View Full Version : XC4748 grey Nissan Cefiro - what an idiot!

Old Steve
11th March 2010, 17:24
I know, I know, you've all told me that everyone out there is out to kill me. Today I almost wore the side of a boy racer.

I was coming down the hill of Chapel St in Tauranga towards the new overpass, I was in the middle of the right hand lane as I would eventually go on out to Otumoetai - traffic in the left lane turns off to Bureta.

I was keeping an eye on the traffic to my left, I'd been told they'd be out to kill me. This young driver in a grey Cefiro just pulled out from right alongside me without indicating, right into my lane. I saw his wheels start to turn, braked and pulled into the right turn lane - having space to go to was the only reason why I don't have his door handle imprinted on my thigh.

I pulled up alongside him at the lights under the bridge and asked why he didn't see me. He said, "I looked in my wing mirror and didn't see you." I had my headlight on and I wear a fluoro yellow safety vest and a white helmet, I'm a big guy on a cruiser. WTF????

I'm laying a formal complaint with the Police tomorrow, I rang and complained and they said that the vehicle had a couple of complaints against it. By the way, there's also a dob-in site at police.govt.nz to report bad driving, but to lay a complaint you have to actually go to a police station. I'm so pissed, I'm going to ride down there tomorrow and lay a complaint.

Anyway, it'll be a chance to ride my bike somewhere over lunchtime :yes:

11th March 2010, 17:33
I'm laying a formal complaint with the Police tomorrow, I rang and complained and they said that the vehicle had a couple of complaints against it. By the way, there's also a dob-in site at police.govt.nz to report bad driving, but to lay a complaint you have to actually go to a police station. I'm so pissed, I'm going to ride down there tomorrow and lay a complaint.

Anyway, it'll be a chance to ride my bike somewhere over lunchtime :yes:

dude...I wouldn't bother with laying a complaint, I gota pile of em that I find handee for note paper:shifty:

11th March 2010, 17:35
yup..... they're out there.

with the greatest of respect. You're going to lay a complaint because he pulled into your lane because he didnt see you? I wouldnt hold my breath about charges being laid. Its going to happen to you time and time again. Keep your wits about you, like you did, and ride to survive.

11th March 2010, 17:47
I'm so pissed, I'm going to ride down there tomorrow and lay a complaint.

If you're that pissed I'd leave it a day or two, you might get DIC'd.

11th March 2010, 19:05
To be honest mate it sounds like you were hovering around the blind spot in his mirrors, and yes partly his fault for not checking it but something to be aware of - if you canīt see them in their mirrors they might not be able to see you. If your going to lay a formal complaint for that I would give up riding before someone really cuts you off.

11th March 2010, 19:11
yup..... they're out there.

with the greatest of respect. You're going to lay a complaint because he pulled into your lane because he didnt see you? I wouldnt hold my breath about charges being laid. Its going to happen to you time and time again. Keep your wits about you, like you did, and ride to survive.

what he said

11th March 2010, 19:23
You're going to lay a complaint because he pulled into your lane because he didnt see you? I wouldnt hold my breath about charges being laid. Its going to happen to you time and time again.Rubbish. He's fully entitled to ride in his own lane without being rammed by idiots with the fucken eyes glued on. What if there was nowhere to go to his right and they pushed him up a concrete wall?

Don't waste your time talking to the pigs though. Boot his taillight in and leave him to do the maths on that.


Old Steve
11th March 2010, 19:32
Some sound advice, I'll be riding a little further behind cars in another lane from now on - somewhere where I can see their eyes in their wing mirrors.

I do like DB's attitude though, might load a short jimmy bar up my sleeve in case I encounter this idiot again. I did express myself to him when he told me he never saw me, I think I put President Nixon to shame "expletive deleted"

Big Col
11th March 2010, 19:44
Mate with all due respect if you let one little incident like this upset you this much you need to give up riding. Its not like he deliberately tried to run you off the road. Different story if they see you and move over. Then DB has a valid point.

11th March 2010, 20:08
Ye Old Steve, report the bugger. I make a point of always reporting bad driving. You could have informed him that merely looking in his mirrors is insufficient and a head check is also required when changing lanes. I had a boyracer idiot pull a handbrake turn in front of me one night in the wet. I have since stopped being surprised by idiotic driving behaviour.

11th March 2010, 21:15
Rubbish. He's fully entitled to ride in his own lane without being rammed by idiots with the fucken eyes glued on. What if there was nowhere to go to his right and they pushed him up a concrete wall?

Don't waste your time talking to the pigs though. Boot his taillight in and leave him to do the maths on that.


First you called my post rubbish. Then you agreed with me that going to the police is a waste of time.......... classic.

11th March 2010, 21:24
First you called my post rubbish.No, I disagreed with one part of it, and agreed with another part of it. "Rubbish" isn't a label, its an emphatic "disagree."

Anyway, it's stupid to argue about what we're arguing about. I'm sure you have something more interesting etc...


11th March 2010, 21:25
First you called my post rubbish.No, I disagreed with one part of it, and agreed with another part of it. "Rubbish" isn't a label, its an emphatic "disagree."

Anyway, it's stupid to argue about what we're arguing about. I'm sure you have something more interesting etc...


11th March 2010, 23:15
Rubbish. He's fully entitled to ride in his own lane without being rammed by idiots with the fucken eyes glued on. What if there was nowhere to go to his right and they pushed him up a concrete wall?

Come on, defensive riding and all that. We all know car drivers only check their mirrors and don't look over their shoulders when changing lanes. If you put yourself in their blind spot you have got to expect this kind of thing to happen, whether it is a boy racer or an old granny. OP is right, everyone is out to kill you, even if they don't mean it.