View Full Version : Debt collectors used for 'voluntary' fees

10th July 2012, 12:13
If you can't afford it, you shouldn't send your children to school. (http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/top-stories/14174686/debt-collectors-used-for-voluntary-fees/)

10th July 2012, 12:59
Its funny. I am 18, and pretty much fresh out of High school. During the first 3 years, the donation was 90$ per person, then 140$ for a family of 2 or more. The last 2 years, when the government changed everything in regards to funding, the donation price became 200$ PER PERSON.

For a family that had at least 2 at that school every year, 400$ was a big step up from 140$. Donations need to be reasonable for people to get the incentive to pay them. Not the giant give me money sign model that they currently use.

10th July 2012, 13:51
If you can't afford it, you shouldn't send your children to school.[/U][/B][/URL]

Its illegal to not send your kids to school :niceone:

Plus if they're home you can't cook as much P :spanking:

10th July 2012, 14:03
I just wish they didn't make a mockery out of the word "donation"... Call it as it is - 'Fees'. Why disguise it as donations and then punish students whose parents can't or won't pay?

I don't mind paying school fees and extracurricular activities that will enrich my kids' minds, but why do uniforms have to cost so much?

10th July 2012, 14:12
I don't mind paying school fees and extracurricular activities that will enrich my kids' minds, but why do uniforms have to cost so much?

I'd be curious to know what costs have risen so that kids have to pay an extra $200 for their free education?

rapid van cleef
10th July 2012, 14:14
Im a school teacher and I am amazed and somewhat embarressed at the high cost of uniforms. Somebody somewhere is making a LOT of cash!

10th July 2012, 14:15
Back in my day it was free, but I think it was about $90 for photocopying etc :rolleyes:

10th July 2012, 14:37
The quality of the teacher has by far the biggest influence on the quality of the education receved. Get the best bang for your bucks/fees by incentiving teachers to improve performance. Tell the school and the teacher that in lieu of the "fees" you will be giving the teacher a "tip" at the end of the year if you feel he/she earned it.

10th July 2012, 18:40
Im a school teacher and I am amazed and somewhat embarressed at the high cost of uniforms. Somebody somewhere is making a LOT of cash!

I guess/hope you ain't the English teacher Lol

Yes, its a scam. I believe that the schools themselves are getting sizeable kick backs from suppliers (similar to preferential [not mandatory]stationery supplier kickbacks) who are awarded sole supply contracts. Something else I have noticed is that schools (Rangi recently) who change uniforms (even more expensive now) and refuse to allow a lead in period effectively kill the trade in used uniforms meaning in some instances there is no cost recovery at all. Of course uniform sales and kickbacks increase.:rolleyes: Schools are playing the survival game and are getting a little too mercenary imo

I have had two different schools advise me that the donation is primarily to cover costs such as day trips to museums and must see Shakespeare movies etc. That they don't want to see young Sally sitting in an otherwise empty classroom feeling sorry for herself. (more likely to cover the extra cost of having to having an extra teacher to look after her as well as extra staff (per head of kids) to manage the little shits when they are away from the school. I can understand this on some levels but it makes me wonder whether schools and govt see minimum education requirements in the same light as these sorts of costs should be covered by the govt allowances if they are as beneficial as may be suggested. Or are schools really just telling fibs and tugging at our heart strings???

I know of some people who can't won't pay the donation but will pay the demanded costs associated with these sorts of occasions on the day of the event rather than see young Sally feel bad about herself. Shitty situation for all I guess. The schools should accept that some can't pay and plan to make do with what they manage to collect in the first couple of months (without bias to children who's folks haven't paid). They need to learn to live within their means same as everyone else.

10th July 2012, 19:20
I know of some people who can't won't pay the donation but will pay the demanded costs associated with these sorts of occasions on the day of the event rather than see young Sally feel bad about herself. Shitty situation for all I guess. The schools should accept that some can't pay and plan to make do with what they manage to collect in the first couple of months (without bias to children who's folks haven't paid). They need to learn to live within their means same as everyone else.

Most Schools do accept that some can't pay .. and have done for many years. The problems begin when some parents send their little johnny to school on the day of the "school outings" ... knowng full well they haven't paid the extra fee (donation) ...
Other parents (only needs one complaint) moan how they paid the donation and the school let johnny go knowing his parents hadn't paid ...
In the interest of fairness ... the school bows to pressure in the interest of being seen to be fair.
Shit ... some parents send their kids to school with no breakfast or lunch. By comparision ... school trips are secondry issues ...

10th July 2012, 22:25
My bloody taxes over decades, my old mans taxes over decades before that, paid for the schools to be built, we have paid for the education, training and qualification of the teachers. We pay the taxes that are used by the schools, (given to them by ministers of the crown that we also pay for) to operate, for the maintenance, ect ect.They can get fucked if about extracting a "local tax" of their own on me or mine!!!!!

Want to see a board of trustees sweat? go to a meeting and tell them you are going to mount a formal legal challenge publicly, to their right to DEMAND , "volantary" fees, and their application of constructive discrimination against children who have parents willing to fight them.,

I will pay for one of my kids going to a outside school activity that has costs, but it stops right there !!


11th July 2012, 00:27
I HAVE ALREADY PAID MY TAXES FOR SCHOOLING MY KIDS!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:A pity successive governments don't give it to the schools......

11th July 2012, 07:09
....a pity the tax base in the country has been stripped down to the point that it barely covers fuck all beyond locking cunts up

11th July 2012, 10:45
Where the hell do you live Shorty? They don't even do that now, they get a nice shiny bracelet and told go home and stay home!
Not enough room in prison you know.

11th July 2012, 20:16
I will pay for one of my kids going to a outside school activity that has costs, but it stops right there !!

I share this view.

So much for a 'free' education system lol.

Paying the 'donation' only tells the schools and government that the status-quo is ok and that people will keep topping up something that clearly isn't properly funded.


11th July 2012, 20:54
Paying the 'donation' only tells the schools and government that the status-quo is ok and that people will keep topping up something that clearly isn't properly funded.

Sums it up for me :niceone: