View Full Version : STOLEN again! (and re-recovered) Honda Spada 1988

18th November 2010, 00:29

Many of you will remember that my red Honda Spada was stolen 1 month ago by a couple of fkn filthy theives in the Glen Innes/Point England area.

Well it was recovered by the Police were unsuccessful in prosecuting anyone. Repaired totalled $500.

Tonight it was stolen again; I even had it locked up with a heavy duty bike chain but they brought bolt cutters.
Police found it at the same area, a bunch of kids took it again but they are unable to do anything about it, let alone the damaged they caused this second time. The kids retreated to the same address both times.

The address of those little theiving shits is 4 Taurima Ave, Point England

18th November 2010, 00:54
Wow that's like raping someone twice. First crime lesson not learnt huh?

Twice the crime, twice the punishment.

18th November 2010, 01:05

May of you will remember that my red Honda Spada was stolen 1 month ago by a couple of fkn filthy theives in the Glen Innes/Point England area.

Well it was recovered by the Police were unsuccessful in prosecuting anyone. Repaired totalled $500.

Tonight it was stolen again; I even had it locked up with a heavy duty bike chain but they brought bolt cutters.
Police found it at the same address, a bunch of kids took it again but they are unable to do anything about it, let alone the damaged they caused this second time.

The address of those little theiving shits is 4 Taurima Ave, Point England

sadly, there are a few cops who would rather spend their day taking bribes and telling people 'ill let you off the ticket if you suck me cock'
However, there are decent cops around.
go to the police station and DEMAND to speak to a superior. give them ALL the details. the householders should at the least be able to be charged with receiving stolen property, or accessory after the fact.

We had a similar issue last year, some cunt stole my partners bike, a TZR250, cops came, we had located it, the cops brought it back, and said 'your own fault for living in the student area'
We had about a dozen sober witnesses who heard the cop say that.
long story short, but letters and complaints resulted in
fuckwits getting charged
written formal apology from the officers for poor conduct and failing to serve the public and do their job etc etc,
and a phone call from someone in wellington or somewhere to make sure it had beeen followed up, and a further verbal apology for the problems.

If that fails, go round and shoot the cunt in the knee caps and torch his house.

18th November 2010, 01:52
Failing that... provide some beds for a few nights for a few helpful big bastard bikers, until the thieves attempt it a third time.

Third time unlucky for them.

18th November 2010, 02:01
Let me know if tigertim's suggestion fail. I'm itching for a fight.

18th November 2010, 05:48
Mate that's worth giving the Herald or some other media a call about, it's amazing what a little public embarrassment can do to get some action.

18th November 2010, 06:06
if all of the above fails grab a couple of mates & do a driveby on their house using high powered paintball guns, literally cover the fuckin thing !!!! :gob::gob: cause if they have taken your pride in joy not once but twice you can pretty much gaurantee they'll be back so get in first :yes::yes:

18th November 2010, 06:06

May of you will remember that my red Honda Spada was stolen 1 month ago by a couple of fkn filthy theives in the Glen Innes/Point England area.

Well it was recovered by the Police were unsuccessful in prosecuting anyone. Repaired totalled $500.

Tonight it was stolen again; I even had it locked up with a heavy duty bike chain but they brought bolt cutters.
Police found it at the same address, a bunch of kids took it again but they are unable to do anything about it, let alone the damaged they caused this second time.

The address of those little theiving shits is 4 Taurima Ave, Point England

I'm interested in why Police would say they can't do anything about it, did they give you any specific reasons?
If I were you I'd be demanding that something is done at a local and higher level.

18th November 2010, 06:13
if all of the above fails grab a couple of mates & do a driveby on their house using high powered paintball guns, literally cover the fuckin thing !!!! :gob::gob: cause if they have taken your pride in joy not once but twice you can pretty much gaurantee they'll be back so get in first :yes::yes:

I dont think that is a good idea, chances are out that way it will be a state house rental, or if not someones investment property. All paint bombing the house will do is cause some other poor bugger or indeed us the cost of a repaint.

18th November 2010, 06:15
A bunch of kids stole it? Send some guys around to have a "word" with them :yes: and perhaps give the some advice about the dangers of stealing motorbikes :angry:

18th November 2010, 06:37
Gutting:gob: Go back to the cops, to find the bike at the same address twice is a joke, there is no excuse for the police to do nothing. And if it has happened to you how many other people have suffered at the hands of these scumbags?

At least the address is public knowledge now.:yes:

18th November 2010, 07:27
I was under the impression that if the kids were under prosecuting age that the parents could be given a slap?

Oh well, I have today off and will be going for a ride over that way anyway.
If the opportunity pops up and it's viable I have no problems have a wee chat

The Everlasting
18th November 2010, 07:31
Failing that... provide some beds for a few nights for a few helpful big bastard bikers, until the thieves attempt it a third time.

Third time unlucky for them.

Good idea!!

Those cops are so useless,looks like they don't even want to do their job,I would definitely take it higher/make a complaint.

White trash
18th November 2010, 07:35
I was under the impression that if the kids were under prosecuting age that the parents could be given a slap?

Oh well, I have today off and will be going for a ride over that way anyway.
If the opportunity pops up and it's viable I have no problems have a wee chat

Now, that's a chat I'd like to be in on.

18th November 2010, 07:35
Police found it at the same address, a bunch of kids took it again but they are unable to do anything about it, let alone the damaged they caused this second time.

Words fail me.
No traffic infringement, so no problem?

18th November 2010, 07:41
I'm interested in why Police would say they can't do anything about it, did they give you any specific reasons?
If I were you I'd be demanding that something is done at a local and higher level.

I don't get this as well. If they're underaged the FIRST time, I can almost see the cops saying "can't do shit 'cause they're little bastards". But a SECOND time and the cops say "can't do shit".

I really don't get it. It's the second time within a short space of time. Clearly whatever was done for "punishment" didn't work so why would you let that go?

I am completely at a loss. Let's forget about protect and serve and all that other garbage, wouldn't it just be plain common sense to do something the 2nd time round? It's completely irrelevant that they were underaged.

Shit, if I did this and got away 2 times already with not even a slap on the wrist, you can be DAMN sure I'll keep doing it because it'd be bloody funny to me. That's exactly the reason they should do something about it.

BTW, I'm not saying it's funny at all. Merely thinking like a little bastard that needs their right thumb chopped off.

18th November 2010, 07:49
Post up the little shits names so they can live in cyberspace forever. Anyone who googles their names will see what crims they are. That may be the only punishment they get.

18th November 2010, 07:53
If you fancy trying something completely different :shifty: knock on the door with some motorcycle chums and tell the parents that you're fed up with the kids knickin yer bike and would they prefer to come out for a run with you guys :)... Don't forget the "if you can read this..." T :)

18th November 2010, 07:57
Why don't you just give CYFS a call. If the police can't do nothing because they are underage, maybe they can, as these kids are obviously not being well supervised. Failing that rig the bike up to electricity.....:yes:

18th November 2010, 08:02
The little shits pinched your bike, twice. Caused you grief and money. Now that you know where they live what are you planning to do? I think a little bit more than a "chat". Break their fucking noses and tattoo "Dirty thieving cunt" on their forehead would be adequate. Imagine what message that would send when they're out and about, a nice fresh tat with a big bandaged nose and couple of black eyes.

Another effective solution would be to print out 200 posters describing the little shits and how they need to be punished and how they're scum and plaster them all around their neighborhood. When I was in varsity we got a notice in mail not to invite a certain crowd of peeps to any party/event as they steal. Their social status went down so quickly they all changed uni's in the end...

18th November 2010, 08:12

The address of those little theiving shits is 4 Taurima Ave, Point England

Here, you mean?

http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=4+Taurima+Avenue,+Point+England,+Auckland,+New+Z ealand&sll=-38.216282,175.858397&sspn=0.012931,0.033023&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=4+Taurima+Ave,+Point+England+1072,+Auckland, +New+Zealand&ll=-36.882913,174.864334&spn=0.000823,0.002064&t=h&z=20

18th November 2010, 08:25
Here, you mean?

http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=4+Taurima+Avenue,+Point+England,+Auckland,+New+Z ealand&sll=-38.216282,175.858397&sspn=0.012931,0.033023&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=4+Taurima+Ave,+Point+England+1072,+Auckland, +New+Zealand&ll=-36.882913,174.864334&spn=0.000823,0.002064&t=h&z=20

Yes, that's the address. Well the 1st time it was stolen, the kids dumped the bike behind the shed (up the driveway), the 2nd time it was dumped in the park but all the kids ran back to that same property. While my faltmate and I wheeled the bike home the kids were watching from Number 4 (about 6 or 7 of them), calling out smart comments and laughing at us. Cheeky little shits deserve a bloody good thrashing.

The Police at the first theft were certain they had the guy, or atleast knew who he was. They even got a couple of good fingerprints from the bike as evidence. But I soon received a letter in the mail stating "We have followed all lines of enquiry that we could find but without success. There is a future possibility that further evidence which may help the enquiry will be found in the future from forensic tests."

This time the cops said as it was covered in wet grass there isn't any fingerprints, and they didn't know which 1 of those kids took it so can't prosecute anyone.

Dave Lobster
18th November 2010, 08:27
they didn't know which 1 of those kids took it so can't prosecute anyone.

Really? How does I don't know which one of you it was that was doing 120km/h, so I'm going to ticket all of you sound?
Some consistency in the message would be nice.

18th November 2010, 08:31
I guess it means they don't have either the time or the inclination to cart all the kids off, sweat em for a while and get them to dob in the one who did it.

National party getting tough on property crime as promised. :angry:

18th November 2010, 08:36
Here, you mean?

http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=4+Taurima+Avenue,+Point+England,+Auckland,+New+Z ealand&sll=-38.216282,175.858397&sspn=0.012931,0.033023&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=4+Taurima+Ave,+Point+England+1072,+Auckland, +New+Zealand&ll=-36.882913,174.864334&spn=0.000823,0.002064&t=h&z=20

There were vehicles in the driveway when pic was taken whenever that was, go see if they still own vehicles and do some damage. Eye for an eye and all that stuff. Replacing four tyres on a vehicle is not cheap...

18th November 2010, 08:36
May of you will remember that my red Honda Spada was stolen 1 month ago by a couple of fkn filthy theives in the Glen Innes/Point England area.
Tonight it was stolen again; I even had it locked up with a heavy duty bike chain but they brought bolt cutters.
Police found it at the same address, a bunch of kids took it again but they are unable to do anything about it...

That is absolute shit. I'm guessing the kids are under-age. I don't know what I would do, I'd be so angry.

I guess you could try speaking the the parents.

18th November 2010, 08:36
Everyone make sure that they toot and wave everytime they go past the house just to make sure the f**kwits know they are being watched and that everyone knows what they get up to!

Also, stopping for a 'friendly chat' if they are about wouldn't hurt either!

I would also be inclined to stop outside their house when in a big group. Just for a rest / cigarette stop of course!

18th November 2010, 08:37
Some consistency in the message would be nice.

Sorry, I should've said in the first post that they ran to Number 4 both times, but only took the bike there the 1st -I believe the Police chased them there from the park where they were riding the bike around...somehow they thought hiding it behind their parents house would work.

Dave Lobster
18th November 2010, 08:58
Sorry, I should've said in the first post that they ran to Number 4 both times, but only took the bike there the 1st -I believe the Police chased them there from the park where they were riding the bike around...somehow they thought hiding it behind their parents house would work.

Not your message.. the police's message ;)

18th November 2010, 09:08
I'm guessing the kids are under-age. I don't know what I would do

Punch them in the face? They're under-age, so it should be easy.

The Everlasting
18th November 2010, 09:13
Everyone make sure that they toot and wave everytime they go past the house just to make sure the f**kwits know they are being watched and that everyone knows what they get up to!

Also, stopping for a 'friendly chat' if they are about wouldn't hurt either!

I would also be inclined to stop outside their house when in a big group. Just for a rest / cigarette stop of course!

Yeah if anyone is out on a group ride,take a stop/rest break outside that house.

If this happened to me,I probably would have gone round there as soon as I knew the address!!

18th November 2010, 09:21
WTF is wrong with parents these days? Are we responsible for producing this scum?:angry2:

Sure as hell if I'd done something like this, my mother would've dragged me down the road by my ear, kicking my arse all the way (if I was lucky).

Actually, I wasn't a thieving little c**t, so never got to find out, but I'm sure she would've.:eek5:

Dave Lobster
18th November 2010, 09:28
WTF is wrong with parents these days? Are we responsible for producing this scum?:angry2:

Yep :facepalm:

18th November 2010, 09:39
Anyone know some mormons, or Jehovah's???
Point them in the direction of the sinners. Say they need to repent but can be saved.

Also I second the casual stop there. Perhaps we have a KB meeting there?
Where are the ATNR crew?

Another thing you can do is make a whole lot of posters with the word "Theif or Loser?
4 Taurima Ave" - sneak there at night and put 1 on every sign post on that street.

18th November 2010, 09:39
Sorry, I should've said in the first post that they ran to Number 4 both times, but only took the bike there the 1st -I believe the Police chased them there from the park where they were riding the bike around...somehow they thought hiding it behind their parents house would work.

Dude, are you positive that they live there as I'm going over that way soon (anyway) and need to be certain? :blink:

18th November 2010, 09:43
Dude, are you positive that they live there as I'm going over that way soon (anyway) and need to be certain? :blink:

park yer bike up across the road, you'll soon find out :rofl:

18th November 2010, 10:29
I'm certain it is the address as a) both times it was where the kids ran to, and b) it's where they kids gathered the 2nd time (behind the picket fence) and mocked us as we removed the bike. Based on this evidence anyway. But also the lack of cooperation of the neighbours frustrates/annoys me, and a guy across the road came out of his house to watch me and laugh last night

Bald Eagle
18th November 2010, 10:33
Time for Rule .303 - post natal abortion and send their parents the bill.

18th November 2010, 11:02
Anyone know some morons, or
Another thing you can do is make a whole lot of posters with the word "Theif or Loser?
4 Taurima Ave" - sneak there at night and put 1 on every sign post on that street.

Oh that's bold!

Sneak there at night - :facepalm: :blink: :apumpin::rofl:

18th November 2010, 11:17
A friend of mine had a disagreement with someone, and that someone came round one evening with one of those cannons made out of PVC piping with a barbecue lighter in it. I think they use deodorant as a charge.

The person who was pissed off with him used the cannon to fire two eggs through windows of his house, one the lounge, one the bedroom. The eggs went straight through the glass leaving a big hole, and smashed into the back wall, exploding all .... over.... the ... room. x2 Massive mess.

Just sayin' is all.

18th November 2010, 11:32
The Police at the first theft were certain they had the guy, or atleast knew who he was. They even got a couple of good fingerprints from the bike as evidence. But I soon received a letter in the mail stating "We have followed all lines of enquiry that we could find but without success. There is a future possibility that further evidence which may help the enquiry will be found in the future from forensic tests."

This time the cops said as it was covered in wet grass there isn't any fingerprints, and they didn't know which 1 of those kids took it so can't prosecute anyone.

Ahhh right, that sucks, sorry to hear that!

How frustrating reading your posts...clearly doing it for a laugh and because they can.
What are the parents like?
Do they live far from your place? Can they see your house from theirs?
You'd have to wonder if they've got the cheek to have another go.. EDIT and I guess you need to figure out if you want to deter them, or catch them and be able to link them to the first theft where there's prints.

White trash
18th November 2010, 11:43
Dude, are you positive that they live there as I'm going over that way soon (anyway) and need to be certain? :blink:


18th November 2010, 12:27
Did your friend appear in the media, pictured next to the hole blown in the window, quoting things like "There's sometimes a baby sleeping in that room, they cold have been killed" or "It was like something out of a movie, you know, we thought there were some gangstas trying to kill us" and ending with the editorial comment "Police are investigating the incident"

You are not allowed to take the law into your own hands, but it seems you are also not allowed to "sound calm" when you call them.


Once again, The Man wants it both ways.

A friend of mine had a disagreement with someone, and that someone came round one evening with one of those cannons made out of PVC piping with a barbecue lighter in it. I think they use deodorant as a charge.

The person who was pissed off with him used the cannon to fire two eggs through windows of his house, one the lounge, one the bedroom. The eggs went straight through the glass leaving a big hole, and smashed into the back wall, exploding all .... over.... the ... room. x2 Massive mess.

Just sayin' is all.

18th November 2010, 12:29
Sounds like Dumpty to the rescue.

18th November 2010, 12:32
this really fucks me off the more i think about it.
I dont give a fuck how OLD they are chronologically speaking.
if you can sneak through the night, steal a bike, get it started and ride it around, then return a second time, see it chained up, go away, find bolt cutters, come back and cut the chain, and take the bike again, you are NOT a fucking child, I dont care if theyre 12, they arent kids, where did they learn all this forethought in crime?
if the kids are that organized, you could damn near gaurantee that the parents are crime orientated as well, and thats where theyve learnt this from.

If the cops will not do anything, i would post flyers about the occupants of the address, ring CYF, as through CYF, something CAN be done regardless of their age, and I would also go to the papers, theyd love the story and it would further name and shame the fuckers and their family.

When my partners bike was stolen, I was out of town for the week, which was fucking lucky, cos If I had been there, Id have visited the property with a baseball bat, and I would have damn well used it. no joke.

dont take it up the arse form the little shits, do something, next theyll rip your house off or rape somebody

18th November 2010, 12:48
Theres a lot of little shit bags out there who know they are too young for prosecution so try this shit, so it is up to you to teach them a lesson set the bike up wait till they get to it take some photos of them then go out with a baseball bat and twak as many of the shit puppets that you can.

18th November 2010, 13:46
Name and shame - put a large ad in the local paper - or go to the local paper and get them to do a story about it. Embarrass the parents.

18th November 2010, 13:59
Wait for them to come back again, then waste the little black cnts!

18th November 2010, 14:05
Name and shame - put a large ad in the local paper - or go to the local paper and get them to do a story about it. Embarrass the parents.

I'm certain the parents will have no shame either.

Certainly looking forward to Dumpty's ride report!

18th November 2010, 15:00
Well that was exciting!! I won't post what happened on an open forum but needless to say that a message was assertively delivered. I even got to meet the whanau :facepalm:
Be aware though, these fuck stains have been slapped up many a time so I doubt that it would've put them off much..therefore watch ya gear man.

The Everlasting
18th November 2010, 15:20
Well that was exciting!! I won't post what happened on an open forum but needless to say that a message was assertively delivered. I even got to meet the whanau :facepalm:
Be aware though, these fuck stains have been slapped up many a time so I doubt that it would've put them off much..therefore watch ya gear man.

Ah,maybe 20 or more bikers should head down at the same time!!

18th November 2010, 15:22
Did they not understand the Queensbury's English?

Good on ya for giving it a crack...

White trash
18th November 2010, 15:24
Ah,maybe 20 or more bikers should head down at the same time!!

Have you not met Dumpty? I'd pick him over any other 20 of the guys I ride with for impact.

18th November 2010, 15:24
Well that was exciting!! I won't post what happened on an open forum but needless to say that a message was assertively delivered. I even got to meet the whanau :facepalm:
Be aware though, these fuck stains have been slapped up many a time so I doubt that it would've put them off much..therefore watch ya gear man.

cannot spread to you again... quality, bravo that man... pitchforks and petrol next then :rofl:

18th November 2010, 15:28
Mate that's worth giving the Herald or some other media a call about, it's amazing what a little public embarrassment can do to get some action.

+1 on that comment. ring campbell live and the walrus etc, fair go, target all that shit. Shit might happen after that.

Fuckin sucks that it happened twice man. Treat yourself to a Doberman, or possibly an ak-47?

The Everlasting
18th November 2010, 15:29
Have you not met Dumpty? I'd pick him over any other 20 of the guys I ride with for impact.

I don't think I have......

Well that's good then!

18th November 2010, 15:32
Have you not met Dumpty? I'd pick him over any other 20 of the guys I ride with for impact.

What? He's such a gentle guy. Do anything to yo...oops, I mean for you.

18th November 2010, 15:39
Tie them to a chair and torture them with a battery charger and a gas welder. Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way.

18th November 2010, 15:41
4am, when the body clock is screaming SLEEP the loudest, go pour petrol as much petrol as you can on that house... you know the rest.

White trash
18th November 2010, 15:48
What? He's such a gentle guy. Do anything to yo...oops, I mean for you.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm sure he could tear my arms off ever so gently.

18th November 2010, 15:52
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm sure he could tear my arms off ever so gently.

Heh! I'm a lovely chap...my Mum said so!

18th November 2010, 15:55
No but my friend was really pissed off. The cops didn't want to know then, either, even though the person who did it, bragged that they were going to do it.

Did your friend appear in the media, pictured next to the hole blown in the window, quoting things like "There's sometimes a baby sleeping in that room, they cold have been killed" or "It was like something out of a movie, you know, we thought there were some gangstas trying to kill us" and ending with the editorial comment "Police are investigating the incident"

You are not allowed to take the law into your own hands, but it seems you are also not allowed to "sound calm" when you call them.


Once again, The Man wants it both ways.

18th November 2010, 16:10
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm sure he could tear my arms off ever so gently.

Prolly give you a big, sloppy kiss at the same time.

18th November 2010, 16:36
Well that was exciting

Dumpty, good on ya!
Good barstards like you should be looked after.

18th November 2010, 16:43
Now there is a guy who can walk the walk.


18th November 2010, 17:06
Yes, that's the address. Well the 1st time it was stolen, the kids dumped the bike behind the shed (up the driveway), the 2nd time it was dumped in the park but all the kids ran back to that same property. While my faltmate and I wheeled the bike home the kids were watching from Number 4 (about 6 or 7 of them), calling out smart comments and laughing at us. Cheeky little shits deserve a bloody good thrashing.

The bit that really gets up my hooter is that the buggers taunt you that you can't do jackshit about it. They know what's happened and they laugh in your face.

I with the have some mates over, leave the bike as bait, then "protect your property". Got a high pressure hose to turn on them? paint balls to fire at them or bb gun? (the kids that is), a live electric wire you can run under the grips or wherever they might touch it?.....

18th November 2010, 17:07
The bit that really gets up my hooter


what else you got up there? :facepalm:


18th November 2010, 17:56
Prolly give you a big, sloppy kiss at the same time.
And if your back is turned, you get a wet willy instead... :blink:

18th November 2010, 18:33
Heh! I'm a lovely chap...my Mum said so!

So did Ronnie and Reggies mum :laugh:

18th November 2010, 20:18
I will not post anything on an open forum, but I am available for consultation. I have relevant experience (not in NZ) and a fertile imagination... I used to make peoples' lives interesting for a living.

18th November 2010, 22:03
Punish the landlord/taxpayer eh?

4am, when the body clock is screaming SLEEP the loudest, go pour petrol as much petrol as you can on that house... you know the rest.

18th November 2010, 22:40
Thats a really nice looking Spada..! Not that I'm advocating any citizen's justice here - but let it slide for now and move out of the area - if you do something now they'll probably know its you and it'll come back double.

Soooo if they're still there in 3-6 months time and you've moved on and out of reach - I would rent a tractor and dump horse poo all over their house.

19th November 2010, 06:46
Punish the landlord/taxpayer eh?

Yeah I agree. Stupid comment.
Good on you Dumpty tho for actually putting money where mouth is,

19th November 2010, 06:56
......Good on you Dumpty tho for actually putting money where mouth is,

Instead of pies? Well done Dumpty Do :yes:


19th November 2010, 07:16
Yeah I agree. Stupid comment.
Good on you Dumpty tho for actually putting money where mouth is,

I agree with both those comments, unfortunately can't bling Dumpty again.

19th November 2010, 07:59
Heh! I'm a lovely chap...my Mum said so!
Why do I get a feeling it says that on a tattoo somewhere on you?

Good on ya boss.

White trash
19th November 2010, 08:39
I will not post anything on an open forum, but I am available for consultation. I have relevant experience (not in NZ) and a fertile imagination... I used to make peoples' lives interesting for a living.

Another hair bear capable of tearing peoples arms off. What the fuck is it with you jokers, I always ate my weetbix and toast like mum said I should and I'm a weed.

19th November 2010, 08:46
Another hair bear capable of tearing peoples arms off. What the fuck is it with you jokers, I always ate my weetbix and toast like mum said I should and I'm a weed.

I ain't violent. I'm creative. Oh yeah... Fuck weetbix - I had Chernobyl.

Bald Eagle
19th November 2010, 08:48
I will not post anything on an open forum, but I am available for consultation. I have relevant experience (not in NZ) and a fertile imagination... I used to make peoples' lives interesting for a living.

I have a candidate for 'an interesting life' PM me any relevant suggestions.

19th November 2010, 08:54
I have a candidate for 'an interesting life' PM me any relevant suggestions.

Come to Eugene's party tomorrow. We can talk there. Otherwise we can have coffee sometime.

19th November 2010, 09:40
On the positive side - my red honda spada was stolen just under two weeks ago - so you never know, there might be some parts floating around there soon :-P Argh. Feel your pain man!

20th November 2010, 01:09
Hey man I am not a big guy but maby a bunch of us could just all park outside there house and say nothing just look at them then ride off.

Group of 10+... Maby that will scare them off from stealing.

Hell I am really tempted to spray paint thief on there house... but I will reframe from such things..

The legal system has failed! We must thing of some legalish payback. Do they have a car? Get some underage friends to smash it. Then smash it again. See how they feel.

Botany Honda
23rd November 2010, 14:49
Just a quick up date:
I have just spoken with one of my customers who happens to be a Policeman assigned to youths etc.
He is more than a lilttle grumpy that the local front line Police didn't sort it out in the first or second instances.
I asked him to have a gander at the situation personally and he has agreed :woohoo:


23rd November 2010, 15:05
Hell I am really tempted to spray paint thief on there house...

Dont do the house - you might get done for trespass and or willfull damage

Doing the road & footpath makes this much less likely

BTW Ordinary spray enamel lasts much longer than Dazzle - and the special 'upside down' roadmarking spraycans are easier to use