View Full Version : What the hell!

Str8 Jacket
24th May 2006, 12:41
Warning rant follows!

I was just down having a ciggie out the front of my work just a couple of hundred metres from where I park my bike. I happened to look over at my bike and theres this dreaded hippie looking ladie leaning on my bike writing up some posters to stick on the pole next to where I park my bike. So I went up to her and said, "excuse me is this your bike?" No she says and I say "thats right cause its mine, where the hell do you think you get of leaning on my bike and using it as a table" she says to me, "Oh I wasnt going to be long". So I get quite shitty and tell her to piss of and find somewhere else to do it and go back upstairs to my office. I look out my window and there she is doing it AGAIN, so this time I went down grapped her posters and threatened to rip them up, threw the glue and scissors that she had also put on my bike onto the ground, she got all emotional but scuttled away without so much as an apology! Arrgh im so angry, shes lucky I didnt punch her in the face!

Rant over.

24th May 2006, 12:43
Should have sprayed acetone in her eyes. Hopefully she doesnt bring her crazy cat lady friend as backup. (pt)

Good on ya though, she can use the ground, but I would injure anyone toying with my bike

24th May 2006, 12:56
Did you keep hold of one of the posters ? Ring the organisation concerned and speak to the manager about the lady's behaviour.

Ask if they have Council permission to put up the posters while you're at it.:blip:

Str8 Jacket
24th May 2006, 12:57
Did you keep hold of one of the posters ? Ring the organisation concerned and speak to the manager about the lady's behaviour.

Ask if they have Council permission to put up the posters while you're at it.:blip:

Hey, now theres an idea.... She managed to glue a couple up, think i'll go take them down and have a looksie.

24th May 2006, 13:09
yeap i agree with deano, good idea!

this is exactly why i dont want to park in town, atleast in the work garage here i know my bike is safe. (fairly - the boss used to be a biker and i taught a few workmates how to ride on the old bike, hence i dont leave my keys lying around)

Str8 Jacket
24th May 2006, 13:12
Well I went down and checked. The posters are for some poetry reading at some hall where im guessing there'll be hippies with a drumming circle out back. No company name or anything. Damn those artsy farty people!

24th May 2006, 13:13
You go gurl!! Shoulda punched her, god dam hippy scum!!! :doobey: lol, I'm just kidding. But good on you, that'll teach her to use your bike as a table!:angry: She won't be doing that again until the next bike park.

24th May 2006, 13:15
How could you be so cruel!

Hippies are people too, or so I heard.

Str8 Jacket
24th May 2006, 13:16
How could you be so cruel!

Hippies are people too, or so I heard.

lol! Really I dont hate hippies, I was just angry and she happened to be a hippie...

24th May 2006, 13:16
You're just hippy bashing. Stop it.

24th May 2006, 13:16
Right so you know where they will all be hanging out...

Head down there on that night to that hall and ask to speak to the organiser who is in charge of that event..

Then tell them what they are doing when putting up the posters...

Drag out a few other KBers with you as your back up support team...
let them know that it aint exceptable..

Str8 Jacket
24th May 2006, 13:18
Drag out a few other KBers with you as your back up support team...
let them know that it aint exceptable..

LMAO, thats a bit extreme some of my friends are hippies, they might be there... Ah im over it now, just one of those days!

24th May 2006, 13:21
Oh I hate that aye!. Some people have no respect!.

I was sitting in a restaurant in town one evening waiting for my gf at the time to finish work. A group of people walked out of the restaurant out onto the footpath (all drunk and carrying a couple bottles of wine). They spotted my bike on the footpath and started walking over to it.....

This drunk as lady holding a bottle of wine in one hand and a smoke in the other then tried swinging a leg over my bike!!!. I shouted at the top of my lungs through the window in the restaurant OIY! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY BIKE!!!.

This caused everyone in the restaurant to just completely stop and stare. I got up and stormed over to the group of people and said "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" and I was really really mad! They backed off and the drunk lady started mumbling something about how I should be happy that they think my bike is so nice and that I should be flattered that people want to sit on it..... I said "Ok where is your car so I can go and hop on the roof, and if its a nice car I might not take a dump on it!"

I ended up telling them all to fuck off and stay the hell away from all bikes in future :niceone:

24th May 2006, 13:24
LMAO, thats a bit extreme some of my friends are hippies, they might be there... Ah im over it now, just one of those days!

But Hel's usually your soooo mild mannered :rofl: . And I'm 6 foot tall!

Uncle B
24th May 2006, 13:24
Remember to take the green pills and wash it down with a shot of whisky.

It would have pissed me off too.......you go girl. :rockon:

24th May 2006, 13:25
Right so you know where they will all be hanging out...

Head down there on that night to that hall and ask to speak to the organiser who is in charge of that event..

Then tell them what they are doing when putting up the posters...

Drag out a few other KBers with you as your back up support team...
let them know that it aint exceptable..

Fuck I reckon we should all go down on our bikes and fuck up their little hippy poetry night.

men have feelings too,
May I share mine with you
God I need a poo
Think I best do two

Str8 Jacket
24th May 2006, 13:26
But Hel's usually your soooo mild mannered :rofl: . And I'm 6 foot tall!

Hey check out Fishy's post and tell me Im the aggro one... :nya:

The lady was lucky that I was with a few workmates cause I managed to keep the use of abusive words to a minimum. In fact I dont think I even swore, although even my workmates said that they were scared- I was that angry!

24th May 2006, 13:28
Fuck I reckon we should all go down on our bikes and fuck up their little hippy poetry night.

men have feelings too,
May I share mine with you
God I need a poo
Think I best do two

You gotta recite that wearing a helmet. on your bike revving the crap out of it!

24th May 2006, 13:30
Well I went down and checked. The posters are for some poetry reading at some hall where im guessing there'll be hippies with a drumming circle out back. No company name or anything. Damn those artsy farty people!
Ooh! Where is this and when? We could rock along and read some "poetry" of our own.

"There was a young man from Nantucket..."

24th May 2006, 13:34
id like to know too.

24th May 2006, 13:40
God I need a poo

**sniff** **whimper** I need you too bro.....hold me!

24th May 2006, 13:41
Love it. Gave me a big smile that story did :D

24th May 2006, 13:42
Hey check out Fishy's post and tell me Im the aggro one...

Yeah I do have a bit of a temper sometimes but only for good reason. I have calmed down a fair bit in the last couple of years though :innocent:

24th May 2006, 13:48
While on this topic, I am still suprised by the amount of flamin parents that think because their little rug munchers are god's gift to the world, they are allowed to just plonk them on someones bike parked in the street. It has happened to mine twice in the last two months!

Makes it diffcult to give them the big "fuck off" with a three year old on the bike. Must be because mine's so bloody "colourful" ....needs to find spraypaint

24th May 2006, 13:53
"There was a young man from Nantucket..."

"Whos foot got stuck in a bucket"

24th May 2006, 13:55
"Whos foot got stuck in a bucket"

"Whose bike was touched - oh fuck it"

24th May 2006, 16:12
Seeing as how you asked:

There was a man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long he could suck it
He said with a grin
As he wiped cum from his chin
If my mouth was a twat, I would fuck it.

24th May 2006, 16:18
Thats disgusting but remarkably humourous.

24th May 2006, 16:30
Fuck I reckon we should all go down on our bikes and fuck up their little hippy poetry night.

Disrupt their meeting,by all means,but please don't go down on your bike.Saliva corrodes exhaust systems

24th May 2006, 16:32
Should've kicked that smelly hippy bitch in the cunt.

24th May 2006, 16:38
So is the next Wendesday Cruise going to end with listening to a few poetry readings or a bit of a chat with a few poetry readers???

Elephant pond, ride, poetry, beer what more could you ask for...

24th May 2006, 16:46
Should've kicked that smelly hippy bitch in the cunt.

Tell us what you really think:msn-wink:

Str8 Jacket
24th May 2006, 16:48
Tell us what you really think:msn-wink:

He says that was the censored version :blip:

Str8 Jacket
24th May 2006, 16:50
So is the next Wendesday Cruise going to end with listening to a few poetry readings or a bit of a chat with a few poetry readers???

Elephant pond, ride, poetry, beer what more could you ask for...

hehehe could you imagine turning up to a hippy poetry reading using our KB handles... "This is Str8, this is Freakshow, insanity rules etc etc, we'd probably fit right in!

F5 Dave
24th May 2006, 17:05
Ooh! Where is this and when? We could rock along and read some "poetry" of our own.

"There was a young man from Nantucket..."
Who couldn’t get his knee-down on his bucket
He flicked it down two
Leaned till he wore half through his shoe
But couldn’t graze that fuck’n kneeslider. :angry: Dammn that fuckr, :pinch: Wait till I just. Ohh. I’ll get you, think you’re so smart. Right! :shutup: You’re for it now. :ar15: [Vein throbbing distressingly on side of head, arms flailing].

Yeah - I think we’re ready for that poetry reading.

Str8 Jacket
24th May 2006, 17:18
Yeah - I think we’re ready for that poetry reading.

But only if everyone rides a two stroke there...
I was riding pillion on my bike on day and we were sitting at the lights when Glenn starts revving my bike a bit causing it to blow huge puffs of smoke :first: There were this hippy couple in a VW van sitting next to us and the guy yells at me out the window "Get a horse!!" LMAO.

BTW, I dont really hate hippies, I kinda feel nasty about "bashing" them... kinda

F5 Dave
24th May 2006, 17:40
And 'Nasty' is a BAD feeling?

Well my 2 strokes are race bikes or dirt bikes. But that could add a interesting combination to the potential destruction.:scooter:

Maybe we could just pour some TTS into our 4 bangers tanks for that authentic 2 smoke presence.:bye:

24th May 2006, 17:52
I can understand your rage! Some people have a total lack of respoect for others and others belongings, I once had some lycra clad cyclist lean his pushbike up against my car - well he didn't want to lean it on the fence as it might get scratched, and it was worth about $4000 don't you know... never mind my bloody car - he was not too impressed when MSTRS moved it either!!

24th May 2006, 18:14
I'll be in welly next week.. and I AM the resident hippie basher :-)

24th May 2006, 18:34
What's red and yellow and looks good on hippies?


24th May 2006, 18:41
My favourite way of dealing with that is, if its a woman, say "you cant get your leg over my bike unless you get one over me first." Or if it's a guy or just plain fugly, "Did you know the rules of motorcycling are that if you didn't get permission first then I get to kick your head in for fucking with my bike."
If they are already on it of course you just hit them, then tell them, unless they are cute girlies. then refer to option 1, but cause they're already on it well....

24th May 2006, 18:52
Hopefully she doesnt bring her crazy cat lady friend as backup. (pt)]

This woman???

http://www.accoutrements.com/products/11377.html :blah:

24th May 2006, 20:57
This woman???

http://www.accoutrements.com/products/11377.html :blah:

Nope, this one

<img src=http://bezumiye.com/simpsons_CrazyCatLady.gif></img src>

24th May 2006, 21:39
.................this thread is halerious,havnt laughed soo much .............havnt had my bike interfered with but natural reaction will take over by the sounds of it!!!!!!!!!!!!

24th May 2006, 21:41
I'll be in welly next week.. and I AM the resident hippie basher :-)

You'll love it down here man, fucking hippies everywhere. The homeless are good fun also.

24th May 2006, 21:54
The only guy who should have his bike interferred with is the dick that parks next to the railing on Grey street. A bit of chain and another padlock would piss him off.

24th May 2006, 22:02
Some low life once smashed my speedo and tacho lenses and wound the needles around to see how far they would go. Cost me a few hundred to replace!

How come I never seen the fuckers who vandalise my stuff? (probably best as I'd end up with the criminal conviction!)

24th May 2006, 22:06
...thats right cause its mine...

Ah... thats the flaw in your logic....

Actualy when u think about it, this is just an extension of head girl Helen's lead.

If you you go out and work real hard they will take your money and give it to someone else who doesnt work.

See it's not yours, it someone elses turn you filthy rich person you, capitalist scum ... rant .. rant

24th May 2006, 22:16
Our own government. The Kiwi Biker Nation.

We can create our own Justice system, Currency, the whole sherbang.

Hell, we could even afford to seal the foreshores for beach racing, motard-styles. Once we've raised enough taxes from cagers that is.

98 Octane $0.20 cents/litre for motorcycles only.
91 Re-Refined Shit Octane $4.50/litre for cagers.

Touch someone's bike without permission whilst being a hippy (1st Offence) - Left hand.
Touch someone's bike without permission whilst being a hippy (2nd or subsequent offence) - Death.

Fuck I'm bored tonight.

24th May 2006, 22:24
It's a nice night - take Big Red out for a roll...

24th May 2006, 22:27
Okay... Where do ya live, I'll wake yer neighbours up!! :blip:

24th May 2006, 22:29
Hmm how about ... Ngaio??

24th May 2006, 22:35
Hmmmmm, me thinks that's where Hitcher lives. Bugger that anyway, too cold seeing as I've been parked up next to the fire all night. Besides, I'm getting soft as I get older.

Had a job interview today, hoping for a change in vocation. Might be moving into the distribution of carcinogenic material. Good $$$ hopefully.

24th May 2006, 22:44
Toops are always looking for staff....

24th May 2006, 23:34
When I was 17 I found this bastard sitting on my spankers RZ500, told him to get of the bike, and he told me it was his! So got my key out my pocket and said, oh really, put it in the ignition and told him to fuck off.

Same bike diff day, my work mates come up to me and say, you will never guess what we just saw, some guy was hugging and kissing your bike! Turns out I knew him, an old stalwart head banger that is with the Vic club, prob still is. He really LOVES 2 stroke Yamahas, maybe a little to much!

As for the hippy, turn up to the meeting, watch for her as she goes to her car, then quickly climb on it's roof and put a KB rules poster on it :blip:

24th May 2006, 23:44
Warning rant follows!

I was just down having a ciggie out the front of my work just a couple of hundred metres from where I park my bike. I happened to look over at my bike and theres this dreaded hippie looking ladie leaning on my bike writing up some posters to stick on the pole next to where I park my bike. So I went up to her and said, "excuse me is this your bike?" No she says and I say "thats right cause its mine, where the hell do you think you get of leaning on my bike and using it as a table" she says to me, "Oh I wasnt going to be long". So I get quite shitty and tell her to piss of and find somewhere else to do it and go back upstairs to my office. I look out my window and there she is doing it AGAIN, so this time I went down grapped her posters and threatened to rip them up, threw the glue and scissors that she had also put on my bike onto the ground, she got all emotional but scuttled away without so much as an apology! Arrgh im so angry, shes lucky I didnt punch her in the face!

Rant over.
f**king hippies.. reminds me of that southpark episode with cartman vs the hippies.. just play Slayer - Raining Blood.. ..which has negative vibes, which will cause hippies to wonder away from the music source, which would be near your bike :)

F5 Dave
25th May 2006, 09:35
. . . Same bike diff day, my work mates come up to me and say, you will never guess what we just saw, some guy was hugging and kissing your bike! Turns out I knew him, an old stalwart head banger that is with the Vic club, prob still is. He really LOVES 2 stroke Yamahas, maybe a little to much!


Nice 2 stroke Bwaaaah!


25th May 2006, 10:43
Bikers revolt... I think I'll go out and bag me a hippy!

25th May 2006, 10:50
*Starts to clean the rifles in preparation*

26th May 2006, 10:58
Fucking cheek of some people. You were too restrained, Hels, workmates present or not I'd be yelling "Get the fuck away from my fucking bike you fucking beatnik!" at the top of my lungs - and I practically am a hippy.

Often thought of changing my title to "Antisocial Hippy" just to complement Lias's "Antisocial Hippy Basher" title.

Hitcher: the version I heard had the last line "If my ear was a cunt I would fuck it"

[Edit] And all of you who diss smoking: bear in mind that going out for a ciggy is a good way to keep an eye on your bike. If I weren't a smoker I may never have noticed that the licence plate had snapped off the back of my old LS400 but instead I went out for a ciggy and suddenly realised I was seeing a lot more rear tyre than I should have.

26th May 2006, 12:56
I'm suprised there wasnt a drum circle. Used her dreds as leaverage and kneed her in the fat head And kicked her in the cunt too

26th May 2006, 13:36
I'm suprised there wasnt a drum circle. Used her dreds as leaverage and kneed her in the fat head And kicked her in the cunt too

nice........theres nothing like a kick in the cunt to sort out a hippy bitch

26th May 2006, 14:13
nice........theres nothing like a kick in the cunt to sort out a hippy bitch
It's the only way they'll learn