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  1. Day 3 in Germany- 5 April 2009

    5 April 2009

    Some things never change between countries and one of those things, it would appear, is wannabe gangstas. Yes, a lowered cars spewing out gangsta beats drove past yesterday, through this sleepy family neighbourhood. I only glimpsed it briefly, but I am pretty sure it had mags too (there is a mags shop on the main street).

    Actually, this weekend has had quite a lot to do with cars for me. Today we drove for 2 ˝ hours through the Schwarzwald to the Bodensee ...
  2. Day 2 in Germany- 4 April 2009

    4 April 2009

    Wow, I have only been here one day and one night but I can tell you one thing, it certainly feels different to last time I was here. I guess he obvious thing is that there is no snow this time. Actually, it is way warmer than I thought it would be. Yesterday Clara showed me around the inner city and I wore just jeans and my KB T-Short, didn’t even need a jumper. This morning it’s a little chillier but a thin long sleeve top seems to be doing the trick.

  3. P.s
    Hmmm that's not too far away....
    Looks interesting!
  4. Day 1 in Germany- 3 April 2009

    3 April 2009

    So, I have arrived here in Freiburg! After 30 hours of on-the-plane, off-the-plane, on-the-train interspersed with some hobo bench sleeping at Bagkok airport, Clara’s mum picked me up from Freiburg train station. Already we have eaten both Bretzeln und Kartoffeln. And this is not even Bavaria…

    I actually wrote a brilliantly witty, gobsmackingly concise blog entry a couple of hours ago, only to find that when I pushed ‘submit’ KB had logged me off. Doh. ...
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