View Full Version : 15th World Water Ski Racing Championships

11th May 2007, 11:11
If any body is interested the 15th World Water Shi Racing championships will be having a street Parade and Opening ceremony in Rotoroa at 12.00pm today.

Race 1 of the worls Champs kicks off tomorrow on lake Rotorua with the best skiers in the world sking at speeds of up to and possibly exceding 100mph.

Race 2 and 3 will be on Taupo on Monday and Wednesady.

Race 4 will be back on Rotorua next Saturday.

If your a petrol head and love the smel of Avgas anytime then you should get your arse along and have a look, these are the fastest ski boats in the world!!

For more information (times etc) cheeck out the website http://www.skirace.co.nz/index.php

11th May 2007, 16:30
Are you involved in the NZWSRA?

I skied for a few seasons but had to give it up when I started uni due to lack of time and $$ but planning on getting back into it after.

11th May 2007, 16:33
Well, they had a really hot chick on TV the other night who is also a model. Quite the stunner. And one of the fastest racer skiers around..... nice!

and had great legs :)

11th May 2007, 16:36
Kirsty Sloane mmmmm ;)

World Junior Champion from 2001

11th May 2007, 16:50
Yea mate of been sking for about the last 11 seasons till my accident in the 2005 bridge to bridge race, for the last season of been observing for a few mates and just taking it easy, I did ski two up for a couple a races this year though (I had had a few too many :apint: and thout it was a good idea at the time)

11th May 2007, 19:06
Im seriously thinking of heading to rotorua next Saturday, are you going to watch any of the races?

11th May 2007, 21:43
Just finished nightshift and threw on the TV to find the Aussie ski race down the Murray River.....dem's CRAAAAZY fuckers!
2 skiers behind a wedge of fibreglass with 510cu in twin turbo intercooled 1300hp madness stuffed in the back of it, strafing along at 125mph (200kmph), twisty as fuck, tree roots etc.
Even the chopper pilot was struggling to stay with them. If I had the chance I'd be watching for sure.

12th May 2007, 10:03
Its just like a motorbike, except you don't have leathers, its legal and there are now pegs to get down :scooter:

14th May 2007, 08:59
Im seriously thinking of heading to rotorua next Saturday, are you going to watch any of the races?

Yea ill be in rotorua next saturday, ill be one of the guys driving around the judge boats out on the water, one of the best viewing spots you can get.

I was down there Saturday just gone, (out on the judge boat) and these boats are amazing, the power the noise, the smell of avgas beutiful. And the skill of all theskiers is some thing else.

New Zealands results from day one racing for those that are interested.

Junior Girls - Adalade Cox 2nd

Junior Boys - Michale Witerford 3rd, Jarren Fritz 1st

Ladies Open - No placings but some awsome racing from Hannha Humphries sitting in 3rd place for most of the race till a fall on the second to last lap

Ladies F2 - No placings - Tracy hanks had a strong ski to finish 5th I think.

Mens Open - No Placings - Strong skies from all the kiwi team

Mens F2 - No placings - once again strong skies.

Cheeck out the website for a full press release with results www.skirace.net