View Full Version : What's that thing called on a horse harness

19th May 2006, 00:28
The wooden thing about 18 inches long, slightly curved, with a metal ring (rings ?) on it. Usually one each side I think. Used on cart harnesses and such.

19th May 2006, 00:33
The Bit?????

19th May 2006, 00:37
Nup... not the bit, that's the one that goes in the horses mouth, chomping at the bit and all that.

Ixion... check here (http://www.horsecart.com/howto.html), as I'm not exactly sure what part you're referring to.

19th May 2006, 00:40
Nup... not the bit, that's the one that goes in the horses mouth, chomping at the bit and all that.

Ixion... check here (http://www.horsecart.com/howto.html), as I'm not exactly sure what part you're referring to.

So you mean the other bit then??? :laugh:

19th May 2006, 00:41
Tch. Even *I* know that's not right. The bit is a short thingy that goes in the horses mouth. These are two bits of wood, about 18 inches long, with a bit of a funny curve, and a couple of rings (maybe only one ring each) attached.

19th May 2006, 00:44
what about this one (http://www.irishhorsedrawncaravans.com/HDGraphics/HarnessEng.gif)?

19th May 2006, 00:48
love handles!!!

19th May 2006, 00:55
No, I don't think that diagram has it. Harness that I've seen has three wooden bits. One is the swingletree, which is a big bit of wood, basically straight with a couple of strong rings on it. That goes at the back of the horse(s) and is connected direct to the plough or whatever. These are the other two bits, I think they come in pairs. Sort of a very elongated S, much lighter than the swingletree. I think you only get them on heavy haulage harness, not lightweight stuff.

19th May 2006, 01:00
An old guy I use to work with mentioned a thing called a "collar'n'names' or something like that.
Used on draught horses

19th May 2006, 01:18
Haymes ???

19th May 2006, 01:25
Ask Riderinblack. He fits stuff to horsies for a living.

(Is this what's keeping you awake..?)

19th May 2006, 07:25
The wooden thing about 18 inches long, slightly curved, with a metal ring (rings ?) on it. Usually one each side I think. Used on cart harnesses and such.Ya sure is for horses? Sound like it is part of an Oxen team yoke as they are made out of wood. Not much wood in horse harnesses as far as I know. A picture of the "wooden thing" would be helpful. Oxen yokes pictured below

19th May 2006, 10:16
Haymes ???

An old guy I use to work with mentioned a thing called a "collar'n'names' or something like that.
Used on draught horses

Yes! That's them. But "hames" it appears. Thanks. I never fail to be amzed by the depth of knowledge and erudition on this site.

Thanks everyone.

(I couldn't google for it , cos I didn't know what it was called. And googling harness just gave me lots of pictures of horsies. )

19th May 2006, 10:39
Ya sure is for horses? Sound like it is part of an Oxen team yoke as they are made out of wood. Not much wood in horse harnesses as far as I know. A picture of the "wooden thing" would be helpful. Oxen yokes pictured below
useless info: the Yoke was used on horses prior to the 20th centry, then came the Collar invention with the Hames made of wood