View Full Version : motorradnomaden - we are new

6th June 2006, 22:51
Hi there,

we are absolutely new here and just want to let you know, we are travelling with our 2 XT 600 Tenere around the world.
We are from Germany.
And we will probably be in NZ at the end of this year or beginning next year.
Maybe we we meet one or the other down there??

Here are some stories and pictures from our tour, which took us so far through Africa and Asia

From 1998 - 2000 we travelled already from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.

Greetings from Laos

6th June 2006, 23:06
good on you enjoy it .....i would be keen to travel part of the journey of new zealand with you...as i am sure some others would also...

have a safe journey :yes:

6th June 2006, 23:10
.........:ride: yep happy journeys but i dont speak german so more bike pix please,,,,,,,they seem to be an international language:yes::hug: you two will enjoy it here

6th June 2006, 23:15
Wow! Around the world on a 1986 XT600 Tenere - those things are indestructable,this has got to be the proof.Enjoy your stay while here....

6th June 2006, 23:28
Please check out my post in this section - http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=25810

We have hosted three visiting German couples this year and we really enjoyed their company. You are welcome to come and stay with us - send me an email at photographer@paradise.net.nz for more details.

Faye and Andy

7th June 2006, 09:07
Hi Raleva. You've picked a good country to tour in, that's for sure.

Having just watched a documentary on the History Channel about D-Day, it reminded me of the Grandfather I never got to know as he lost his life at Normandy. It got me thinking about Germany and recent history.

I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you a question. Under the circumstances, I can understand that you may find my question difficult to answer as I am sure it will stir up some emotions. I am not trying to offend you or your country in any way so please don't take this the wrong way, but what is it with David Hasselhoff?

7th June 2006, 09:16
Hi Raleva....... snip .........please don't take this the wrong way, but what is it with David Hasselhoff?

Bwahahaha :first:

Anyway, enjoy your trip around NZ, if you find yourself in CHCH and feel like a ride around the bays, send us a PM.

7th June 2006, 12:56
Welcome to kiwibiker, hope you enjoy your travels. post again when you have details of the dates you will be in NZ. You will probably meet many of us on your travels.

7th June 2006, 13:09
welcome to the site.
There are plenty off the beaten track roads here for you to enjoy. When you have more off an idea off where you what to go, people here are helpful & will be able to help you with some good roads to travel, including some good dual sporting rides.
Safe touring, & enjoy NZ.

7th June 2006, 13:52
A picture from their travels that i thought was pretty funny...
Has anyone else done big trips like that?
THe plan at the moment is for me and some mates to go to australia when we are done with uni and ride round there for a month or so... Seems to me to be a fairly cool way to spend a month. What bike would suit this? Any tips or things that anyone thinks i should know?

Matt Bleck
7th June 2006, 15:31
Kia Ora .

7th June 2006, 22:26
die koennen alle deutsch sprechen , es wird euch gefallen in NZ und e mail mich wenn ihr nach napier kommt......

7th June 2006, 22:32
die koennen alle deutsch sprechen , es wird euch gefallen in NZ und e mail mich wenn ihr nach napier kommt......

These turkey's don't speak German. E-Mail me when in Napier and we can eat rotten cabbage and watch Baywatch videos.

You will love New Zealand, we have a beautiful country with awesome roads for biking. The locals sometimes have a good sense of humor also.

9th June 2006, 02:15
Hi there,

- thanx for all your fast answers!!

- we will let you know, when we will arrive in NZ.
- We heard it is the best with a bike to arrive in Christchurch??!!

- thanx for your hospitality!!

- nice to remind us, that we are germans!
I (Ralf) am just brave enough (with 40 years) to wear a german footballshirt without thinking I am a nazi!!

- David was very popular in Germany thats right.
But let us talk about the good things and let see what happens in the world cup!!

17th March 2007, 10:03
Hi There,

after 1 months of waiting and repairing our bikes in Christchurch, we are nearly ready to travel in New Zealand.
I have a new engine in my Tenere now!! :-)
Evas fork is now leaking, so we still have something to do! :-(

It looks like we are starting on Tuesady to the south of the South Island.

Our trip will finish at the 12th of Mai in Auckland, from where we will fly the bikes to Athens in Greece.
We like to travel then back home on our bikes through Europe

17th March 2007, 10:08
Kia ora and welcome to New Zealand.

Enjoy travelling on our roads and looking at the great scenery that NZ has to offer.

Keep this thread updated when ever you can so that KBers can maybe catch up with you for a chat/coffee/beer whenever you are in there town/city.

17th March 2007, 11:05
If you can post a rough itinerary of where you will be and when maybe some of us can plan to meet up with you and have a drink/coffee/ride.
Enjoy the tour and good luck

17th March 2007, 12:29
Hi Raleva. You've picked a good country to tour in, that's for sure.

Having just watched a documentary on the History Channel about D-Day, it reminded me of the Grandfather I never got to know as he lost his life at Normandy. It got me thinking about Germany and recent history.

I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you a question. Under the circumstances, I can understand that you may find my question difficult to answer as I am sure it will stir up some emotions. I am not trying to offend you or your country in any way so please don't take this the wrong way, but what is it with David Hasselhoff?

LOL fuck I wish I could give you rep for that

17th March 2007, 13:09
Good to hear you are up and running again, Ralf and Eva, (although still with some minor troubles!) and we look forward to seeing you both soon. If the forks are still giving you trouble we can help - Andy has a special tool for working on Yamaha forks!

The spare room is ready for your visit!

17th March 2007, 15:04
Hi I have just caught that you are in ChCh.
There is a rally at Hororata pub this weekend (less than 1 hour from chch) if you were looking to meet some fellow bikers pop on out & have a look, even if you only went to the bar & not the rally itself, there are a few KB'ers there, some just for the day.
I guess I'll miss meeting you (working) but all the best with the rest of your trip.

18th March 2007, 10:47
Welcome mate, I am sure you will enjoy your travels through new zealand! As previously mentioned, post up a brief itenary, I am sure there are a few blokes and ladies here keen to meet up with you and buy you a beer/coffee.

18th March 2007, 19:53
Hi folks!

We can't make any real plans, and sometimes it is very good to do so!!
Usually we don't know where we will be the next day.
(Except we got stucked like again and again in the last 6 months)
So our "plans" are to leave Christchurch on Wednesday and go to the south.
We like to go on gravelroads as well as on tar!
So if you hear or see us on our 2 noisy 1-cylinders, with the strange (german) numberplate, just stop us and have a chat!! :sunny:
But nobody HAS to buy us a :beer: or a coffee!

Usually we like to camp outside in the nature, closer to the cities we will take a campground or a backpacker

See you :soon:

13th January 2011, 09:00
Hi folks,

we are back now for more than 3 years in Germany.
We will offer free accommodation for RTW or long time travelers in our little house in our garden to relax from traveling.

Feel free to contact us :ride:
