View Full Version : Stick it up their butts day - Sept 5

2nd September 2005, 10:15
really hate to cross-post (and mod(s), you can delete this if you want), but if it's for real, and if it's gonna work, then it needs some attention by all. I'm still scheptical about stuff like this, but it'd be interesting

<blockquote>It has been calculated that if everyone in New Zealand did not purchase
a drop of petrol for one day at all the same time the oil companies
could possibly choke on their stockpiles.

At the same time it would hit the entire industry with a net loss at the
current prices of $1.50 per litre (30 litres for a full tank) $45.00 x a
conservative estimate of 2,000,000 vehicles in NZ that would equate to
$90 million dollar loss (one day) to the oil companies and hit their
profit margins.

*Therefore September 5th has been informally declared "Stick it up their
butts day".*

*Motorists of New Zealand should not buy a single drop for that day!*

The only way this can be done if your forward this e-mail to as many
people as you can to get the word out.

Waiting on this Government to step in and control prices is not going to
happen and there is an Election coming so why not throw them into a


Remember one thing about raising gas prices:

* Airlines are forced to raise their prices
* Trucking companies forced to raise their prices
* These prices affect the cost of shipping
* Flow on effect that your GROCERY BILL goes up
* Flow on effect on clothing, building, medical supplies!
* It effects all of us in every area while companies can write off
these expenses, consumers cannot.

Who pays in the end?

WE DO - The consumer!

We can make a difference if they don't get the message after one day we
will do it again and again.

Enough of these ridiculous excuses that the oil companies use to justify
their increases everything from President Bush missing a golf stroke on
the 9th hole to Aunt Fanny's artificial leg falling off.

If you are sick of this manipulation vote with your car and do not buy a
drop. Spread the word and mark the date on your calendars.


The discussion on this has been covered heaps of times, and I know there's a small stock pile of threads gathering dust. But it'd be interesting to see the effects, if any

2nd September 2005, 10:21
Nah. It's bullshit and wouldn't work. After all, you are still going to use petrol. The only way something like this could work is if ONE oil company was singled out & ignored by everybody for as long as it took. They would eventually drop their price, the motorists will start using them and then the cartel would bring their prices into line at the lower rate. At least, that's the idea.

2nd September 2005, 10:24
If you watched cambell last night you would have noticed that only 3.3% is profit to the petrol company and that the real sharks are the 47% tax we have on fuel that means that at the current rate of 1.53 the goverment is taking 67c.

2nd September 2005, 10:28
The price is out of NZ's control. If people started using less petrol instead of complaining \then the price would go down, but this needs to happen globally.

2nd September 2005, 10:32
If you watched cambell last night you would have noticed that only 3.3% is profit to the petrol company and that the real sharks are the 47% tax we have on fuel that means that at the current rate of 1.53 the goverment is taking 67c.

The tax has been consistant and is lower than a lot of other countries. If the tax was lowered then that would only work for a wee while, as the prices will still ge always ging up. Also removing the tax would mean cheaper petrol but the govt will loose that revenue and in the end we will still have to pay for it.

2nd September 2005, 10:35
The tax has been consistent and is lower than a lot of other countries. If the tax was lowered then that would only work for a wee while, as the prices will still be always going up. Also removing the tax would mean cheaper petrol but the govt will lose that revenue and in the end we will still have to pay for it.

Yes, but what the hell does the government use it for? It's not like we see much return, it all seems to be sucked up by Auckland!

2nd September 2005, 10:43
Okay Im in Im not buying gas on Monday

How hard was that, simple love it

they do have the edge, divide and conquer etc etc

2nd September 2005, 10:44
Well I think it's worth a shot...

*has sent it to everyone in NZ I know*

2nd September 2005, 10:44
In general the governmnet is there to spend money on our behalf. Polititions do not get that much money themselves and the money is not being spend on gold toilet paper for some king. When you pay tax you get things like courts, hospitals, education, etc back. The money does not dissappear and the less money the govt get the less we get back.

The money is being "invested" in Auckland. The less time people spend in traffic the better. Transport companies can move products quicker and cheaper. People can spend more time at home watching TV than sitting in traffic.

2nd September 2005, 10:46
it all seems to be sucked up by Auckland!

Yes..and what's wrong with that??? :spudwhat:

2nd September 2005, 10:49
So everyone will run around on the 4th Sptember and fill up their vehicles...

and again on the 6th if they have used all the gas up.

2nd September 2005, 10:53
[QUOTE=Warren] The money does not dissappear and the less money the govt get the less we get back.


Well thats not true the money disappears in a big bueracratic machine through inefficent spending the more we give the less efficent the government becomes.

Lou Girardin
2nd September 2005, 10:54
If you watched cambell last night you would have noticed that only 3.3% is profit to the petrol company and that the real sharks are the 47% tax we have on fuel that means that at the current rate of 1.53 the goverment is taking 67c.

So, explain the 90 to 138% increase in NZ oil company profits recently.

The one day thing is bollocks, a rotating boycott of each company is the answer.

2nd September 2005, 10:54
Man.. I saw the title and was hoping this was like "Steak & Blowjob day"

2nd September 2005, 11:40
Man.. I saw the title and was hoping this was like "Steak & Blowjob day"

The day is still young. Try here (http://www.newzealandgirls.co.nz)

2nd September 2005, 12:12
The day is still young. Try here (http://www.newzealandgirls.co.nz)
LOL.. I'm mildy amazed that there is a website to browse prostitutes near me.. but I guess with it being legal and all it makes sense.

2nd September 2005, 12:49
It has been calculated that if everyone in New Zealand did not purchase a drop of petrol for one day at all the same time the oil companies could possibly choke on their stockpiles.
Yeah, right. And if everybody turned off every electrical appliance in the country at the same time, all of the electricity would bulge up in the wires, and they'd burst, spraying volts and amps everywhere! Watt a mess that would be...

2nd September 2005, 12:53
Maybe a good idea, not sure, i only need to fill up my van once or twice a month anyways.

What really stumps me is that I just before went and got some race gas for my rs. At $1.79 a litre it is pretty pricey but the funny thing is that the first time i got some (in february) it was $1.75 a litre, it only went up 4 cents about a month ago and hasn't gone up even though other petrol has gone up around 10c a litre. If this isn't doesn't clearly show that the petrol stations are just upping the price to make more profit then I don't know what does.

2nd September 2005, 12:58
'race gas' is AvGas that's past it's best, isn't it..?? It's got something to do with a loop-hole, that it's already had the GST paid on it etc, and a few other charges that aircraft are subject too, but the charge isn't as high, cos they consume more. So to fill up a small tank of that funny stuff, is cheaper by theory. but it's not. But that's why the price probably hasn't shifted too much. It will tho.. I last saw it 6 months ago at $1.95 at Puke. Few weeks ago, was still the same

2nd September 2005, 13:01
Excellent! Just what I like to see - people sticking things in other's butts. A very good idea. :devil2:

2nd September 2005, 13:03
Excellent! Just what I like to see - people sticking things in other's butts. A very good idea. :devil2:
we're gonna get along just great. :Punk:

2nd September 2005, 13:45
Yeah, right. And if everybody turned off every electrical appliance in the country at the same time, all of the electricity would bulge up in the wires, and they'd burst, spraying volts and amps everywhere! Watt a mess that would be...Virtual green bling for that one.

In seriousness, wouldn't the sudden change in demand result in a power surge of some description? Possibly outside the range that the suppliers protection systems could cope with?

2nd September 2005, 14:30
Watt a mess that would be...

Erm... Uncle Hitcher, you spelt 'what' wrong. :nono:

edit: soreh cuz, u spelt 'wot' rong eh.

2nd September 2005, 14:44
So, explain the 90 to 138% increase in NZ oil company profits recently.
They make a profit at the refinery, then another one at the pump. Plus they know they can whack up prices whenever they feel like it, because (a) they have a captive consumer base, and (b) the Gubmint isn't about to squeal about it as every time the price goes up, the Gubmint's tax revenue increases by even more.

2nd September 2005, 15:12
\. When you pay tax you get things like courts, hospitals, education, etc back. The money does not dissappear and the less money the govt get the less we get back.

and Hip Hop Tours, Prisoner abuse settlements, treaty settlements, ugly filters for Helen Clarke's TV interviews, speeding fines for her drivers..

why the hell do we have to be subjected to MORE ACC LEVIES in the fuel price.. dont we pay enough already?

2nd September 2005, 15:17
Watt a mess that would be...

Har har har (Said very sarcasticly)

2nd September 2005, 16:13
I quite like the rolling blockade day thing - prventing one of the fuel suppliers from ANY business on one day or other... except...

when it's NOT their turn they get proportionateyl MORE business - which would even out the low times.

I like the idea of simply blockading one of the petrol stations completely. Permanently... then looking for the next one if the fual prices don't drop...

I can see there would only be 2 or 3 go out of business before the rest started thinking twice.

The very sad (and logical) extension to that is, once all bar one are out of business - you have a monopoly whereupon they can charge what they damned well please...

2nd September 2005, 17:03
Blame OPEC not the govt.
Thieving bastards that OPEC are. I wonder what will happen when oil does run out? Saudi in particular will have to do something constructive I guess, and the west will finally stop kissing their arses.

Ooops - I guess that's not a very PC thing to say. Oh well - it is Friday - fuck the lot of them. In fact - fuck every minority group (except lesbians, who I would fuck if they’d let me, if they were cute, and Ms Biff could join in), religious group, small people, large people, fat people, rude people, intolerant people, bigots, racists, fascists, thin people and people with double barrelled surnames. Fuck George Bush, Paul Holmes (what a grade A pricks). Fuck the Doobey Brothers, Cliff Richard and that short guy from It Ain't Half Hot Mum. Fuck anyone that believes I’ve just contradicted myself. And in particular - fuck the guy from the local petrol station who now refuses to serve me because I called him a, "miserable sod that needs to go on a customer service course" a week ago, and sorry for calling you a "wanker" today – not, wanker.

Ahhh - I feel better now. Its 5pm - I've had a shit of a week, and next week is going to be ever worse. Time to go home and be abused by my kids. :hbd:

Have a good weekend all.

2nd September 2005, 17:08
Blame OPEC not the govt.
Thieving bastards that OPEC are. I wonder what will happen when oil does run out? Saudi in particular will have to do something constructive I guess, and the west will finally stop kissing their arses.

Ooops - I guess that's not a very PC thing to say. Oh well - it is Friday - fuck the lot of them. In fact - fuck every minority group (except lesbians, who I would fuck if they’d let me, if they were cute, and Ms Biff could join in), religious group, small people, large people, fat people, rude people, intolerant people, bigots, racists, fascists, thin people and people with double barrelled surnames. Fuck George Bush, Paul Holmes (what a grade A pricks). Fuck the Doobey Brothers, Cliff Richard and that short guy from It Ain't Half Hot Mum. Fuck anyone that believes I’ve just contradicted myself. And in particular - fuck the guy from the local petrol station who now refuses to serve me because I called him a, "miserable sod that needs to go on a customer service course" a week ago, and sorry for calling you a "wanker" today – not, wanker.

Ahhh - I feel better now. Its 5pm - I've had a shit of a week, and next week is going to be ever worse. Time to go home and be abused by my kids. :hbd:

Have a good weekend all.

You too chap - sounds like you've had (and need) a hard one

2nd September 2005, 17:49
I've often thought we should just boycott the first oil company to announce each round of price increases...... just for a month or so, or until they withdraw the increase.

2nd September 2005, 17:52
just been told this has made the radio too.. so that's a lot of cars that would have been told.. still don't think it'll make much difference, but be interesting to see how many don't go to the pumps

2nd September 2005, 18:21
So, explain the 90 to 138% increase in NZ oil company profits recently.

The one day thing is bollocks, a rotating boycott of each company is the answer.
The idea of boycotting fuel companies has been circulating for a while, and is a load of Bucking Follocks too.

The first casualties of a boycott would be the front-line service station staff ie. job losses.

The next casualties will be the independant station operators (remember only about half of the service stations are owned by the fuel companies). These independants are struggling now to make a living - and you want them to drop their prices???????? A boycott would be the final nail in the coffin for these guys.

The suggestion of a one-day boycott of all fuel purchases is pathetic, and if anyone thinks it will actually work, they need to grow a brain! :weird: These silly chain-letters only suck in the gullible......

The only way any organised pressure can be placed on the fuel companies, is for everyone to purchase fuel from any company that "breaks ranks", and sells fuel a bit cheaper than the others. The resulting boost in sales would balance out the lower profit margin, and the other companies would be forced to fall into line.

But wait - isn't this what already happens?

Big Dave
2nd September 2005, 18:53
Yada yada yada
Here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to go to the servo (any one), then I'm going to fill up, and then I'm going to go for a ride.
You lot can rage against the machine pointlessly on my behalf? Cheers.

2nd September 2005, 19:58
So everyone will run around on the 4th Sptember and fill up their vehicles...

and again on the 6th if they have used all the gas up.

My thoughts exactly!

3rd September 2005, 18:14
Yada yada yada
Here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to go to the servo (any one), then I'm going to fill up, and then I'm going to go for a ride.
You lot can rage against the machine pointlessly on my behalf? Cheers.
Did the same thing today. Four times even! Fantastic.

4th September 2005, 02:09
and Hip Hop Tours, Prisoner abuse settlements, treaty settlements, ugly filters for Helen Clarke's TV interviews, speeding fines for her drivers..

ABout Helen Clark, anyone noticed the labour billboards and how touched up the picture of her is, her teeth are almost straight and sparkling white and so on, the T.V. tells a different story a much more gastly story and the T.V. sure as shit does not lie.

On petrol, fuck they got us by the balls really, not much to do but take to the pushbike and i worked hard to get to the shape i'm in now, and the pushbike would rob me of that, damn the bastards, damn them to hell.

6th September 2005, 01:40
I quite like the rolling blockade day thing - prventing one of the fuel suppliers from ANY business on one day or other... except...

when it's NOT their turn they get proportionateyl MORE business - which would even out the low times.

I like the idea of simply blockading one of the petrol stations completely. Permanently... then looking for the next one if the fual prices don't drop...

I can see there would only be 2 or 3 go out of business before the rest started thinking twice.

The very sad (and logical) extension to that is, once all bar one are out of business - you have a monopoly whereupon they can charge what they damned well please...
Boycott one supplier on a rotating basis every week and favour the first supplier to reduce the price at their pumps,switching to the next one to reduce etc.
Enforced competion