View Full Version : Superstitions?

28th January 2006, 10:39
Most people involved in some level of sport have their own superstitions. Basket ball players, rugby players and even motorcyclists.

Superstitions as in, when you freshly paint a bike or buy a brand new bike, you must lay it down on the ground gently to get rid of the dreaded fresh paint/new bike to ground magnetism.

Likewise my main question is, how many of you belive that it is bad luck when you get asked to be carefull by your loved one or who ever that cares about you? I know quite a few riders who strictly belive that when they are asked to be careful, they are being jinxed cause when you say, "Sure honey or yes mum" something is bound to go wrong..

I have experienced about 3 crashes in the past because I was jinxed (or so I belive) so I prefer not to be asked to be be carefull. If I do get asked that, I usually say "no promises" to cancel the jinx.

What do you reckon?

28th January 2006, 10:44
I reckon no but then again I'm sure I never win Lotto because the sexy little beach behind the counter keeps wishing me luck.

28th January 2006, 11:02
I cant say that it bothers me when my honey tells me to be carefull, and if you ask the people I ride with, I'm sure they'll tell you I pay her no heed.
But having said that, I make a point of never saying, "one more wheelie," or one more anything.
It just seems like tempting fate to me.
Wierd how loads of us will kick a black cat out the way and walk straight through it's path, or stroll under a ladder, and yet most of us have at least one little quirk that upsets our confidence.
I know a lot of riders, who after a wee moment, (front wheel hits a stone and shifts a little unexpectedly,) cant get back into the groove because they feel it was some kind of warning sign.
I put it down to mindset, think about crashing= go off the boil, think about thrashing someone to the top of the sunday race road= turn into Troy Corsa.
We cant predict the future, so ride it like you stole it.

28th January 2006, 11:03
My friends and family have been telling me to "be careful" for years, and on reflection it's only been positive for me, and them!

Superstition is a *belief* or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation b : an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition. [Websters dictionary]

As a Christian I don't believe in superstition, but even if I wasn't a believer I wouldn't necessarily subscribe to such a belief because my life experiences alone have demonstrated that it isn't reliable. In saying that, growing up in NZ in a fairly superstitious society, every time I walk near a standing ladder or see a broken mirror I tend to 'automatically' think the worst lol!! :blink:

28th January 2006, 11:10
I cant say that it bothers me when my honey tells me to be carefull, and if you ask the people I ride with, I'm sure they'll tell you I pay her no heed.
But having said that, I make a point of never saying, "one more wheelie," or one more anything.
It just seems like tempting fate to me.
Wierd how loads of us will kick a black cat out the way and walk straight through it's path, or stroll under a ladder, and yet most of us have at least one little quirk that upsets our confidence.
I know a lot of riders, who after a wee moment, (front wheel hits a stone and shifts a little unexpectedly,) cant get back into the groove because they feel it was some kind of warning sign.
I put it down to mindset, think about crashing= go off the boil, think about thrashing someone to the top of the sunday race road= turn into Troy Corsa.
We cant predict the future, so ride it like you stole it.

Good post man! I know it is silly superstition, but the way it's turned out for me in the past, I always manage to stuff it up after I promise to be careful. That, also would be for the stupidest reasons, it was like as if fate was changed all of a sudden just to proove me wrong by letting me know that I can't be in control of what will happen... So the way I figured, I shouldn't promise things to predict an outcome of the future.. Like you sed, we can't predict the future so ride it like you stole it.

28th January 2006, 11:17
Jinx's, superstitions, etc, a load of bunk if you ask me. You say you had 3 crashes when someone wished you good luck? What about all the other times someone wished you good luck and you might not have canceled the 'jinx'?

It's like saying 'the phone always rings when I'm in the shower'. No it doesnt, just because it inconviences you it stands out in your memory.

28th January 2006, 11:29
Not when someone wishes me luck, it's when someone asks me to be carefull..

I don't know, it just seems really really weird the way it happens to me... Maybe you are right OAB or maybe there is a deeper psychological explanation behind it all.

28th January 2006, 15:23
Not when someone wishes me luck, it's when someone asks me to be carefull..

I don't know, it just seems really really weird the way it happens to me... Maybe you are right OAB or maybe there is a deeper psychological explanation behind it all.
I think the one time I've had a decent crash, and the many times I've had close calls have been due to a slight lapse of concentration.
I don't think I'm really superstitious.

The times when you've crashed after being asked to be careful, what were the reasons for the crashes? If worrying about being careful distracts you or makes you tense up, maybe it might cause the crashes. Or if you feel like you're being careful and riding more slowly, your concentration may wander due to boredom? Even if you're going slow it only takes a second of lost concentration to get in the shit sometimes.

And anyway, how careful is careful?
I often try to ride fast, but I try to do so carefully. I try not to rely on luck.

28th January 2006, 15:26
LOL yeah my missus told me to come back in one peice, so i looped the TL at 180kph, i came back in one peice the bike however, i blamed her all for it. All she says now is if you crash dont come home.

28th January 2006, 15:38
I think the one time I've had a decent crash, and the many times I've had close calls have been due to a slight lapse of concentration.
I don't think I'm really superstitious.

The times when you've crashed after being asked to be careful, what were the reasons for the crashes? If worrying about being careful distracts you or makes you tense up, maybe it might cause the crashes. Or if you feel like you're being careful and riding more slowly, your concentration may wander due to boredom? Even if you're going slow it only takes a second of lost concentration to get in the shit sometimes.

And anyway, how careful is careful?
I often try to ride fast, but I try to do so carefully. I try not to rely on luck.

Hey bro, haven't spoken to you in ages.. Hope all is well.

They were the most simplest idiotic low speed low sides and front washing out on a damn straight! When most of you know, that I normally like to push a bike fairly hard and nothing wrong seems to happen there. (touch wood) which brings me to the next thing. I find that this is closely related to the whole touch wood thing. Does anyone know where that saying comes from? It's like you mention a bad thing and you say touch wood and actually touch wood so it doesn't happen.

Like the other time my mate had a HUGE off on the motorway and ended up in A&E... I then blasted to the hospital on my bike to see him... I was going on a ride the next day and my mate's mum requested me to be carefull as she didn't want me in a mess like her son. So I said, sure I'll be carefull. Next day comes round and I washed out the front at about 120 on a straight braking for a corner and the bike went end over end and got written off...

I know it's just stupid mumbo jumbo and normally I like to look at things through a scientific perpective, but there's something more to this than just coinecidence. Or maybe just through your subconcence, your frame of mind changes (well, some of ours anyway) once we are asked to be carefull or not crash... Hence we end up jinxing ourselves... That's the theory I've got so far anyway.

28th January 2006, 15:48
I have never worried because I am naturally accident prone.

28th January 2006, 16:21
i find that whenever i am on the back wheel, standing on the pegs, flashing the " American Peace Sign :finger: while lane splitting at 140 on the NW at 8 am in a tank top and jeans i come out fine...

its whenever i am sedately humming along Dominion rd at 1 pm at 48 kph with the proper riding gear that some muppet tries to kill me

28th January 2006, 16:38
I don't believe in fate,good luck or bad luck, christianity is the biggest superstition of them all and I sure ain't into that either.
Things only happen because of skill,planning and care,or the lack of them.
If somebody is going to let themselfs get spooked because of something that has happened or because of some thing somebody has said then that's just a lack of skill in selfcontrol or personal awareness.
Superstition is just for people that need excuses but can't think of something logical to cover there own muck up.

28th January 2006, 18:19
I don't believe in fate,good luck or bad luck, christianity is the biggest superstition of them all and I sure ain't into that either.

christianity is the cause of most superstitions anyway:

Black Cats - In ancient Egypt, the Goddess Bast was a black, female cat. Christians, wanting to rid society of all traces of other religions, convinced the ignorant that black cats were demons in disguise and should thus be destroyed. In the process, they also destroyed the kindly ladies who cared for the cats, believing them to be witches. Being demons, a black cat crossing your path would create a barrier of evil, cutting you off from God and blocking the entrance to heaven.

Walking under a ladder - A leaning ladder forms a triangle with the wall and ground. Triangles represent the Holy Trinity, and violating the Trinity by breaking it (walking through it) would put you in league with the devil himself.

Friday the 13th - Those who know about these things, inform us that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden on a Friday, Noah's flood started on a Friday, and Christ was crucified on a Friday. Christians also noted that twelve witches plus one devil are present at Satanic ceremonies so Friday and 13 make a deadly combination

etc etc. i personally dont have any superstitions, i've read a lot of books that explain the origins of all that bullshite and its all pretty pointless. yet when i try to explain to someone that they dont have to throw salt over their shoulder i still get evil looks... ouch...

28th January 2006, 20:36
...christianity is the biggest superstition of them all and I sure ain't into that either.At the end of the day true Christianity & superstition contradict eachother, so to label them as one in the same thing is a mistake...i'm not sure that you're sure about that Jackrat??

Superstition is just for people that need excuses but can't think of something logical to cover there own muck up.Lol, if you truly think "logic" answers all the deep questions in life then you are shallower than any backsliden Christian I have ever met!

28th January 2006, 20:39
conviently I have "the luck of a thousand irishmen" a term coined by my flatmate after many an incident where I should have been arrested/seriously injured/dead. so I ahve no such bad luck as per say.

also its a state of mind thing. if you think someone saying 'be carefull' is bad luck then you will get bad luck. its just like with hiccups, whatever you believe works.... works! of course these are my own obsevations only.

now If I can somehow work it so I win at the casino and with the ladies.

28th January 2006, 20:42
christianity is the cause of most superstitions anyway:Really? Have you ever heard of Paganism?

Friday the 13th - Those who know about these things...I know about these things and honestly that's the funniest thing i've read in a while, mainly cos you think it's true lol. If you can provide the Bible verse/s that back up your 'Friday the 13th - Adam & Eve' assertion i'll admit publicly that you are correct, otherwise as far as i'm concerned you're talking crap! :killingme

28th January 2006, 20:44
At the end of the day true Christianity & superstition contradict eachother, so to label them as one in the same thing is a mistake...i'm not sure that you're sure about that Jackrat??

Lol, if you truly think "logic" answers all the deep questions in life then you are shallower than any backsliden Christian I have ever met!

Your just to easy at times:2thumbsup

28th January 2006, 20:50
Your just to easy at times:2thumbsupI tell you what, how about I start attacking your beliefs? Say hmmm 'Maoridom', and we'll see how easy you are to bait?

28th January 2006, 21:15
Bikes are magical creatures....I believe in magic....

28th January 2006, 21:32
Superstition is a *belief* or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation b : an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition. [Websters dictionary]

Many would ascribe the above to religouse beliefs. At the end of the day the superstisous person has the same faith in his beliefs as you have in yours. Some say it's a question of intellect as to who is right perhaps it is, then again perhaps not and there is no difference. If only you could understand what I'm talking about but the shutters are on and the light will not penetrate the clouds of ignorance.


28th January 2006, 21:41
I'm not about to air your dirty laundry just yet. Grow up. :Pokey:

28th January 2006, 21:42
Friday the 13th - Those who know about these things, inform us that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden on a Friday, Noah's flood started on a Friday, and Christ was crucified on a Friday. Christians also noted that twelve witches plus one devil are present at Satanic ceremonies so Friday and 13 make a deadly combination

Don't know much about Friday 13 from the biblical sense but it's modern supestishous meaning came from the day the King Phillip of France had all the Knight Templars arrested en mass. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friday_13

The one I like is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Always did like rainbows. just to see a good one is like finding a pot of gold anway.


28th January 2006, 22:24
I'm not about to air your dirty laundry just yet. Grow up. :Pokey:

It's not about that. I already knew I was wrong when we had that argument. Hence I apologised to you straight away then.

Since I know I am wrong, I just wanted the people here on KB to open my eyes so I can see where exactly I am wrong.

I like this post the most:

I don't believe in fate,good luck or bad luck, christianity is the biggest superstition of them all and I sure ain't into that either.
Things only happen because of skill,planning and care,or the lack of them.
If somebody is going to let themselfs get spooked because of something that has happened or because of some thing somebody has said then that's just a lack of skill in selfcontrol or personal awareness.
Superstition is just for people that need excuses but can't think of something logical to cover there own muck up.

Thank you Jackrat, I just needed to see things from someone else's perspective so I could change my silly ways. I was wrong!! OK?

28th January 2006, 22:32
It's not about that. I already knew I was wrong when we had that argument. Hence I apologised to you straight away then.

Since I know I am wrong, I just wanted the people here on KB to open my eyes so I can see where exactly I am wrong.

I like this post the most:

Thank you Jackrat, I just needed to see things from someone else's perspective so I could change my silly ways. I was wrong!! OK?

Everyones dirty laundry gets aired one way or another. Keep digging.

28th January 2006, 23:35
Well the chick at the Lotto shop wished me luck again today and sure enough, still not a millionaire. Maybe there is something in it.

29th January 2006, 02:25
personally, if believing in something gives people comfort and does others no harm, i can't bring myself to knock it, whether it be jesus, an oak tree, black cats, the full moon or little pink bunnies .................:innocent:

29th January 2006, 06:35
I tell you what, how about I start attacking your beliefs? Say hmmm 'Maoridom', and we'll see how easy you are to bait?

That's Maoritanga,at lest try to get that much right.
And as for my "attack" I simpliy stated my belief,I didn't call you any silly names like you did to me with your opening post.But then that seems to be becoming more and more your style doesn't it.
There's a lot of christians on this site Zed,none of them have attacked me or anybody else, like you have a number times.
My views on your faith are just that "about the faith" not about you,so keep your personal attacks to your self.

29th January 2006, 06:54
Whilst not really superstitious I have over the years observed 'good' and 'bad' bikes. Logic would dictate this is more about the bike and interaction with the rider, some bikes give to much confidence with a resulting bin, others however hold back enough reserves to save the rider when he fucks up.....

29th January 2006, 08:25
If somebody is going to let themselfs get spooked because of something that has happened or because of some thing somebody has said then that's just a lack of skill in selfcontrol or personal awareness.
Superstition is just for people that need excuses but can't think of something logical to cover there own muck up.

I'm with that guy

I make my own luck

29th January 2006, 08:46
Ahem, thread title says "superstitions", not "attacking one and others beliefs/faiths". Zed's a good man, leave him be.

I am not superstitious at all, the likelihood of stuff happening as a result of ladders, cats, Black Fridays etc, is directly proportional to the likelihood of things happening as a result of you reading your horoscope, i.e, both are a crock of poo poos in my book, because both have a non existent hit ratio in my life.

Horoscopes/astrology/numerology is something you best not get mixed up in imo, if you let someone else tell you how your day's gonna go, you have lost the battle right then and there.

29th January 2006, 09:46
Superstition, although very real to some people, is phewey. I know some people who always seem to be getting 'bad luck', but it is only because of their lack of forthought and planning. Very few things always go right in life, you just have to have an alternative way of dealing with things, should something not go to plan.
From a Christian point of view, I don't go in for supertition either. As pointed out, a lot of superstition comes from paganism, not Chistianity. However, that is not to say that 'religion' hasn't played its part here and there. Note, I said 'religion', not 'Christianity'.
An interesting scripture regarding this is Paul's obeservation of the Athenian's, Acts 17: 22 "Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too supersticious"(Strongs 1174: Religious)

ps. this thead was inevitably going to go this way.:whistle: :msn-wink:

29th January 2006, 09:55
The only one reliably affecting me is bananas on a fishing trip..

little buggers LOL

29th January 2006, 11:53
That's Maoritanga,at lest try to get that much right.
And as for my "attack" I simpliy stated my belief,I didn't call you any silly names like you did to me with your opening post.But then that seems to be becoming more and more your style doesn't it.
There's a lot of christians on this site Zed,none of them have attacked me or anybody else, like you have a number times.
My views on your faith are just that "about the faith" not about you,so keep your personal attacks to your self.Hello little fishy, swimmin in the shallows! lol

29th January 2006, 12:29
I'm not superstitious caus its bad luck!

Get a bit anti when people say things like "What about your family if you get killed?"
Usually respond with "And what about yours when you accidentally drown while scrubbing your teeth?"
Good/bad luck happens, you might win lotto, you might get cancer, things will happen... they might be good, they might not.
You are riding along, shit happens and you crash. But you walk away un-hurt...
You where lucky not to be hurt, but un-lucky to crash.
You get paid out from insurance, walk into your bike shop and they offer you the bike of your dreams at an ex-demo rate and thro in some gear.
Now you where lucky to crash...
It depends on your out look on life, got a flat tyre? Late for work? Maybe a truck fails to stop at a red light and you would have been there if you where on time?
Luck is a perceived state.

29th January 2006, 12:55
I'm not superstitious caus its bad luck!

Get a bit anti when people say things like "What about your family if you get killed?"
Usually respond with "And what about yours when you accidentally drown while scrubbing your teeth?"
Good/bad luck happens, you might win lotto, you might get cancer, things will happen... they might be good, they might not.
You are riding along, shit happens and you crash. But you walk away un-hurt...
You where lucky not to be hurt, but un-lucky to crash.
You get paid out from insurance, walk into your bike shop and they offer you the bike of your dreams at an ex-demo rate and thro in some gear.
Now you where lucky to crash...
It depends on your out look on life, got a flat tyre? Late for work? Maybe a truck fails to stop at a red light and you would have been there if you where on time?
Luck is a perceived state.

Excelent! I like seeing veiws from everyone's perspective and what you say is true as well..

29th January 2006, 19:13
The only one reliably affecting me is bananas on a fishing trip..

little buggers LOL

Ok ya' got me.
I use that one as well:slap:

29th January 2006, 19:26
I'm not superstitious caus its bad luck!

Get a bit anti when people say things like "What about your family if you get killed?"
Usually respond with "And what about yours when you accidentally drown while scrubbing your teeth?"
Good/bad luck happens, you might win lotto, you might get cancer, things will happen... they might be good, they might not.
You are riding along, shit happens and you crash. But you walk away un-hurt...
You where lucky not to be hurt, but un-lucky to crash.
You get paid out from insurance, walk into your bike shop and they offer you the bike of your dreams at an ex-demo rate and thro in some gear.
Now you where lucky to crash...
It depends on your out look on life, got a flat tyre? Late for work? Maybe a truck fails to stop at a red light and you would have been there if you where on time?
Luck is a perceived state.

took the words outta my mouth.

good on ya.

29th January 2006, 19:31
Most people involved in some level of sport have their own superstitions. Basket ball players, rugby players and even motorcyclists.

Superstitions as in, when you freshly paint a bike or buy a brand new bike, you must lay it down on the ground gently to get rid of the dreaded fresh paint/new bike to ground magnetism.

Likewise my main question is, how many of you belive that it is bad luck when you get asked to be carefull by your loved one or who ever that cares about you? I know quite a few riders who strictly belive that when they are asked to be careful, they are being jinxed cause when you say, "Sure honey or yes mum" something is bound to go wrong..

I have experienced about 3 crashes in the past because I was jinxed (or so I belive) so I prefer not to be asked to be be carefull. If I do get asked that, I usually say "no promises" to cancel the jinx.

What do you reckon?


29th January 2006, 19:51
I went to a seminar once apon a time where the speaker had every one in the room stand, then said "Sit down if you have had bad things happen to you", then said "Sit down if you have had good things happen to you".
Obviously by this point no one was standing. Pretty well takes care of the luck thing don't you think.

To steal a line form the Europe song (late '80s for those who can remember): I'm not supersticious, I have no doubt that there is a reason how things work out.

29th January 2006, 21:47
Really? Have you ever heard of Paganism?

I know about these things and honestly that's the funniest thing i've read in a while, mainly cos you think it's true lol. If you can provide the Bible verse/s that back up your 'Friday the 13th - Adam & Eve' assertion i'll admit publicly that you are correct, otherwise as far as i'm concerned you're talking crap! :killingme

All I'm doing is giving evidence based on what I have read. In all honesty, full credit to you if you know better, I learn something new every day and if something I have already learned turns out to be wrong I'm all up for changing my views.

Anyhow, did a bit more googling and turns out that there are far too many differing views on the origins of Friday the 13th being unlucky:


I should mention that this is only a source, not the be all and end all of what I think is the truth.

Personally I don't particularly care where superstitions come from; they could be from Paganism, Christianity, communism, KiwiBiker, or even the man who decided that it is bad manners to rest your elbows on a table, they would still all be based on bullshit. So, whatever.

31st January 2006, 22:25
Ahem, thread title says "superstitions", not "attacking one and others beliefs/faiths". Zed's a good man, leave him be.


ahem - you are entitled to your beliefs, which i respect .......
but look to see 'who caste the first stone' [ie personal slur] in this instance - it certainly WASN'T 'he that is without stain' as there are numerous instances of him doing it previously..................

suggest that the person you are championing could be ASSURED of being 'left be' if he would keep his name-calling to himself [it upsets people]?

31st January 2006, 22:55
...the fuck's going on here?

31st January 2006, 23:16
ssdd ..... sorry scoots - will go back to attemptin something that might be achievable - like teaching my chooks to crochet or similar ..:o

1st February 2006, 06:23

3 TIMES!!!!!

so thats where I've been going wrong.....

not that I believe all that, of course........