View Full Version : MotoGP - Rossi question

21st July 2009, 13:33
Watched the German GP and it was awesome. Why do riders cock a leg out? I saw Rossi and Stoner, both doing it.
I like car racing too, but nothing compares to those guys - even my wife enjoyed it - lead changing about 6 time!!

21st July 2009, 14:39
I watched it too. It was pretty awesome but nothing like Catalunya a couple of weeks back. Anyway as far as cocking their legs out i seem to remember the comentator mentioning that Rossi had been questioned about it and he said he had no idea why he did it. They did suggest that it could be the riders "blocking" passing manouvers, or maybe its the same as dirt bikers and it helps with stability?

21st July 2009, 14:48
I heard that it helps with braking by creating more drag on the bike....

21st July 2009, 14:49
I heard skidmark suggested it and rossi idolizes skiddy so much he just has to do it.

21st July 2009, 14:51
They did suggest that it could be the riders "blocking" passing manouvers, or maybe its the same as dirt bikers and it helps with stability?

I'd go for the stability option......the way those guys fight for the lead, if someone stuck an appendage :nono: out too far it would just get run over.

21st July 2009, 14:52
he is obviously farting

21st July 2009, 14:54
Here's a pic.... more weight on the front end....

21st July 2009, 14:58

We've had this question before, but because you're too lazy / stupid / important to look for it, I will tell you. Rossi started doing it almost accidentally, and it seemed to help, so it became a habit. He only does it on tight corners that are not close to other ones. He said "it somehow feels right", so he continues to do it. Other riders (but not all) have copied him because they figured if it was giving him some advantage - no matter how slight - this could make the difference over the course of a race - a few hundredths here'n'there could be the difference between winning and losing.
Rossi said he was going to charge these guys a Euro per corner for copying him.

Logically considered, it could make a small difference in that it's shifting the mass further towards the centre of the corner than just hanging off and sticking out a knee does.

21st July 2009, 14:59
Only reason i do it is to loosen the tightening garment from around my groin before throwing my knee out, so as to avoid popping a testicle into my throat...

21st July 2009, 15:01
i used to do it occasionly just to streach my leg out, its pretty cramped on a race bike

21st July 2009, 15:05
I have no idea why and possible reasons are?

- to improve blood circulation.
- to create more drag to slow down quicker.
- to have a stretch.
- to move more weight further back on the bike when braking.

Google might know.

Matt Bleck
21st July 2009, 15:46
G-forces maybe, as they move their foot from either the brake or gear lever.

21st July 2009, 15:53
Pft, you are all way off target. I do that on my sportsbike all the time - it's called cramping up and it isn't nice.

21st July 2009, 15:54
It's to do with gear changing I've been doing it for years, Rossi must have copied me :lol:

Big Dave
21st July 2009, 16:13
Cocked in case it starts to tuck.

21st July 2009, 16:26
dovi does it,stoner does it..doesnt make much sense to me,they cant shift thir asses in till they bring that foot back in.but they inhabit a different planet than me

21st July 2009, 16:32
Some great coverage, especially those real smo-mo shots. That one slmo of Rossi coming out of one bend, then into another while the front wheel was off the ground. And doesn't Stoner really slide his back wheel?

21st July 2009, 17:17
Next time you are pushing hard into a tight corner try it out see for yourself :banana:

21st July 2009, 18:01
IMO it is all mental - he does it to freak out the following rider - it must look farking weird when you have your front wheel a few cms from his rear and he pops a leg out like that.

21st July 2009, 18:12
Looks kinda stupid to me.
These people have to remember...style is everything.:cool:

21st July 2009, 18:21
Anyone have a decent copy of the super slo mo bit?

21st July 2009, 18:54
When you are next on your bike doing between 150-200 kmh/r stick your leg out like Rossi does and see what happens, even if you just cock your knee out it has a huge effect on the bike, it pulls to side you cock your leg out, be prepared to counter with the steering. I have done this on my old 1200 Bandit at about 160m/hr (on the race track off course) and got quite a fright the way the bike lurched off line and slowed a bit.
At the speed Rossi rides I imagine it would have more effect at slowing and turning the bike than you may think.

Next time your on the track at that speed try it , you will get the picture....

Dont bother at 100-140 km hr ...no effect