View Full Version : Bikes? The three wheeled variety.....need some help

27th August 2006, 19:02
Well my parents gave me grief for going to the two wheels......nothing unusual there. But I got a call tonight and they are looking for a trike to do a Billy Connolly style trip around the countryside. Now that was from leftfield.

Few things I want to try and find out is at what point does a trike get classed as a car? What are the going prices for these types of things etc.

Any info would be good

27th August 2006, 19:05
Try contacting Trikeworks they'll be able to answer all your questions.

07 377 2355


They have a nice Goldwing trike in the motorcycle trader.

27th August 2006, 20:31
also contact Krusti on here.......
His partner has a custom made trike...

27th August 2006, 21:10
All it needs to be classed (and registerd) as a car from what a trike guy at a toy run told me was seat backs and seat belts. Then you also coulde drive it with no helmet he said.

28th August 2006, 01:26
someone made a VTR SP1 trike too!

28th August 2006, 10:18
Correct terminology or not discussion - I'm moving this to RR as a trike is not a bike and the thread does not belong in General Bike Ravings

The Pastor
28th August 2006, 11:17
Trikes are still cool, Esp when you get them up on ONE wheel!

28th August 2006, 12:17
So we can have long boring repetitious threads about who waves or doesn't wave to whom in General Bike Ravings, but when a biker, who actually owns and rides a bike, comes and asks a sensible question as to the status of trikes (which can be registered as bikes) the thread gets moved to Rant and Rave!?

Irony (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=irony).

At least it wasn't moved to pointless drivel :innocent:

Wherever I had posted it would've been the wrong place or upset someone depending on their view of a trike. If I offended people by saying bike, I apologise seeing your so sensitive. If I posted in a car forum they would tell me to go to a bike forum, I post in a bike forum and get told its not a bike but a car. Either way I loose.

I thought by posting here with the huge member list there is there would be someone that can point me in the right direction so I could then point my parents in the right direction. And besides a couple of constructive posts I appear to be sadly mistaken. Such a shame

28th August 2006, 17:22
Don't worry about it the mod's just being a dick. She coulda just moved it and left it at that without the one eyed post to go with it. Bad form Joni!

28th August 2006, 17:44
Yep and someone has deleted some of our posts.... which isnt nice.

Gee what a shame I saved them... and no I dont normally save things, but I had a gut feeling.

- Correct terminology or not discussion - I'm moving this to RR as a trike is not a bike and the thread does not belong in General Bike Ravings

- Joni - that is debateable.....
as some are registered as BIKES and some are registered as cars.
Depending on how they are made etc.....

- No Crashe on KB its not debatable... Spank has made that call about trikes....
Edited in afterwards: BTW Fub@r if you use the search function you will find a handfull of threads about this subject - Im sure that will be of help to you.

- cool more heavy handed modding....... I really dont see the point over something this anal!?
Does it save money? I doubt
Does it save space? I doubt
Does it annoy people? yes

- OK, next time I will just move it and not say a word... would that annoy you more?
Heavy handed Modding would be I move it and I infringe the user... he is fairly new, so I just let him know what has been done... so that is does stay fair... nothing hectic, nothing anal, just along the guidelines Spank has set.
Now please keep this poor mans thread on topic!

28th August 2006, 17:47
Correct terminology or not discussion - I'm moving this to RR as a trike is not a bike and the thread does not belong in General Bike Ravings

Couple thousand trike riders would disagree with you Joni. Me too for that matter.
ASlong as the trike is built off a bike base instead of a cage engine.

28th August 2006, 18:36
Correct terminology or not discussion - I'm moving this to RR as a trike is not a bike and the thread does not belong in General Bike Ravings


29th August 2006, 14:55
Right You lot pull ya heads in,!

Joni is doing specifically what is requested of her by spank, the owner of this site it is his site he says what goes and the mods carry it out, if ya dont like it please depart to another site........get it ?

29th August 2006, 15:11
if ya dont like it fuck off to another site........get it ?

are you touting for business you web slut?

29th August 2006, 15:13
Oh,and fuck you too - I will think my own thoughts and won't have them dictated by another.If you don't like what I think you can remove me from the site - but you will not dictate what I consider a motorcycle or not,that is for me to decide.Why don't you fuck off to your own site Quasi?

29th August 2006, 15:23
are you touting for business you web slut?

No, but Im the mod for Rant n Rave, a few of you are hooking into a fellow mod. Spank has indicated not to abuse Mods, there ya go dont like , as I said above Mr Dover ................

29th August 2006, 15:25
If any of you cared to look into it - nothing was deleted, Spank split the threads and moved some of the stuff.

I think you people should start looking into things before going of on little tangents.

XTC - bad form?? Think before you speak.

29th August 2006, 15:29
Oh,and fuck you too - I will think my own thoughts and won't have them dictated by another.If you don't like what I think you can remove me from the site - but you will not dictate what I consider a motorcycle or not,that is for me to decide.Why don't you fuck off to your own site Quasi?

You are welcome to your own thought Motu as precious as they are. I haventt dictated anything, you abuse a member especially a mod for doing his/her unpaid job you get infracted, dont like it to bad for you.
I couldnt care about the actual thread if a Trike is a car or a spaceship or whatever.
I could fuck off to my own website and if I do thats my choice, I have responsibilities to Spank and KB to so if you dont like that then to bad for you again eh.

but then perhaps you read incorrectly and flew of the handle cause thats what you do right?

29th August 2006, 15:30
Quasi and Joni - Hello to you both.:sunny:

This was the original thread that was started YESTERDAY.....
since then SpankMe has started the Poll thread on the subject re: Trikes/bikes, I dont think anyone has came back into this thread until Quasi came in going apeshite today.......

So can one of you two maybe close this thread off as all the discussion is now in the Poll thread...


29th August 2006, 15:35
Quasi and Joni - Hello to you both.:sunny:

This was the original thread that was started YESTERDAY.....
since then SpankMe has started the Poll thread on the subject re: Trikes/bikes, I dont think anyone came into this thread until Quasi came in going apeshite today.......

So can one of you two maybe close this thread off as all the discussion is now in the Poll thread...


Oh Sorry crash, I think I was going apeshit at those that started giving the mod a hard time about doing her job, is there a problem with that? is it now only acceptable for non Mods to give each other a tune up.
Can I as Mod not give another mod a bit of backup while she gets hauled through the coals for doing her job?

29th August 2006, 15:38
Hang on, my undies are up my crack.

I wasn't abusing anyone (for a change) just questioning whether you were being a sneaky snake and touting for business. My tongue was firmly in my cheek, and not my ass cheek either.

29th August 2006, 15:42
I can't believe how when I thought I was asking a rather simple question to see if I could get some information could turn in to such a shit storm! Resulting in two threads, 1300+ views and 120 posts, most of which is people take a dig at each other because they are on different sides of the fence.

My parents are trying to contact Trikeworks (thank you XTC) maybe its time to delete these two threads before it gets any more out of hand

29th August 2006, 15:43
Hang on, my undies are up my crack.

I wasn't abusing anyone (for a change) just questioning whether you were being a sneaky snake and touting for business. My tongue was firmly in my cheek, and not my ass cheek either.

People come along without my efforts, couldnt care if we only ever had 125 members mate its all good!!

I think Mr Dover some of the mods are getting tired of being given a hard time for doing the bus set out by Mr Spank, I mean whats the big deal?
Joni Moved the thread and split it WHOOP WHOOP......who cares.
She acted her job out and got a hard time for it, I back her up and I get a hard time, fuck people , ya need to ride more :Punk:

29th August 2006, 15:46
Fubor - nothing wrong with the question or the thread mate... I just think some of our members are getting a little carried away, such a pity... as you say who would of thought that one innocent question would cause all this huh... ah well :rolleyes:

29th August 2006, 15:53
hmmm, much anger when the only issue was where things should be posted. :)

Post what ya like in off topic, but GBR is for two wheeled bike stuff only. It you need more, then I suggest you start your own site.

29th August 2006, 16:06
perhaps you read incorrectly and flew of the handle cause thats what you do right?

Ah,I think it's you that flew off the handle,I never posted in the thread until after you,do a bit of reshearch before you start out the slinging match eh? If your first post in this thread is not dictating I don't know what is.I think it was a very bad move by whoever did it,saying what is and what isn't a motorcycle just because you say so is really stepping over the edge as far as I'm concerned - creating your own reality because it's your own little website - not for me.