View Full Version : Vandals Rev up Trikers

9th September 2005, 16:57
Just read the Thursdays Western leader and I was really pissed off to hear that yet again vandals/arsonists have struck again at the Kiwi Triker clubrooms, this time gutting it. :angry2:

I know a guy that belongs to the Trikers and was there at the clubrooms for his farewell when he moved to Oz. The kiwi trikers I met were a great bunch of people and I know they have battled with these shitheads for a long time, I am really sorry to hear that it looks like the clubrooms may be lost. Not to mention all the memorabilia that was on the walls and in the rooms.

Guys I really hope that you will pull through this event. If it is not on that site then another perhaps.

All the best, you guys rock :Punk:

9th September 2005, 17:33
yeah, theres some scum out there! my best to the trikers.

10th September 2005, 11:58
not good i remember when i was a kid i used to race bmx there sorry to her about the rooms