View Full Version : Kittens. Free.

White trash
29th October 2007, 18:24
Riff raff told me to put it in this forum when I asked so if it should be in online trading, infract her please Neal. :D

Anyway, my cat Spanner had kittens 6 weeks ago, we orginally thought the father was Sues cat Optimus Prime but on seeing the offspring, it's apparent he didn't know what the hell he was doing.

Annnnyway, she had four. One's gone, the girl one was snapped up by my mate Sarah but we've got three left, all boys.

They're all healthy as at this stage and cute as too. Two black and white critters and a tabby.

Free to a good home.

Edit: They're also used to an extremely bouncy and enthusiastic dog and really enjoy human contact.

White trash
29th October 2007, 18:46
Here's a couple of pics. One when they were fairly new and the dog was thinking about eating them and a more recent one of Sues favourite.


29th October 2007, 18:55
The captain has turned on the 'Excessively Cute' light.

I'd be very tempted if the buggers didn't make me sneeze and Graham didn't already have a completely psychopathic one.

29th October 2007, 18:58
Its even harder now that there is pictures..... *whimper*

Riff Raff
30th October 2007, 10:42

Black and white ones - one has a black circle on his chest as can be seen in the photo, the other one has a little white goatee. Circle boy is the cuddly one (it may just be with me - he adores me and follows me round, but WT won't let me keep him because apparently three cats is enough), and goatee boy is just a little honey. He's the gentlest of all the boys.

Tabby boy is the biggest of all the kittens, and is going to be a big cat with a big personality. He's discovered how to smooch today and is practising at every opportunity. I can't resist him. Can you?

Won't someone adopt these kitties?

30th October 2007, 10:58
man... I really want to... but my living situation won't allow it :(

30th October 2007, 11:48
Hope you find homes for the wee cuties. I'm sure you can find homes for the wee darlings. Goodluck with finding worthy owners!

30th October 2007, 12:03
I want one :love: but Cajun would kill me!

30th October 2007, 12:10
I want one :love: but Cajun would kill me!

Not if we get to him first! :devil2:

Tie him up and tickle him til he gives in...:laugh:

I'd love the little black one with the teddy but I already got 2 females and they're bad enough with each other without adding testosterones to the mix! :rolleyes:

One helpful hint though...Jansen's take kittens from a certain age, vaccin and worms them and make sure they go to good homes...Bought my girl from them, and they were awesome with her litter.

30th October 2007, 12:54
Not if we get to him first! :devil2:

Tie him up and tickle him til he gives in...:laugh:

I'd love the little black one with the teddy but I already got 2 females and they're bad enough with each other without adding testosterones to the mix! :rolleyes:

One helpful hint though...Jansen's take kittens from a certain age, vaccin and worms them and make sure they go to good homes...Bought my girl from them, and they were awesome with her litter.

yeah, jansens are awesome.. and if you take them to the vets at jansens, they will do a lovely job with vaccinations etc.

30th October 2007, 13:07
yeah, jansens are awesome.. and if you take them to the vets at jansens, they will do a lovely job with vaccinations etc.

Not so sure about that - I had a very bad experience with Jansens when we bought Sweep in 2002. He was flea-ridden and was sent home to us with cat flu, which he promptly gave to our other 2 and cost us hundreds in vets bills. Jansens denied all liability and I couldn't be arsed pursuing it given that all 3 were healthy in the end, thanks to the wonderful treatment at Animals Takapuna (that particular vet has since moved on, as have we...).

As for the vets at Jansens, in the post-sale release check-up, the vet has to ask US if he was a boy or a girl....and that was pre-neutering...?????? They also certified him flea-free and yet on the drive home I found 3 fleas of totally different types on the wee lad, and several more when we actually got him home. And on a Persian, fleas are a nightmare!

Anyhow, I hope you find loving homes for the kitties - would LOVE the black and white one in the pic with the teddy, but we have 4 now and that is definitely too many already!!!


30th October 2007, 14:39
Shit they are cute! I love the shot the tabby one with its paw on another kitten! Good luck finding them homes, hope they get good ones. Very, very cute!

30th October 2007, 14:48
but WT won't let me keep him because apparently three cats is enoughPfft men.... I get told that on a regular basis, but it never stops me from asking again..... :clap:

They are stunning Riff Raff.... that little black and white one looks like my Timothy...

I will call around my mates in Akl and ask if they want a kittie!

30th October 2007, 15:09
apparently three cats is enoughHow many bikes does he have? :innocent:

Ewan Oozarmy
30th October 2007, 15:11
If you get really stuck you could always try this:


PS - Just kidding, of course - please don't give me TOO much sh*t :)

White trash
30th October 2007, 16:02
How many bikes does he have? :innocent:
None. Thanks for rubbing that in. Riff raff has two more bikes than me too. :(

30th October 2007, 16:05
OMG!! The are soooo cute. I wish I could take one but two cats and one dog is already a bit over the top ........ :(

Or mebbe not - that wee black one looks soooooooo cute :hug:

30th October 2007, 16:33
Dont let my wife see this post....she is already asking for another cat....and we have 4 already

Big Dan
30th October 2007, 17:25
I get thr urge to start a poll on letting Riff Raff get her kitten

Who here thinks WT should let RR keep her sute kitten?

Come on jimmy whats one more pussy to feed :P

30th October 2007, 17:46
Can ya chuck one in an envelope and post it down here? :Pokey:

Riff Raff
30th October 2007, 17:59
Did I mention how cute these kittens are, and how they all have really cool personalities and will make awesome companions. Come on folks, I can't walk round my house without tripping over one of them.

Big Dan
30th October 2007, 18:10
Did I mention how cute these kittens are, and how they all have really cool personalities and will make awesome companions. Come on folks, I can't walk round my house without tripping over one of them.

Do you think you could twist Jimmy's arm to keep one

I'd love one but couldn't afford to keep one alive and i'm not home enough to give it the TLC it needs


30th October 2007, 18:48
Mwahhhhhh, so cute!!! I mustn't though, not until Kendog goes to kitty cat heaven. Hope they get someone who'll love them to adopt them soon.

30th October 2007, 18:50
Ahhh, but can they pillion on a bike??
This can have quite an impact on one's decision, you realise.

Col, WT offered to post one here, promised that it would be here by the end of the week!

30th October 2007, 19:12
Yow mum.
Hope you were serious - I did PM him our address...

30th October 2007, 19:16
Silly boy! That cost me the balnce of your trip to Belgium!
Guess you didn't really want to go, after all!

30th October 2007, 19:18
Cheeky shit.
What can I say? I just like cats.

White trash
30th October 2007, 19:23
Yup, got the address thanks mate.

Not sure if anyone's aware of the prohibitve costs involved of posting live animals. Prolly best someone local comes and picks the critters up to be honest. :D

9th November 2007, 16:47
Jimmy, Sue,

After much searching, I think I found a video of one of your kittens during a brief period on the run from sprocket. Can you indeed confirm this is one of yours?


9th November 2007, 18:33
Not so sure about that - I had a very bad experience with Jansens when we bought Sweep in 2002. He was flea-ridden and was sent home to us with cat flu, which he promptly gave to our other 2 and cost us hundreds in vets bills. Jansens denied all liability and I couldn't be arsed pursuing it given that all 3 were healthy in the end, thanks to the wonderful treatment at Animals Takapuna (that particular vet has since moved on, as have we...).

As for the vets at Jansens, in the post-sale release check-up, the vet has to ask US if he was a boy or a girl....and that was pre-neutering...?????? They also certified him flea-free and yet on the drive home I found 3 fleas of totally different types on the wee lad, and several more when we actually got him home. And on a Persian, fleas are a nightmare!

Anyhow, I hope you find loving homes for the kitties - would LOVE the black and white one in the pic with the teddy, but we have 4 now and that is definitely too many already!!!


which jansens was it though? there are good ones and bad ones I must say.

Riff Raff
10th November 2007, 07:09
Three kittens gone. Our male cat decided the last one was staying when they curled up together and went to sleep. So cute.

So Ollie, the male tabby is the fourth kitty cat member of this household.

10th November 2007, 07:12

10th November 2007, 16:44
which jansens was it though? there are good ones and bad ones I must say.

The one near the never-opening Pak'n'Save on the way to Glenfield. Been a couple of years since we moved out of Auckland now (more's the pity) and I forget the names of roads!