View Full Version : Just had a car scrape #@!*&*@

1st September 2009, 23:41
EDIT AGAIN: Shit spelt scrape wrong in title - sorry to those that were wanting Fight Club. Not fisty cuffs only panel damage. Read on at your own risk :)

This is the type of shit I get when I decide to take the car instead of the bike...

Long story very short....

Two lane round-about. Car on outside lane. I choose inside line to go straight ahead. Notice car is get very close to rear corner of car move over a bit so wheels are now in gutter. Notice scrapping sound on rear corner of car and headlight shinning in my wing mirror.

So...a little annoyed that it happened so late at night on my way home. Park up, inspect damage. Other driver and father pop out, have a look at my car and proceed to blame me! :gob:

Of course you're not going to admit blame but it's a little obvious with the damage to my car compared to his (in my opinion of course). He starts getting worked up with his father really helping the situation. So I try to calm things down and mention we're not gonna settle this ourselves so I'll call Mr Plod. He checks with his father. Gets the all clear (was gonna do it anyway).

Cops all busy. Report filed though. You'll have to pop into a station to finish it up. Cool - expected as much.

Well they be able to work out who was at fault based on damage? I bloody hope so because I'll be pissed otherwise.

See now if I took my bike, I wouldn't have got maccas on the way home. Which means I wouldn't have taken longer. Which means I wouldn't have meet this dude on that round about.

If by a freak occurrence, I still meet up with him (he was stalking me or something), the bike would have been hugging the inside line, giving him room to cut the corner and I could have gunned it if needed.

Serves me right.

Ah, much better. Still sucks though.

1st September 2009, 23:46
Awww I was hoping for a good fight story lol


2nd September 2009, 00:12
this is what should of happend.... this tosser hit my car we stoped he got out tried blame me father and son though they had me i got out my samuri and killed them both hah teaches them for messing with me took there car sold it for $10k and went home. if any other cagers wanna mess with me ring me on 0800 cage killer (operating hours 9am to 5pm)

2nd September 2009, 06:14
No fighting.

No blood.

Got me here under false pretences.

2nd September 2009, 06:51
Hitcher will have your guts. (And rightly so!)

2nd September 2009, 07:50
Normally you exit a roundabout from the outside lane of a two lane roundabout.

If you were on the inside lane, and tried to exit, then you would have left the outside car no room.

So I think you are probably at fault. :(

one fast tl1ooo
2nd September 2009, 08:08
Lets state the obvious.

However, two lane roundabouts have two arrows exiting the roundabout and one of them would also continue to turn right

2nd September 2009, 08:22
Always carry a cheap camera, once you Ride / drive away, its just he said she said.

2nd September 2009, 08:28
Normally you exit a roundabout from the outside lane of a two lane roundabout.Not if there are two exit lanes. Sounds like the other driver is passing (unwise) and cutting the corner into the centre lane (illegal).

It's not like he was in the other cars' lane - more the reverse was true.

Even if the other car was turning right from the left lane (unwise, but legal if there are two lanes provided) he could still have avoided the collision by proceeding straight ahead using the clear lane ahead.


2nd September 2009, 09:15
Hitcher will have your guts. (And rightly so!)

Shit I know :) :Oops: I wanted to edit the title and add the 'e' but apparently you can't. Hence the quick edit.

Normally you exit a roundabout from the outside lane of a two lane roundabout.

If you were on the inside lane, and tried to exit, then you would have left the outside car no room.

So I think you are probably at fault. :(

Both lanes go straight ahead. Left lane for turning left, right for turning right. We connected at the middle of the roundabout, not the exit. When he had entered into my lane I moved into the gutter of the round about with the drivers wheel to give him more room. Didn't really want to jump the curb.

No fighting.

No blood.

Got me here under false pretences.

hahah to be honest, when I rang the cops and they asked me all these serious questions i.e. any injuries, blocking road, I thought, wow this sounds lame. Not even any glass on the road. Maybe a should break something.

Always carry a cheap camera, once you Ride / drive away, its just he said she said.

I was thinking about it with my phone but it was dark and the torch I did have (which they actually tried to pinch!!) was pretty crap.

Not if there are two exit lanes. Sounds like the other driver is passing (unwise) and cutting the corner into the centre lane (illegal).

It's not like he was in the other cars' lane - more the reverse was true.

Even if the other car was turning right from the left lane (unwise, but legal if there are two lanes provided) he could still have avoided the collision by proceeding straight ahead using the clear lane ahead.


When I mentioned to the guy there was two lanes, he was speechless. Mmmm me things. He didn't even know!!

You're right though. If he was paying attention he could have moved back into his lane to avoid the collision. He wasn't paying attention because he obviously got a shock to find I was on the inside lane.

Come to think of it. It maybe classed as the outside lane. OK I was in the right hand lane. He was in the left. Judge for yourself if it's inside or outside.

It was almost like he was going to turn right, but I know for a fact that round about is well known for people cutting through into the other lane. Nearly been hit a few times.

2nd September 2009, 09:17
this is what should of happend.... this tosser hit my car we stoped he got out tried blame me father and son though they had me i got out my samuri and killed them both hah teaches them for messing with me took there car sold it for $10k and went home. if any other cagers wanna mess with me ring me on 0800 cage killer (operating hours 9am to 5pm)

Funny you should say that because him and his dad would have been more inclined to go ninja on my ass.

2nd September 2009, 09:51
Normally you exit a roundabout from the outside lane of a two lane roundabout.

If you were on the inside lane, and tried to exit, then you would have left the outside car no room.

So I think you are probably at fault. :(

Actually, it depends on what the markings before the roundabout say.

Also, going by your logic, if your on the inside lane you can never exit the roundabout......

2nd September 2009, 10:07
It is perfectly reasonable for two cars to take exit two (straight through) a roundabout while side-by-side, providing they stay in their own lanes.

It's a bit of a grey area when there are two marked lanes all the way around the roundabout. Seemingly, the car to the left of you may legally turn right and cross your (straight through) lane heading for exit 3 or 4, and/or you may proceed straight ahead and cross his lane, but who gives way to who? On the face of it, you are crossing his lane and must give way.

Sounds to me like he was coming up quickly behind you on your left, and expecting to turn towards exit 3 or 4. Possibly legal, but a little optimistic in my opinion.

Either way, if you were on a bike it would be your responsibility to manage the risky sitution, and manipulate the traffic so that such a situation couldn't arise. Throttle and brakes.. Preferably throttle, LOL.


2nd September 2009, 10:15
Actually, it depends on what the markings before the roundabout say.

Also, going by your logic, if your on the inside lane you can never exit the roundabout......

You indicate to get to the outside lane ... like a normal lane change.

But the comments about marked lanes on roundabouts sound very reasonable. If both lanes were marked as an exit, then fair enough.

2nd September 2009, 10:21
Actually, it depends on what the markings before the roundabout say.

Also, going by your logic, if your on the inside lane you can never exit the roundabout......

An excellent point!

So he scraped the rear panel of your car?

Sounds like a pretty clear case of cutting lanes while going through a round-a-bout. The fact being that if you are in front of him then its on him to stop.

I've heard of people slamming on their brakes for no reason and the guy behind plowing into them, was the following vehicle's fault for not stopping in time. The same thing goes for round-a-bouts... if someone is in front of them, drive into them at your own peril.

There's no point in arguing with them, most insurance companies have a clause in their contract saying that you are not allowed to admit fault.

Let the insurance co fight it :)

2nd September 2009, 10:37
You indicate to get to the outside lane ... like a normal lane change.

But the comments about marked lanes on roundabouts sound very reasonable. If both lanes were marked as an exit, then fair enough.

Nah man i'm pretty sure you don't change lanes in a roundabout.....never did during my class 2 and 4 truck licence training (both a week long driving the south is. with a defence force driving instructor bleating over your every mistake lol)

I'm pretty sure you just indicate for your exit.....although from memory it never presented itself as an issue......I must have always chosen the right lane.

I suppose no-one would wanna bump uglies with a unimog or 2228 anyway.lol

2nd September 2009, 11:11
An excellent point!

So he scraped the rear panel of your car?

Sounds like a pretty clear case of cutting lanes while going through a round-a-bout. The fact being that if you are in front of him then its on him to stop.

I've heard of people slamming on their brakes for no reason and the guy behind plowing into them, was the following vehicle's fault for not stopping in time. The same thing goes for round-a-bouts... if someone is in front of them, drive into them at your own peril.

There's no point in arguing with them, most insurance companies have a clause in their contract saying that you are not allowed to admit fault.

Let the insurance co fight it :)

Yeah scraped rear passenger door all the way back to rear corner bummer. Real light scuff but some deep scratches. I wouldn't say the repair would cost that much.

Yeah, the view of you being at fault when hitting someone from behind is interesting. I've actually hit someone (in my younger days) when they stopped in the middle on an intersection and it ended up being "my fault". I learnt a valuable lesson that day. Let the car in front go well ahead from an intersection before moving. Assume they could stop for any stupid reason.

But alas, an update.....

The insurance company gave him a tinkle and he managed to admit fault :gob: Totally didn't see that coming at all from how he was carrying on last night! And they're sending my car to a 'gold' repairer. haha of course they are. Why not?

So there ya go.