.... mortgagee sale anyone :buggerd:

2nd December 2007, 18:28
Well we met the new owners today.
Quite frankly, she sounded too damn cute for me to stay angry with any way:rolleyes: :yes: