View Full Version : creepy crawlies.

12th August 2006, 10:22
Well i'm sitting at my comp this morning when this cheery felow decides to walk across my foot. Not nearly as big as the saffa ones but one the biggest i've seen in nz so far.

12th August 2006, 12:04
This one crawled onto my pants from the garage for a trip into the house and was probably planning to chew one of my fingers off during the night. According to the map every 10 millimetres represents 100 metres in real life.

12th August 2006, 12:10
Weve found 2 of those one in the top pic here, on that ruler it they would be hitting the 9cm mark, some freaky shit. Especially when it fell out of the container. :gob:

Darren you baby, that thing is tiny. :nya:

12th August 2006, 12:10
we had have a large spider living in the top corner of our stairway that was to high up to get to one night as i was half asleep i felt a tickling on my face and swiped at it but didnt really wake up in the morning my wife found the large spider dead on my pillow.

12th August 2006, 12:20
The first one is an Avondale Spider - harmless but f*cking big and scary looking! No an issue.

this (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=31574&highlight=centipede) thing f*cking scares me!

12th August 2006, 12:24
The first one is an Avondale Spider - harmless but f*cking big and scary looking! No an issue.

this (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=31574&highlight=centipede) thing f*cking scares me!

yeh I know they are hamless. We have heaps at out house. Had one a bit bigger than this before. awesome looking beastie.

12th August 2006, 12:35
Our neighbours daughter (about 4 I think) just loves bugs and creepy crawlies. We started trying to teach her how to say "Entomologist" she came out with Emptymololog....

12th August 2006, 12:40
I read somewhere that we eat/ingest quite a few "bugs" in our sleep during our lifetime...

Saves getting up for a midnight snack I suppose...

Rossi Gal
12th August 2006, 12:42
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww...he a big boy anit he?!!! (spider)

12th August 2006, 14:23
The first one is an Avondale Spider - harmless but f*cking big and scary looking! No an issue.

I think you'll find the first one is a Sheetweb spider. Aren't Avondales big grey hairy things?

12th August 2006, 17:24
Those are still harmless though. It's funny how people have a fear of spiders when all they want to do when they encounter us generally is run away and hide...

Rossi Gal
12th August 2006, 19:54
I know..its strange to be scared of something sooo much smaller than us. I think they're cool :)

12th August 2006, 19:56
Glad we don't have these....

too bloody right. Harmless or not, those things would scare the sh*t out of me.

13th August 2006, 12:58
Well i'm sitting at my comp this morning when this cheery felow decides to walk across my foot.
clean your room... spiders like mess :blah:

And if you vaccumed your room... you wouldn't have webs or spiders :lol:

13th August 2006, 13:12
hmm nice i would have like to get a can of hair spray and a lighter and torch that centipede, i used to do that with the wasp nest back at home till i got stung and that really pissed me off, so i torched the bastards till they were all gone. i can handle spiders and other insects but flys are the ones that get to me ewwwwwwwwwww i cant stand them they are soooo yuck