View Full Version : Close shave today

31st August 2004, 18:31
Coming down the main st of Otahuhu prepearing to turn left into Station road,indercator on of course,spot Honda VT 250 coming toward me.
Lucky for him I was looking because I'm actualy interested in any bike I see.
He gives every indercation he's going straight ahead,but no he turns right in front of me and then turns on his indercator.He's heading for my drivers door and the bloody big wheel under it when I hit the brakes,shit that was close,he knows he's mucked up and gives me a nod.Ok great he got away with that one but then he turns off his indercator but pushes the button to far and travels the length of station road with the thing flashing left.
Young guy,probably new bike,steep learning curve,sure hope he gets it togeather before some day dreaming cage takes him out.

James Deuce
31st August 2004, 18:35
Good skills Jackrat.

31st August 2004, 18:45
the world needs more drivers like you jackrat, hopefully that guy will reconsider his riding ability in traffic and take the bus next time! lol

31st August 2004, 19:25
Just out of curiosity it wasnt a white one with the bikini farings and red stripes down them?

31st August 2004, 19:26
the world needs more drivers like you jackrat, hopefully that guy will reconsider his riding ability in traffic and take the bus next time! lol

Does that fall under lack of attention or stupidity? :devil2:

31st August 2004, 19:38
Just out of curiosity it wasnt a white one with the bikini farings and red stripes down them?

It was white with pastal green bits.

31st August 2004, 19:43
If he keeps riding like that then it should be changed to a bullseye :wacko:

31st August 2004, 19:48
Does that fall under lack of attention or stupidity? :devil2:

Nah,it falls under an unforgiving environment for a newbie.
In a car we get away with these little learning curve things,on a bike we pay!!.I remember doing the same type of thing once,it was just a lot less busy back then.I couldn't even care if he told his mates he was almost taken out by a stupid truck driver as long as he knows what happened an learnt from it.The nod tells me he did,more power to him. :yes:

31st August 2004, 20:13
Nah,it falls under an unforgiving environment for a newbie.
In a car we get away with these little learning curve things,on a bike we pay!!.I remember doing the same type of thing once,it was just a lot less busy back then.I couldn't even care if he told his mates he was almost taken out by a stupid truck driver as long as he knows what happened an learnt from it.The nod tells me he did,more power to him. :yes:
You're right - we've all done it Jackrat. That young guy will never realise how lucky he was to do it in front of someone with as much experience as you.

Glad there's people like you on the road :D

Posh Tourer :P
31st August 2004, 23:58
Had a close shave today too....

Got a new razor out :killingme :thud: